Caillou's Quarrel
Caillou met his friend and wanted to play with her. She brought many toys and played with Caillou.
But Caillou didn’t want to play with her because he wanted to play a different game.
His mom helped him play together.
They played together, and Caillou’s friend’s brother came to Caillou’s house.
They played baseball because her brother was a baseball champion.
They drank juice together and became best friends.
After I read this story, I thought I wanted to be like Caillou because he had many friends.
And Caillou’s friend must have been happy because her friend was Caillou.
Score: B+
"Caillou met his friends" → "Caillou met his friend"
- "Her"을 사용했으므로 친구가 한 명이에요. **"friends" → "friend"**로 수정!
"Caillou doesn't want to play with her, because he want other game."
- "doesn't" → "didn’t" (과거 이야기이므로)
- "want" → "wanted"
- "other game" → "a different game" (more natural!)
"Because my brother is baseball champion." → "Because her brother was a baseball champion."
- "my brother"가 아니라 Caillou 친구의 형이니까 **"her brother"**가 맞아요!
- 과거 이야기니까 **"was"**로 바꿔야 해요.
"Because he had many friend." → "Because he had many friends."
- "many" 뒤에는 복수형이 와야 해요! "friend" → "friends"
"And Caillou’s friend's will be happy, because her friends is Caillou."
- "friend’s will be happy" → "friend must have been happy" (문장이 자연스럽도록 수정)
- "her friends is" → "her friend was" (단수형 + 과거형)