Ama, CD By: Yungchen Lhamo |
Our Price: $18.00 Sale Price: $14.40 You Save $3.60!
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Ranzen |
4:51 |
Gebu Shere
4:49 |
Om Mani Padme Hung
4:35 |
Tara |
5:06 |
9/11 |
4:46 |
Look Down On Us
Nyebe Nilam
4:29 |
Someday |
3:37 |
Fade Away
6:17 |
Lhasa |
5:14 | Ama, Yungchen Lhamo, Real World, CD, $18.00
Amitabha, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Once a famous pop singer, she left the glamorous life of a star and choose to be a simple Buddhist follower. Her sweet voice will give you a new experience of Amitabha’s pure land. Background music was the combination of a percussion instrument and old chanting tune.
Auspicious Blazing Sun, CD Franklin Kiermyer, Lodro Samphel |
Our Price: $18.00
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 This is a live recording of complete performances with no overdubs.
Buddha Amitabha Pure Land Samadhi, CD By: Lamas of Palyul Center |
Our Price: $18.00 out of stock |
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 This Sadhana is revealed 300 years ago by Tulku Migyur Dorje at age 12. The Tulku received the Sadhana directly from Buddha Amitabha. When you practice this sadhana, you will receive great blessings from unbroken lineage. This CD features the chanting of the lamas of Palyul center in Taipei, led by Pema Tendzin Rinpoche. This high quality CD could be incorporated into your practice or would make a wonderful gift.
Buddha: Transcending Space & Time, CD By: Celestial Harmonies |
Our Price: $29.98
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 Buddha: Transcending Time & Space is a two-disc series of field recordings exploring the past and present of Buddhism. The first disc is an intimate look at the beauty and simplicity of traditional Buddhist worship rituals. Recorded live at various temples and monasteries in Tibet, India, Thailand and Japan (including the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya, where Siddhartha Gautama was enlightened and became Buddha), this program includes daily prayers and chants, with the natural ambiance of children playing and birds chirping in the background. The second disc features contemporary devotional pieces, composed by artists like James Ashley Franklin, Mich'l Askill and David Parsons.
Chants in Honor of Manjushri, CD By H.H. Sakya Trizin |
Our Price: $18.00
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 This is the first religious album in the world that chiefly records the mantra chanting of Sakya Trizin-one of the Dharma-lords of Tibetan Buddhism, along with his meditation and playing of religious musical instruments. With the theme of Manjusri Bodhisattva, characteristic of Mercy and Wisdom, the gifted Chinese producer and musicians aim to awaken the deepest love and enlightenment of your heart with the work. Feel loved. Feel protected and evolved in Sakya Trizin`s presence!
Chants in Honor of Sakya Masters, CD By: Tharig Rinpoche & Lamas of Tharig Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Accompanied by different instruments and music according to the nature of the verses, this album is a live recording of the chanting of Master Tharig Rinpoche and lamas at Nepal's Tharig monastery. For the specific teaching purpose, the chants in this album are adapted into two versions : chanting and recitative. The beauty and mystery of Tibetan Esoteric chants are unveiled to the listeners.
Chants to Awaken the Buddhist Heart, CD By: Surya Das, Lama and Steven Halpern |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Ancient Tibetan Buddhist prayers and chants to bless, illumine and awaken the heart of Buddhist and non-Buddhist alike. Energized with modern urban grooves, electric bass, keyboards and guitar.
Chenrezik, Cassette Chanted by Tenzin Chonyi, Lekshi Chonyi, Pema Chodron and Greg Eakin |
Our Price: $13.00
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Chenrezik, CD Chanted by Tenzin Chonyi, Lekshi Chonyi, Pema Chodron and Greg Eakin |
Our Price: $18.00
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 CD * Mahamudra Lineage Prayer ( 3:03 ) * Chenrezig Sadhana ( 14:32 ) * Amitabha Sadhana ( 9:06 ) * Seven Verse Prayer of Guru Rinpoche ( 2:00) * Calling the Guru from afar (25:09 ) * Long Life Prayer for H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa's Lineage Holders ( :56) * Long Life Prayer for Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche (:27 ) * A General Prayer for the Lamas' Long Life ( :56 ) * Dedication of Merit ( :54 ) * Praise to the Buddha Activity of the Gyalwa Karmapa
Cho, CD By: Choying Drolma and Steve Tibbetts |
Our Price: $18.00
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Coming Home, CD By: Yungchen Lhamo |
Our Price: $18.00
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 From Tibet’s most exquisite voice in exile, stunning contemporary songs of freedom and beauty. * Happiness Is ... * Sky * Heart * Per Rig Chog Sum * Ngak Pai Metog * Dream * Defiance * Coming Home
Devotion that Radiates from Within the Heart, CD By: Monks of Pullahari Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 Evening prayers by the monks of Pullahari Monastery in Nepal Year 2000 "Calling the Guru from Afar" with H.E. the Third Jamgon Kongtrul chanting the last verse.<
Dhama Suna, CD By: Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Music of Wisdom & Enjoyment
Diamond Path, CD By: Khampager Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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Drops of Emptiness, CD By: Thich Nhat Hanh & Sister Chan Khong |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Vietnamese Zen songs, chants, hymns, and poetry from Plum Village monastery in southwestern France. In French, English, and Vietnamese.
Empowerment, CD By: H.H. 16th Karmapa |
Our Price: $15.00
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 Reissued: Empowerment His Holiness the 16th Karmapa performs the Vajra Crown Ceremony
Fortune Chant, CD |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 The Fortune Chant is the most incredible and mysterious mantra; which is the first time releases to the public. Chanting by the aboriginals. A short 8-syllable mantra touches your heart in 6 different ways. Recite the mantra 108 times a day; you will be blessed with the inexpressible and indescribable power.
Freedom Chants from the Roof of the World, CD By: Gyuto Monks |
Our Price: $18.00
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 rare opportunity to hear a sacred Buddhist ceremony that has been practiced since 15th century. The Monks accent the otherworldly, multiphonic chanting of their prayers with cymbals, horns, drums, and bells to create a beautiful, transcendent sound unlike any other. Also includes a musical offering from Philip Glass, Mickey Hart, and Kitaro, recorded live at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City.
Green Tara, CD, with Bardor Rinpoche and Umdze Lodro Samphel |
Our Price: $18.00 Sale Price: $14.40 You Save $3.60!
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 Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche 0:27 Trikaya Supplication 1:05 Departure Supplication 1:36 Buddhas of the Three Times 0:30 Green Tara Sadhana 53:16 Dedication 4:36 Total Time: 61:30
Guru Padmasambhava - Essence of All the Buddhas, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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Listen to Namdrol Rinpoche's Dharma Voice - Meditate on Guru Padmasambhava's Kind Grace for the Sentient Beings
Making this collection spanned across Taipei, Beijing and Norway using mainly Chinese musical instruments of Zither, bamboo flute, vertical bamboo flute and chime stone etc. and performed with the traditional analogical instruments ma king the sound appear simply honest and rich which greatly improved the essential extensity for contemplation. Listening to this complete collection makes us feel as though we did a profound prayer and connect with Guru Padmasambhava.
Guru Trak-Po, CD By: Tharig Rinpoche & Lamas of Tharig Monastery |
Our Price: $32.00
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 Celebrating the great history of Tibetan Buddhism embodied in the beloved teacher Guru Tark-Po, this double album offers a rare listening treat for those who appreciate the culture of Tibet. It combines the best in that ancient land`s religion and music.
Gyuto Monks: Tibetan Tantric Choir, CD By: Gyuto Monks |
Our Price: $18.00
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 1. Guhyasamaja Tantra, Chapter II (23:33) 2. Melody for Mahakala (25:08)
H.H. The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa in Bodhgaya, CD |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 When the year 2003 gave in to the 2004, we visited the faraway India, where Shakyamuni Buddha attained Enlightenment at Bodh Gaya, and had been fortunate to have blessings to record the auspicious prayer-chants of grand Annual Puja presided by His Holiness Karmapa, where thousands of monks and nuns, who gathered there from all the corners of the world and sang together the "Zangchod Monlam" (the aspirational prayers of Arya Bhadracharya ). As an answer to our request, His Holiness also especially kindly recorded a short advice on depression. We sincerely hope that listening to the voice from the holy place will bring mental peace to the countless sentient beings.
Healing Meditation, CD By: Various Artists |
Our Price: $18.00
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 With Mantras, Prayers, Pujas and Traditional Instruments of the Tibetan Doctors, Monks and Nuns.
Heart Sutra, CD, By Tharig Rinpoche and Monks of Tharig Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 As the most concise Buddhist scripture, the Heart Sutra succinctly summarizes the texts of Prajna sutra and encapsulates major arguments on existence, reality, vanity, and others. This album is a live recording and is adapted into two versions for the purpose of teaching.
Heart Sutra, CD, By Tharig Rinpoche and Monks of Tharig Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Heart Sutra contains very direct and succinct teachings about the true nature of phenomena and self. The mantra refers to crossing the river of samsara on the raft of the Buddhist teachings to the shore of enlightenment. And the moment you step off the raft you should abandon it; just as you don't cling to Buddhism anymore. You realize that all phenomena are emptiness in nature. The music elegantly shifts between classic Chinese instruments and modern pop beat; it is nicely presented.
Heavenly Praise, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Affectionate and touching, the silvery voice of the `little buddhas` of the Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus` Choir has made available one of the best interpretations of world`s Buddhism music. Sung in Tibetan Buddhism language, the hymns are accompanied by traditional Chinese musical instruments, such as er-hu and flute, in addition to Indian sitar and drums. Enjoy the wonderful chanting with a nonchalant Indian flavor. This is an album you cannot afford to miss.
Himalaya, Original Soundtrack, CD By: Bruno Coulais |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Original Soundtrack
Himalayan Spirit By: Lama Wangchuk |
Our Price: $19.95 Sale Price: $15.96 You Save $3.99!
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 These spirit-uplifting, mind-enlightening, and soul-healing prayers have been written by great spiritual masters and chanted in the Tibetan language for centuries. The purpose of these prayers is to actualize the sacredness within oneself and to realize the sacredness in others.
Hundred Syllable Mantra, CD |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 The benefit of Hundred Syllable Mantra is to purify negative karma. Like water can purify dirt of body and bestow us pure power. This album was chanted by Palyul lineage Ogen Lama and Yuen Yuen. The music mixed with Child’s voice, so it sounds pure and innocence, presenting the purity of Hundred Syllable mantra. The accent is also clear to learn.
Kailash, CD By: Prem Rana Awtari and Friends |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Traditional Himalayan Songs, Music and Mantras
Kalacakara (Shu-lun Indra) CD by Dorje Lama and Ogen Lama from Nyingmapa Palyul tradition |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 This CD was sung by Dorje Lama and Ogen Lama from Nyingmapa Palyul tradition. People with good karmic connection will purify their karma by hearing the deity's name, by chanting and by receiving the empowerment and practicing the Mantra diligently. The merit is immeasurable.
Karmapa's Melodious Songs of Truth, CD By: H.H. the 17th Karmapa, Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Three prayers composed by H.H. the XVIIth Gyalwa Karmapa, Orgyen Trinley Drodul Dorje, and performed by artists of the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts.
Karuna, CD By: Nawang Khechog |
Our Price: $18.00
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 * Ocean of Wisdom * Karuna * Tibet * Rhythm of Dakini * Presence * Thanksgiving to Mother Earth * Journey with Ancients * Peace through Kindness
Kundun, Soundtrack, CD By: Glass, Philip |
Our Price: $18.00
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 From one of America's most respected directors, Martin Scorsese, comes a new film "Kundun." The movie chronicles the life of the fourteenth Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet. This powerful and moving epic, resolutely true to its subject, centers on the Chinese government's violent repression of Tibetan Buddhism. The soundtrack, like the movie by the same name, is as rich in music as the film is in dramatic imagery. In fact, significant portions of the film were edited by Scorsese himself to match the musical score. The soundtrack, is from one of the world's best known composers, and a Buddhist himself, Mr. Philip Glass. Glass uses both Tibetian singers and musicians to accomplish one of the most striking marriages of music and visual in the medium.
Kurukulle, Zambhala, CD by Venerable Khenpo Pema Choephel Rinpoche |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 Removing poverty and bringing happiness for all Kurukulle, also known as Rigjedma, command authority and power activity. Practicing Kurukulle Goddess will increase our relation with others, achieve respect and support relatives, friends, superiors and subordinates and will be able to accomplish the activities of worldly as well as Liberation. And, Zambhala is the protector deity of Tibetan Buddhism, who is able to protect and provide abundance of wealth the practitioners and be able to avoid all the economic hardships of poverty and others. This collection, containing deeply moving melody and bringing sudden joy and peace of mind to the listener, is sung
Lama Channo, Prayer to the Guru, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 In Buddhist tradition, the relationship between Guru and disciples is very important. This album, performed by Beijing National Orchestra, keeps the original dharma tune and is re-composed with new age musical background. For those who are not religious followers, it is great for calming one’s mind and purifying one’s inner spirit.
Lama's Chant, CD By: Lama Gyurme and Jean Philippe Rykiel |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The Lama's Chant is a landmark recording that blends the serene, humble singing of Lama Gyurme with ambient synthesizer backdrops by Jean-Philippe Rykiel. Although creating a tasteful blending of Eastern and Western cultures is always a balancing act, THE LAMA'S CHANT is a wonderful example of how moving the results can sound when done correctly.
Lion Roar, CD By: 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje |
Our Price: $18.00
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 1. An Aspiration for the World 2. The Profound Lion’s Roar 3. Dorje Chang Thungma 4. The Blessing of the Buddha Lamps (1) 5. The Four Sessions of Guru Yoga 6. Radiant Blessings of Auspiciousness 7. Guru Marpa’s Oral Instructions to Milarepa 8. The Blessing of the Buddha Lamps (2) 9. Short Mandala Offering 10. The Blessing of the Buddha Lamps (3)
Little Buddha, CD |
Our Price: $14.00 Out of Print |
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 Music from the original motion picture soundtrack. Composed and conducted by Ryuichi Sakam
Long Compassioned Mantra, CD Tsagar Rinpoche |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Tsagar Rinpoche interpreted this mantra, the “Long Compassioned Mantra, � with his benevolent and solid voice that you have never heard before. He expressed the thought of "Great pity prevailing in the world to save the desperate people� clearly in this mantra. Pleasant melody, easy to learn, and easy to sing. His fine voice and overall musical presentation contribute to the sense of high quality in the new century.
Mahakala Chant, CD By: Karma Kagyu Institute |
Our Price: $18.00
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 CD Recorded in the main shrine room of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, the Seat of His Holiness, the Seventeenth Gyalwa Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje.
Mahakala, Cassette By: Karma Kagyu Institute |
Our Price: $13.00
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 Recorded in the main shrine room of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, the Seat of His Holiness, the Seventeenth Gyalwa Karmapa, Urgyen Trinley Dorje
Mahakala, CD With H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 Mahakala Puja with his Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa An original and very powerful Buddhist ceremony arranged with nature and synthesizer sounds.
Mahakala, CD By Monks at Tharig Monastery |
Our Price: $32.00
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 The whole album, with over 180 monks participating in the production, was recorded live at Nepal`s Tharig monastery. Ceremonial musical instruments used included a Tibetan bell (dilbu)? conches (dun), drums (rna), cymbals (rolmo), and several kinds of traditional trumpets, etc. In this album all the chantings, which are performed with musical instruments, are dedicated to Mahakala, the divine protector of Tibetans.
Mahakaruna Incantations, CD By: Shanghai Sanskrit Orchestra |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Mahakaruna Incantation is a required study for all Buddhists for it is an important salvational Incantation which originally was a vow taken by Avalokitesvara in front of Buddha Sakyamuni to save all living beings. The vow became Mahakaruna Incantation afterwards. Buddhists regard it as a salvation Incantation which may invoke the Avalokitesvara to save them or even to help them transcending the worldly life. The Buddhist tune flows smoothly accompanied by the hymn of incantation? cleansing the dross and dust of the mind and releasing long suppressed pressure. This religious hymn creates a free and sedate atmosphere and tranquilizes our mind.
Making Offerings, CD Monks Chodrak, Kelsang and Jangchup from the Kagyud Lineage |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Buddhist Music in Chinese Traditional Instruments This collection has been sung by the Monks Chodrak, Kelsang and Jangchup from the Kagyud Lineage and has been recorded live at the practice of Chöd without any addition other than the original voice and ritual instruments.
Mantra of Buddha of Medicine, CD By: Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus |
Our Price: $18.00
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 With precious mantra of The Buddha of Medicine, the angelic voice of Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus helps you out of illnessand brings you to peaceful happiness. Buddha of Medicine is the medicine king in Tibetan tradition who dissolves greed, anger and ignorance - the three poisonous origins of all diseases. Hearing this album is joyful way to pacify your mind, to better your health, to immerse in the blissful mantra and to connect to your inner child. 1. Buddha of Medicine's Heart Mantra (chanting version) 25:30 2. Buddha of Medicine's Heart Mantra (intrumental version) 25:30
Mantra of Courage, CD By: Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus |
Our Price: $18.00
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 In Tibetan Buddhism, "Diamond Heart" symbolizes the inner strength as unbreakable as diamond. Through the heavenly voice of Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus and New Age music enhanced by Chinese and Indian instruments, the precious Heart Mantras of Vajrapani Bodhisattva (Diamond Heart mantras) will bring you pacifying joy and affirmative courage. These mantras are condensed to the simplest form, so their sound-vibration can help you in both relaxing and meditation.
Mantra of Cundi Bodhisattva, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Cundi Bodhisattva is the source of all the Buddhas of past, present and future whose secret name is Great Victorious Vajra and had unimaginable power of blessings. Those who practice this bodhisattva will attain wisdom, victory in debate, harmonious and respectful family, improved relations with others, longivity, healed sicknesses, removed of negative karmas, and other wishes fulfilled.
Mantra of Longevity, CD By: Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The Mantra of Longevity carries the power of the White Tara--the Tibetan Buddhist divine figure that fulfills people`s wishes for long life, wealth and well-being. This album features a track of the mantra and another track of mantra-singing by Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus accompanied by gentle erhu and drum beats.
Mantra of Manjushri, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Great works of contemporary music which incorporates religious conceptual music as a base for traditional, folk, world, pop music, and electronic sounds. With profound variations of melodies, this CD delivers messages of wisdom which the Manjushri (literally translated as Literature Buddha) chant to increase the listeners’ wisdom.
Mantra of Medicine Buddha, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The Medicine Buddha mantra is the antidote for ignorance and all kind of sickness. The grand background music incorporates solemn chords and crisp vocals that will make your heart tender. The prevailing ambient style creates an environment which will gently open up the listeners’ minds.
Mantra of Mercy Green Tara, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 On Dalieh Du Dalieh Dulieh Souha Listening to the Mantra of each Bodhisattva will help you channel to the divine power which brings peace and purification to our body and mind. Pure and joyous, Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus brings you Mantra of Mercy (Mantra of Green Tara). The Bodhisattva's tears transformed into Green Tara, a Tibetan symbol of love as fragrant as lotuses. With beautiful rhythm and subtle nuances, the mantra-singing and chanting of the children's chorus are like a lotus endlessly blossoming, sending infinite mercy, awareness and bliss. Green Tara, Symbol of Mercy, Among all the Tibetan divine figures, it is easier to channel to the power of Green Tara for She is the most affable. Practicing or listening to Her Mantra, we will be free from fear and mental inertia in a short period of time, empowering ourselves with deeper mercy and spirituality. About Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus, Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus, the elite of Beijing children gifted in singing, expresses an almost celestial quality with sweetness, lucidity and harmony. This chorus is especially for performing the Tibetan Buddhist Mantra Series. The pure children's voice conveys the sincere and joyous wishes to release modern people's stress and to provide an affirmative power.
Mantra of Wisdom, CD By: Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus |
Our Price: $18.00
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 A famous Boddhisatva in Buddhist belief, Manjusri, represents the great wisdom that enlightens people. With the sword of wisdom, Manjusri cuts off all troubles of the mind and awakens people from ignorance. Inspired by Manjusri`s wisdom, this album combines Manjusri`s mantras, a children`s chorus (Beijing Sanskrit Juvenile Chorus) and Chinese instruments to bring you innovative melodies that ease your mind, broaden your imagination and uplift your consciousness.
Medicine Buddha, CD By: Jonathan Goldman |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Medicine Buddha Mantra & Heart of Wisdom Sutra
The 2 recordings on this album, the Medicine Buddha Mantra and the Heart of Wisdom Sutra, are powerful chants from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition designed to invoke divine energies for healing and meditation. Features: Tibetan Overtone Chanting, Vocal Harmonics, Choral Voices, Tibetan Singing Bowls & Bells, Native Flute, Guitars, Drums, Whale Sounds, and Pythagorean Tuning Forks.
Medicine Buddha, CD By: Umdze Lodro Samphel |
Our Price: $14.95
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 Medicine Buddha, The Healing Buddha. His aspiration is to pacify the suffering of all beings. Seated on a lotus in vajra posture, his body, the color of lapis lazuli, is radiating light. His right hand is in the mudra of supreme generosity representing the eradication of sickness and suffering using the means of relative truth. In this hand he holds the fruit of the myrobalan tree which is the greatest of all healing plants. His left hand is in the mudra of meditative stability which represents the eradication of sickness and suffering through the realization of absolute truth. In this hand he holds a bowl filled with nectars for healing and enhancing life.
Meditation In a New York Minute: Super Calm for the Super Busy By: Mark Thornton |
Our Price: $19.95
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 A former investment banker, Thornton worked 14-hour days, six days a week. He claims he was able to begin meditating for an hour a day during this period, without adding a single thing to his schedule. How? In a rather extreme style of spiritual multi-tasking, Thornton practiced his meditation while on the go: before and after meetings, in the shower, during commutes, or when hitting the gym. In this book, he teaches readers to follow the same strategy, incorporating stolen moments of meditation throughout the day so that they add up to a full hour. He promises that this regimen will relieve stress, boost productivity, reduce illness and build a foundation of calm and strength. Thornton's experience and skill as a corporate meditation instructor comes through here; he obviously knows the "super busy" and anticipates their objections and concerns. He organizes the book for easy reading, with sidebars, bulleted lists, diagrams and hands-on exercises sprinkled throughout. The bulk of the guide is taken up with teaching 19 different meditation techniques readers can incorporate into their to-do lists. Some of the recommendations are easy and practical, such as reprogramming a PDA or BlackBerry to read "choose calm now" as a menu heading, or "eating with awareness," chewing slowly and being mindful of every bite. Others are more complex and come with Thornton's caution that they take a lifetime to master. The book contains some old chestnuts, including the famous boiling frog story (here used as an example of how people become used to stress, not realizing its creeping dangers). Its opening chapters lean too heavily on glib promises when the book is more worthwhile and shows readers how mindfulness and meditation can be part of even the busiest schedule.
Melody of Devotion - Karmapa Khyenno, CD with H.H. 17th Gyalwa Karmapa |
Our Price: $18.00 Sale Price: $14.40 You Save $3.60!
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 The word “karma” means “activity, so “Karmapa” means “the one who performs activities.” Noble Karmapa is the one who fulfills Buddhas’ activities. In other words, he’s the manifestation of activities of Buddhas’ from ten directions in all three times. “Khyenno” is saying “please understand my heart,” thus, “Karmapa Khyenno” could be interpreted as “Karmapa, you know my heart, you understand my grief and sorrow, please grand your mercy to me, hold me in your compassion. Please, protect me and help me, please do not forgot me nor abandon me.”
Music as Medicine, CD Nawang Khechog |
Our Price: $16.98
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 On this all-new album, premier native American musician R. Carlos Nakai joins Nawang Khechog as a special guest artist to create a cross-cultural "apothecary" of soothing melodies and healing chants to infuse this universal energy within anyone who listens. With Tibetan flute, long horn, and overtone chanting; native American flute and drum; universal horn; and calming chants to restore balance and health.
Music for Zen Meditation, CD By: Lee, Riley |
Our Price: $18.00
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 A dai Shihan (grand master) of the ancient shakuhachi flute tradition, Riley Lee creates a pathway to an inner peace with soothing solos and duets, perfect for contemplative moments.
Ngondro Liturgy Recitation, CD |
Our Price: $9.95
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Om Ma-Nye Bhe-Mae Huml, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Awake your true compassion and primordial wisdom with this well known heart mantra of Deity of Compassion- Avalokiteshvara. The vibrating contemporary music transforms your body, speech and mind to the great compassionate Deity’s pure land.
Om Manye Bhe Mae Hum, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The essence of Buddhism is mind training. OM MA NYE BHE MAE HUM is a chant that is easy to recite and remember. It tames negative emotions and develops the compassion within you. The music in this special collection was composed in ambient style with Scottish pipe and percussion instruments. The artistic voice of Ito kayo helps you to relax and to meditate; it calms your mind and brings you to the ocean of tranquility. Relax and enjoy the ultimate compassion through this special collection.
Opera Music of Tibet, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Boasting a rich and many-faceted musical tradition, Tibet enjoys a reputation as `the sea of song and dance.` This collection features a representative selection of Tibetan operatic pieces. Originating in the eight century, Tibetan opera combines elements of literature? music, dance, bardic art, fine art, and acrobatics, producing a complex dramatic art form that features resonant singing? expressive accompaniment and complementary dance movement. An extremely significant part of Tibetan spiritual culture, this art form deserves recognition as part of the priceless heritage of world music.
Padmasambhava, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 This edition is the result of inspiration aroused in Jane Wang Beck, the American-Chinese New Age Musical Master, after listening to the deep inspirational chanting of Mantras by Sonam Gyatro Rinpoche. The result is the wonderful fusion of New Age musical Master’s work and powerfully mellow voice of Rinpoche, making this collection into spiritually boundless and world class. For the lovers of spiritual music or the practitioners, this album has the rare collection value of spiritual musical treasure.
Perfection of Wisdom, CD Chanted by: Geshe Gendun Gyatso |
Our Price: $14.00
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 “Perfection of Wisdom” is a CD that will take you on a meditative musical journey deep into your inner world. Buddhist prayers are sung in Tibetan and English, mixed with very cool music. You’ll want to listen to it over and over!
Phowa Puja with Lama Sonam, CD |
Our Price: $15.00
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In Sutra, Phowa means Transmission of Mind or Consciousness. It is stated in the Tantra that Phowa is the swift, supreme path to free oneself from samsara and to attain enlightenment. The benefits of having the connection with and receiving teaching on Phowa are incredibly immense. It is also applicable to those who do not practice it and those who have strong emotional afflictions with no desire to denounce samsara. Phowa can purify negative karma and is most helpful at the time of death. Those who have strong negative karma such as having committed the five serious offences who would normally be reborn in the lower realms upon death can even be reborn in the upper realms.
Phowa Puja with Lama Sonam, CD, 63 minutes, $15.00
Practice of Chod, CD By: Lama Chodrak, Kelsang and Jangchub |
Our Price: $18.00
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Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra: Sanskrit, CD |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 Although there are only 260 Chinese characters contained in the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, this sutra is the elite of The Maha Prajna Sutra in six hundred volumes. This sutra can be also regarded as principal thoughts adopted by different schools of Buddhism. When understanding this sutra thoroughly the reader may think as if he finished reading the whole text of the Maha Prajna Sutra. Mr. Dong Ke-jun and Jen Yen, the famous musicians in Shanghai, created and composed a new tune for this sutra which makes it more adorned and which can be easily accepted by the listeners.
Preliminary Practice of Great Perfection, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The Preliminary Practices - Ngondro is the collection of practices which form the fundamental ground for higher Dzogchen Practice. Atisha’s dictum “Most of the people think that main practice is more important than Preliminary Practice, but I think opposite�. Without the foundation of Preliminary Practices, you can not accomplish any Tibetan Buddhist practice.
Prosperity Mantra, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 This CD integrates the Tibetan mantra, music from around the world and the unpolished voices of the aboriginals, which brings you a joyous new style. The Ten Words of Mantra protects you from poverty and brings you popularity. As long as you determine to practice good deeds, this mantra will help you prosper and live a long happy life.
Quiet Mind: The Musical Journey of a Tibetan Nomad, CD By: Nawang Khechog |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The Musical Journey of a Tibetan Nomad From the Tibetan Highlands comes a wordless prayer for peace - and the beauty of meditation, or “quiet mind”. With Tibetan bamboo flute, didgeridoo, ocarina, Incan pan pipes, and silver flute.
Rain of Blessings, CD By: Monks and Nuns from Nangchen / Kagyu Thubten Choling |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Sacred feast melodies chanted by monks and nuns of east Tibet
Rain of Blessings: Vajra Chants, CD By: Gyurme, Lama & Jean-Philippe Rykiel |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Rain of Blessings is a CD of serenely eloquent expression of Tibetan Buddhism - in delicate arrangements of piano, violin and kora framing deeply resonant chants. Here are blessings intended to heal, purify, protect and liberate, creating a contemplative space.
Reciting in Honor of Manjushri, CD By: Monks of Tharig Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 As the guardian of wisdom, Manjusri is a Bodhisattva. This album is a live recording of the recitation in honor of Manjusri. For the specific teaching purpose, the recitations in this collection are adapted into different versions based on diverse tempos. Chanted by Tharig Rinpoche & Lamas of Tharig Monastery in Nepal.
Reciting in Honor of Padmasambhava, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Chants to Padmasambhava.
Reciting in Honor of Tara, CD |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 1:Reciting in Honor of Tara 2:Reciting in Honor of Tara (tutorial version) 3:Invocation 4:Reciting in Honor of Tara (largo) 5:Reciting in Honor of Tara (moderato) 6:Reciting in Honor of Tara (allegro) 7:Reciting in Honor of Tara (moderato) 8:Reciting in Honor of Tara 9:Mantra of Tara 10:Transference of Merit 11:Repeat
Relative Sound of the Ultimate, CD By: Monks of Palpung Sherab Ling Monastery |
Our Price: $15.00
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 By same monastery monks that won 2004 Grammy. Relative Sound of the Ultimate by the Monks of Palpung Sherab Ling, the MonasteryÕs new CD, contains sacred Tibetan Buddhist Chants which have developed within the Kagyu lineage over many hundreds of years. The pure transmission has been treasured as sacred from generation to generation, from Chanting Master to Chanting Master within the Kagyu lineage. Performed through the ages as dedicated prayer by thousands of Kagyu monks, nuns and lay people, these chants carry the power of sacred intention and have been recorded as they are performed within the walls of the Palpung Sherab Ling Monastery.
Religious Music of Tibet, CD |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Boasting a rich and many-faceted musical tradition, Tibet enjoys a reputation as `the sea of song and dance.` This collection features a representative selection of Tibetan religious pieces. Tibetan religious music may be divided into two groups: music tune for chanting sutra and instrumental music. The former is used when chanting scriptures, and the tunes vary: some are simple; others are like singing songs and the tunes are a little more complex and melodious. The latter is used in religious festivals, rituals, and in the performance of Cham (Dance). The orchestras of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon religion are composed of drums, bells, copper bugles, horns, and tubas.
Rhythms of Peace, CD By: Nawang Khechog |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Does peace have a rhythm of its own? Join Nawang Khechog, master of the Tibetan bamboo flute, as he creates mystical textures and spaces that evoke the tranquility and inner freedom that are the essence of peace. With didgeridoo, gongs, bells, and drums.
Rising Sun of Nangchen, CD By: Kagyu Thubten Choling Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Traditional Tibetan Folk Songs.
Sacred Buddha, CD With H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa |
Our Price: $18.00 Out of Stock |
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 1. Straight to the Heart 8:00 2. Om Mani Padme Hung 5:47 3. Milarepa 5:38 4. Dorje Chang 3:35 5. Karmapa Jenno 2 6:28 6. Wisdom of Love 6:18 7. Incarnation 2:08 8. Golden Child 5:53 9. Vision of Mahakala 9:10 10. Sacred Buddha 4:30 11. Rain of Blessing 2:35
Sacred Ceremonies, CD By: Monks of Dip Tse Chok Ling |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Ritual Music of Tibetan Buddhism
Sacred Chants of Buddha, CD By: Pruess, Craig |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Music for Inner Peace
Sacred Drum of Tibet, CD By: Monks and Nuns of Nangchen |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The sacred practice of Chod chanted by the nuns and monks of Nangchen.
Sacred Healing Chants of Tibet, CD By: Monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Perforemd by monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery, Tibatan Colony, South India.
1. Mila se Shag gyad kyi Choga 2. Lhahi dha Juk 3. Dolma Yul Tud
Sacred Land, CD By: Monks of Tengboche Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Tibetan Buddhist Ritual Music of Himalayan Nepal
Nestled deep in the mountainous Solu Khumbu region of Nepal lies the Tengboche Monastery, home to the Tengboche Monks. Recorded live at the monastery, this recording captures the pure devotion of the monks as they prayerfully chant. Featured on the disc are excerpts from the Mani Rimdu Ceremony, a very sacred annual event dedicated to invoking the blessings of Chenrezig, the bodhisattva of compassion. Also included are two meditations: "Chod" and "Lama Kusung Tuktik," as well as the traditional "Dedication Prayers," all performed by the nuns of Thupton Choling. In places, ritual bells, drums and horns accompany the chanting.
Sacred Mantras for Peace and Happiness, CD By: Lamas of Tolu Tharling Monastery |
Our Price: $29.98
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 Become immersed in the healing, sacred mantras of the Mt. Everest region of Nepal. These ancient mantras will provide a sonic landscape for personal growth and inner peace. These mantras were recorded live at Tolu Tharling Monastery, Nepal and during sacred space in Philadelphia.
Sacred Music, Sacred Dance, Cassette By: Monks of the Drepung Loseling Monastery |
Our Price: $10.00 Out of Stock |
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Sacred Tibet, CD By: Gyume Monks |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Sacred Tibet is the first studio recording of the Gyume Tantric Monks. Eight of the monks from the College, including the Venerable Abbot Lobsang Tenzin and Chanting Master Ghen Lobsang Gyatso participated in this historic recording.
Sacred Tibetan Chant, CD By: The Monks of Sherab Ling Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Grammy Award Winner 1. Mahamudra Lineage & Meditation 2 & 3. Mahakala Puja (Yeshe Gonpo) a. Invocation and Offering to Mahakala b. Receiving Blessings and Dedicating the Merit to World Peace and Harmony. Recorded at Sherab Ling Monastery. The seat of H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche.
Sacred Tibetan Chants From the Great Prayer Festival, CD By: Monks of the Drepung Loseling Monaste |
Our Price: $18.00
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 1) Lektrima: A Crown Ornament for the Wise (13:35) 2) Losang Gyalkunma: Prayer to the Victorious Masters (12:36) 3) Jesi Tubchok: Until Supreme Illumination (3:50) 4) Teng-nge-nesi: From Here to Enlightenment (8:54) 5) Sangwai Namtar: A Mystical Biography
Selwa, CD By: Choying Drolma & Steve Tibbetts |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The second collaboration between producer/guitarist Steve Tibbetts and Buddhist nun Choying Drolma, SELWA once again frames beautiful Tibetan chants against a backdrop of dreamy electronic textures. The album is an interesting mix of styles; at times Drolma's peaceful voice is nearly unadorned, save some light strumming from Tibbetts' guitar. At other times the studio enhancements are much more evident in the form of down-tempo beats and ethereal (albeit slightly trippy) synthesizer effects. Throughout the recording a sense of serenity pervades due to Drolma's frail voice; her singing is reverent and mystical, filled with a sense of organic beauty that makes her a joy to listen to.
Seven Metals, CD Benjamin Lobst |
Our Price: $18.00
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 This beautiful and faithful recording of Tibetan singing bowls is superb for relaxation, massage and bodywork,deep sound meditation, Yoga relaxation and more.
Six Syllable Mantra, CD By: Sonam Gyatso Rinpoche |
Our Price: $18.00
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 This album produced by American New Age composer, Jane Wang Beck. She created the melody after she listened to Sonam Gyatso Rinpoche’s chanting. Inside this album there are one prayer chanted by Sonam Gyatso Rinpoche and three New Age music pieces. This album is good for not only listening but also mediation.
Six-Syllable Mantra of Avalokiteshvara, CD, By: Tharig Rinpoche and Lamas of Tharig Monastery |
Our Price: $18.00
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 The Six-syllable Mantra of Avalokitesvara, OM MANI PADME HUM, literally means developing the compassion of the enlightened beings based on Buddhist scriptures. Accompanied with different instruments and music according to the nature of the verses, this album is a live recording of the reciting of Master Tharig Rinpoche and lamas at Nepal's Tharig monastery. For the specific teaching purpose, the recitations in this album are adapted into two versions. The beauty and mystery of Tibetan Esoteric reciting will be unveiled to the listeners.
Songs of Jataka Tales, Cassette By: Karma Kagyu Institute |
Our Price: $13.00
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 Cassette 1.Sit By Me. 1:20 2.The Monkey King. 4:20 3.The Grateful Elephant 5:36 4.Jataka Beat 4:06 5.The Golden Goose 6:51 6.Jataka Dream 4:09 7.The Fowler and the Quails 6:35 8.The Woodpecker, Tortoise and Antelope 5:24 9.Three Little Fishes 6:07 10.Run Rabbit, Run 6:51 11.Jataka Dance 3:45
Songs of Jataka Tales, CD By: Karma Kagyu Institute |
Our Price: $18.00
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 Buddhist tales sung and spoken by Penny Nichols and Chojor Radha.
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