School tuition for the first year of enrolment, based on the fees published for academic year 2025/2026
Four-Year-Old Child ‐ Kindergarten 2Type of FeeTerm of FeePrice (MYR)
Registration Fee | One-Time Fee | RM900 |
Enrolment Fee | One-Time Fee | RM3,900 |
Deposit | One-Time Fee | RM3,085 ‡ |
Tuition Fee | Trimester | RM18,510 (RM6,170 × 3) |
This fee acts as a deposit which is returned if all accounts have been settled in full, all school property has been returned, and a required notice has been given. This deposit is normally not refundable in the case of application withdrawal.
이 수수료는 모든 계좌가 전액 정산되고 모든 학교 재산이 반환되었으며 필수 통지가 이루어진 경우 반환되는 보증금 역할을 합니다. 신청이 철회된 경우 일반적으로 이 보증금은 환불되지 않습니다.
Annual School Fees Overview of total annual fees per grade (excluding the first year one-time fees).
Based on published prices for academic year 2025/2026.
Age Grade Total Fees
4 | Kindg. 2 | RM18,510 |
5 | Kindg. 3 | RM21,060 |
6 | Grade 1 | RM24,450 |
7 | Grade 2 | RM27,840 |
8 | Grade 3 | RM31,320 |
9 | Grade 4 | RM33,510 |
10 | Grade 5 | RM35,610 |
11 | Grade 6 | RM38,190 |
12 | Grade 7 | RM41,010 |
13 | Grade 8 | RM43,830 |
14 | Grade 9 | RM46,350 |
Prices shown are illustrative only and subject to change. Schools may or may not raise their prices for future academic years.