1. 빠르면, 빨라야 내일이나 그 사람과 연락이 닿을 거야 you can rea__ him at mo__ tomorrow
2. 당신 일정에 맞는 날짜로 방문스캐쥴을 잡아도 됩니다 you can sche____ the visit on the date that f___ your cale___
3. 이 강연에서 많은 것을 얻어 갈 수 있다 you can ta__ aw__ many things from this lecture
4. 뱃살만 골라서 뺄 수 가 없다 you cannot sp__-redu__ the f__ on your belly
5. 그 경기를 져서는 안돼, 그 경기를 놓쳐서는 안돼 you can't aff___ to lose the game
6. 그것을 놓쳐서는 안돼 you can't aff___ miss it
7. (속담) 둘 다 얻을 수는 없다, 얻는게 있으면 잃는게 있다 you can't have your ca__ and eat it
8. 죽을때 가져가지도 못한다 you can't take it w___ you when you die
9. 너 말을 믿을 뻔 했잖아 ; 너 말은 믿기 어렵다 you could've f____ed me
첫댓글 1. you can reach him at most tomorrow
2. you can schedule your visit on the date that fits your calendar
3. you can take away many things from this lecture
4. you cannot spot-reduce the fat on your belly
5. you can't afford to lose the game
6. you can't afford to miss it
7. you can't have your cake and eat it
8. you can't take it with you when you die
9. you could've fooled me