최근 보잉을 제치고 E-4B 공중지휘기 후속기 개발업체로 선정된 시에라네바다 코퍼레이션이 대한항공의 747-8i 5기를 6억 7,400만 달러에 구매하기로 했다고 합니다. 거래는 2025년 9월 진행될 예정이라고 하고요.
대한항공은 현재 747-8i 9대를 운용중이네요. 생산량이 얼마 안돼 화물기 개조 프로그램은 없다고 하니 다른 4대도 원매자를 열심히 찾고 있을 것 같습니다. 2대는 정부에 팔아서 전용기로 개조하면 될 것 같은데요. ( https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%8C%80%ED%95%9C%ED%95%AD%EA%B3%B5/%EB%B3%B4%EC%9C%A0%20%EA%B8%B0%EC%A2%85#s-1.1.2 )
Sierra Nevada acquires Korean Air Boeing 747-8s for ‘Doomsday Plane’ replacement
U.S. Air Force photo
Korean Air has agreed to sell five Boeing 747-8s to US manufacturer Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) in a deal worth approximately KRW918 billion ($674 million), a source familiar with the matter disclosed to Reuters.
As stated in an exchange filing released on May 9, 2024, the transaction is expected to take place in September 2025.
The move comes after SNC recently secured the Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC) contract from the US Air Force, which is tasked with developing a successor to the current E-4B Nightwatch aircraft fleet. Boeing’s exclusion from the competition for the E4-B’s replacement, revealed in December 2023, left SNC as the sole contender.
The E-4 Nightwatch, a specialized Boeing 747-200 iteration, boasts protected avionics and cabins against electromagnetic interference and external radiation. With such conditions likely to occur after a nuclear attack, the E-4 earned the moniker of ‘Doomsday Plane.’ Its upgraded B standard, introduced in the 1980s, extends its operational autonomy to 72 hours, complementing its crucial role in national security.
Four E-4Bs are in active service under the 1st Airborne Command Control Squadron, part of the 595th Command and Control Group stationed at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.
첫댓글 당시에 같이 일하던 댄공 사람에게 들은 바로는 실무 부서에서는 생각도 하지 않던 747-8i를 회장이 사라고 지시했다고 합니다.
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