The title of this story is Caillou's Missing Sock.
Caillou wore socks and put them in his mom's laundry basket and found them.
But there was only one pair of socks.
Caillou went to the laundry room to find his socks, but the laundry room door broke and he got stuck.
His dad heard his voice, slowly turned the doorknob, and opened it.
Caillou and his dad were looking for socks together, but they closed the door, thinking that his mom was not there.
Caillou's dad called his mom and opened the door, and Caillou asked his mom where the socks were in the laundry basket.
Score: B-
- 문법: "to found his socks" → "to find his socks" (find의 과거형은 found이지만, "to find"처럼 쓰일 때는 원형 find를 사용해요.)
- 문법: "Caillou dad called his mom" → "Caillou's dad called his mom" (Caillou dad가 아니라 Caillou’s dad라고 써야 해요.)
- 문법: "where the socks was in the laundry basket." → "where the socks were in the laundry basket." (socks는 복수이므로 were를 써야 해요.)
- 내용: Caillou가 어떻게 양말을 찾았는지 좀 더 자세히 설명하면 이야기가 더 완성도 높아질 거예요! 😊