[Did You Catch a Cold?]
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It's getting colder and it's easy to catch a cold. Having a cold is the number one reason kids visit the doctor and stay home from school. But what is a cold? A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory system. This just means it affects the nose, throat, and ears. A cold virus gets inside your body and makes you sick. There are over 200 viruses that cause colds, but there isn't a vaccination or shot to prevent you from getting colds because there are so many!
Fortunately, your body already has the best cold cure – your immune system. The immune system defends your body against illness. White blood cells(WBC) are the immune system's main warriors . They're your own private army working to help you feel better.
So how do we catch colds? Mucus is the wet, slimy stuff inside your nose. When someone sneezes or coughs, mucus drops float in the air. Breathing in these droplets can spread a cold from one person to another. You can also catch a cold if you touch your eyes or nose after handling something with cold viruses on it. Video games, the doors at the mall, and your school desk, are all hot spots for viruses. Be sure to wash your hands often!
Once you've been in contact with a cold virus, it takes 2 to 3 days for cold symptoms to begin. If you have some of the following symptoms, you probably have a cold: low fever (37.2 to 37.8 degrees Celsius), body chills, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, and feeling tired.
Here are some feel-better tips. Warm yourself up. Hot drinks soothe coughs and sore throats. Eating hot chicken soup is good for you, too! Also, you should run a humidifier to relieve your stuffy nose and itchy eyes. Humidifiers make room air moist, which loosens mucus.
Eat balanced meals, get plenty of sleep, and keep your body fit through regular exercise. Take a nap or go to bed a little earlier for a few nights. Then, your immune system will be ready to fight colds!
l infection
l respiratory
l mucus
l soothe
l stuffy
l humidifier
***Discussion Questions
1. How often and when do you usually get a cold?
2. Do you have any other get-better tips (other than drinking hot tea or eating chicken soup)? Please share with others!
3. There are many symptoms of a cold. Is there a way of reducing certain symptoms other than
taking medicine?
4. Do you go to see a doctor? Does it help to see a doctor?
5. What kind of medicine does the doctor give you? Does it make you feel better?
6. Everybody gets sick from colds from time to time and we usually know how we get it. Other than washing hands often, what can we do in order not to get it?
7. Have you ever tried Oriental medicine? Does it help?
8. When you are sick, do you always go to work? Do you sometimes stay home and sleep?
***Dialogue: Describing People’s Moods
Brett: Do you know what kind of mood Mom is in?
Molly: Not really. Why?
Brett: I really need a raise in my allowance and I’m waiting for the right time to ask. She’ll be more likely to say “yes” if she’s not feeling too grouchy.
Molly: I wouldn’t count on this being a good time. She looked a little upset after getting off the phone with Aunt Teri.
Brett: Why?
Molly: Aunt Teri has been down in the dumps since Cousin Frank decided to take a job in Cambodia. He’s on cloud nine about this new job, but Aunt Teri is anxious about him moving so far away.
Brett: I see. Well, I’ve got to think of some way to cheer her up. It’s a lost cause if I ask her while she’s angry, on edge, or depressed.
Molly: You know that Mom is always happy to hear good news about school. Do you have anything new to report?
Brett: I hadn’t thought of that. I need to come up with something.
Molly: Be patient. Wait for the right moment and then strike. I speak from years of experience.
Brett: Right. Thanks.
***Key words & Expression!s
1. allowance
2. right time
3. grouchy
4. count on 의지하다, 기대하다(rely):I count on you to help. 도와 주실 것을 기대합니다.
Ex) I'm not sure we can count on Larry anymore, not after he dropped the ball on the Simpson account.
래리를 더 이상 믿어도 될지 모르겠어요. 심슨 고객 건에서 실수를 한 이후로는 더욱 못미더워요.
5. down in the dumps 우울[울적]하여, 맥없이
Ex) He is in the blues. or He is down in the dumps.
그는 기분이 맑지 않다
Ex) You look down in the dumps.
맥이 빠진 얼굴이구나
6. on cloud nine 《구어》 더할 나위 없이 행복한;들떠서
Ex) I´m on cloud nine. or I´m walking on air.
구름에 떠서 날아가는 듯한 기분이다
7. cheer up 격려하다;기운이 나다;[명령문으로] 기운을 내라, 이겨라
Ex) One glance at her face cheered him up again.
그녀의 얼굴을 한번 보자 그는 다시 기운이 났다.
8. lost cause 실패로 돌아간[성공할 가망이 없는] 목표[주장, 운동]
Ex) It was the lost cause from the start.
처음부터 승산이 없었다
9. on edge 마음을 졸이다
10. depressed
11. strike