1. 타이어 홈깊이가 최소 3밀리가 되야 한다 you should have a tr___ depth of at lea__ 3 mm
2. 불명예스런, 수치스러운, 망신스러운 행동을 해명해야 한다 you should acc____ for dis____ con___
3. 너는 마음을 다잡고 공부를 열심히 해야한다 you should br___ yourself to study hard
4. 너는 끝까지 마무리 해야 해, 너는 끝까지 완주하는 해야 해 you should foll___ thr___
5. 너 먼저 가야 돼, 나는 너를 붙잡고 싶지 않다 you should go first, I don't want to ho__ you ba__
6. 너 그거 신중히 생각해야 해 you should sl___ on it !
7. 물을 많이 마셔야 해, 물을 많이 섭취해야 해 you should take a pl____ of water
8. 너의 커리어를 나중으로 미뤄서는 안된다 you shouldn't put your career on the back bu____
9. 너는 결혼식에서 신부보다 더 튀어서는 안돼, 더 관심받아서는 안돼 you shouldn't up____ the bride-t_-b_ at a wedding
첫댓글 1. you should have a tread depth of at least 3 mm
2. you should account for disgraceful conduct
3. you should bring yourself to study hard
4. you should follow through
5. you should go first, I don't want to hold you back
6. you should sleep on it
7. you should take a plenty of water
8. you shouldn't put your career on the back burner
9. you shouldn't upstage the bride-to-be at a wedding