None of us can do everything we would like; we are limited by time, money, and circumstance. The point of this chapter is to establish priorities so we can concentrate on the most important choices.
hat is the, most vital consideration in the choice of a spouse? Physical appearance? Social status? Intelligence? Sense of humor? Character? Money? Career? Place of origin?
ersonality is, the most enduring quality of a human being. It is set early in childhood and seldom varies much throughout life. Even intelligence is likely to fade with time. And appearance changes constantly (usually for the worse) On the other hand, jobs, money, and status are all dependent on exterior factors: marrying anyone for his possessions instead of his serf is a sure road to marital unhappiness. So, I would first look for a suitable personality, one that complemented my own. Second would he intelligence--not necessarily genius, but I wouldn't want to spend my life with a boring idiot either. Appearance is also certainly important, but only temporarily, so I would put it third. Position, wealth, and the like would not even be on the list, since these are things that can be acquired after the wedding, through work and perseverance.
No matter how hard people work, they need some time to relax and take their minds off their jobs. They should have some activity, not career-related, that they enjoy. What are the most important factors in choosing a hobby?
What should we consider when buying a car? Which is better for you, a compact or a sedan? A minivan? Does it matter whether it is used or new? Domestic or imported? Is cost the major factor? Size? Status? Color? How about an electric car?
What should you look for in a friend? Is there any difference in having male or female friends? Does income disparity matter? What about age? Is mutual interest a primary factor?
What purpose should a job have? Do you want to earn a living or make a fortune? Do you want a constantly challenging position, or something that is easy to do and very predictable from day to day? Do you need to work on your own or do you do best in a group? What are the chief considerations in choosing an occupation?
What would you like to live? Which is it better, apartment or a house? Would you prefer to live in the city of the country? How about living abroad? Do you want to live want to live by yourself or in a communal environment? Is rent, location, roominess, or convenience more important?
Opinion Samples
Friends need above all to be personally love to each other. Secondly, they should be tolerant of each other's faults. Thirdly, they ought to share interests--hobbies, goals. occupations--ideas. If those qualities are all present, then they should be able to enjoy each other's company. Whether friends Lire male or female should not make any difference in the abstract, but sometimes sexual intrigues interfere: with the comradeship---it's very hard to be pals with a former lover or a rejected one.
2 One must first decide what the purpose of a job is if it is only a means of making money, do something that will enable you to retire comfortably as soon as possible, by all means. But if your job is an extension of your personality and ability, a way of defining your place in society, then find an occupation that you love so much you never want to withdraw from it. In the long run, you will find job satisfaction psychologically more important than hating a life lived just to make money.