이벤트명 : 스타라이트 컵 (Starlight Cup)
일시 : 챔피언스컵 한국지역예선 다음날 (첫 번째 대회는 2024년 1월 중 예정), 오전 11시 첫번째 라운드 시작 예정
장소 : 서울특별시 보라매 청소년 회관
종목 : 챔피언스컵 시즌에 맞춤 (2024년 1월에는 모던입니다.)
참가비 : 미정
주관 : 별빛 (오픈바인더)
후원 : Big Magic, AboutTCG(Season 2 Round 2), Kindleshop(Season 2 Round 3 예정), Rolling Dice(Season 3 Round 1 예정)
Hello. I am Byulbit made some business on Openbinder.co.kr
For our lovely Magic players and with the support of Big Magic, Rolling Dice, AboutTCG and Kindleshop, we prepare a new Magic event for the Magic player in Korea.
“Starlight Cup” is the private event related to the Champions Cup in Korea and will give the best, high and special event experience to Magic players. The top-ranked 2 players have received the invitations of Champions Cup Final and promotional cards and various products will be given to players. And many side-events and services will give the memorable experience to participants.
Starlight Cup will be held in the season of each Champions Cup and its format is the same as Champions Cup qualifiers. And for most players in Korea, it will be held on the next day of the Champions Cup Area Qualifier of Korea. I hope many Magic players have a great time at this event.
Event Details.
Name : Starlight Cup
Date : The next day of Champions Cup Area Qualifier in Korea (Expected at Jan. 2024).
Venue : Boramae Youth Center (Seoul, Korea)
Format : Followed by Champions Cup (Modern at Jan. 2024)
Fee : TBD
Organizer : Byulbit (Openbinder)
Sponsor : Big Magic, AboutTCG(Season 2 Round 2), Kindleshop(Season 2 Round 3 TBD), Rolling Dice(Season 3 Round 1 TBD)
첫댓글 빅매직 후원! 어바웃 킨들 롤다 후원!
BTS 봉준호 손흥민 별빛 Let's go
WoW 별벛컵
굿 잡!
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한국의 스타시티가 되길 바라면서 여기도 스타고 저기도 스타니까 별이 두 개라는 것으로
별빛 펀치! 별빛 펀치!
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