록히드 마틴이 개발중인 PrSM은 MGM-140 ATACMS를 대체하기 위해 개발되고 있는 탄도탄으로 M270A2 및 M142 HIMARS에 장착될 예정이며, M142 HIMARS에 2발이 장착돼 1발이 장착되는 ATACMS보다 2배 더 장착할 수 있습니다. 또한 사정거리 역시 60km ~ 605km로 사정거리 305km인 ATACMS보다 두 배 더 깁니다.
전장 500km를 넘는 범위 내의 방공시스템, 미사일 발사대, C2 노드, 병력/장비 집결지역, 그 외 고가치 표적들을 타격하기 위해 설계됐다고 합니다.
미육군의 장거리 정밀타격 개발부(LPRF; Long-Range Precision Fires) 대변인 Naval News의 질문에 서면으로 답한 내용을 요약해보면, PrSM Increment 1은 사거리 400km 이상을 실증해 현 ATACMS보다 상당한 사거리 및 효율성 증가를 실증했고, 구체적인 가격은 공개하지 않았으나 ATACMS보다 저렴하다고 합니다. 멀티모드 시커로 대함 및 육상 교전이 가능하며, 구체적으로 시커에 어떤 종류의 센서가 부착돼 있는지는 답변을 거부했네요.
향후 Increment는 1) 이동하는 육상 및 해상표적과 교전하기 위한 다중 도메인 작전능력 2) 이동중이거나 이동했거나 타격하기 어려운 곳에 위치했거나 분산된 고가치 표적을 타격하기 위해 자동화/협업을 통해 탐지, 추적 및 타격이 가능한 치명성이 향상된 탄두 3) 공기흡입 램제트 추진을 통한 사정거리 연장이라고 합니다. 램제트는 현 단계에서 고체 및 액체연료 램제트 추진 방식이 모두 고려 중이라고 하네요.
또한 무인 HIMARS인 AML ( Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher )S는 현재 Project Convergence 22에 참여중이며, 향후 몇 년 동안 완전히 통합된 시스템 레벨의 시현을 위해 꾸준히 개발될 것이며 그 시점에서 도입을 추진할 수 있다고 합니다.
아직까지 HIMARS에 탑재되는 로켓들 중 이동중인 함선과 교전 가능한 물건은 PrSM뿐이라고 합니다.
PrSM이 개발 완료돼 해병대에도 배치된다면, 해병대의 해상통제능력 확보에 큰 도움이 될 것입니다. NSM은 사거리가 짧아 토마호크와 함께 미해병대가 운용 가능한 장거리 대함타격 수단이지만 별도의 견인 트레일러가 필요한 토마호크와는 달리 상륙함에 탑재됐다가 엘리베이터로 상륙함 갑판에 끌어올리는 것으로 간단히 사격이 가능하고, 무인 NMESIS와 AML을 원격지에 배치하고 함정이나 회전익 플랫폼, 육상 원격지휘소에서 위성으로 발사가 가능해 대포병 사격을 피하는 한편 무인 이동으로 진정한 무인 슛 앤 스쿳이 가능하다고 합니다.
Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) Information Update - Naval News
Peter Ong
9-11 minutes
Naval News has covered the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) here.
The Lockheed Martin PrSM has an objective range of 60 to 650 kilometers (37 to 403 miles) and two PrSMs can fit inside a M142 High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System HIMARS, double the number compared to the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) with the later having a range of 190 miles (305 kilometers).
According to the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), “The PrSM is a surface-to-surface, all-weather, precision-strike guided missile, fired from both the M270A1 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and M142 High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS). As the replacement for the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), PrSM doubles ATACMS’ current rate-of-fire with two missiles per launch pod. It is designed to attack threat air defense systems, missile launchers, command and control (C2) nodes, troop assembly/staging areas and high-payoff targets throughout the battlefield at ranges of more than 500 kilometers.”
The features for the Precision Strike Missile show that it can strike farther than the ATACMS and double the missiles compared to one ATACMS per HIMARS. (Photo: U.S. Army)
Two Precision Strike Missiles can be placed into a pod normally containing six rockets. This is double the number compared to the Army’s ATACMS. ( Graphic: U.S. Army)
The U.S. Army’s Long-Range Precision Fires (LRPF) Spokesperson, based at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, replied to Naval News’s inquiry.
Naval News: Do you have any Precision Strike Missile performance dimensions, range, cost, and specifications?
U.S. Army LRPF: “PrSM Increment 1 has consistently demonstrated its capability to have effects well beyond 400 km. The coordinate seeking missile will be a significant increase in range and effectiveness over current ATACMS munitions.”
When asked about the cost in a follow-up email, the LRPF Spokesperson declined to offer specifics on the cost per PrSM missile but said that it is less expensive than ATACMS. The warhead is “an optimized unitary warhead designed to achieve the same effects as ATACMS.” The U.S. Army’s LRPF Spokesperson also could not offer performance specifications at this time regarding missile speed or if PrSM flies faster than ATACMS and the general MLRS rockets.
Naval News: What kind of seeker is used for Anti-Ship purposes?
U.S. Army LRPF: “A multi-mode seeker is used for engaging moving land and maritime targets.”
U.S. Army LRPF declined to offer specifics to a follow-up Naval News email asking what kinds of sensors the multi-mode seeker (thermal, radar, electro-optical TV, LIDAR, etc.) might have.
Naval News: What are the PrSM Increments proposed?
U.S. Army LRPF: “Future Increments of PrSM will include: (1) Multi-domain operations capability to engage moving land and maritime targets; (2) Enhanced lethality payloads capable of autonomously and collaboratively detecting, targeting, and striking high payoff targets that are moving, have moved, poorly located, or dispersed; and (3) Extended range capability enabled through air-breathing ramjet propulsion.”
Naval News: What kind of ramjet is used?
U.S. Army LRPF: “Both solid and liquid fuel ramjet propulsion options are currently being investigated.”
Naval News: What is the fielding and progress status on the Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (AML))?
U.S. Army LRPF: “Unmanned HIMARS is participating in Project Convergence 22 and will continue to be matured for fully integrated system level demonstrations in the next several years and may move forward into acquisition at that point.”
The unmanned Autonomous Multi-Domain Launcher (AML) can allow for remote driving and remote firing to increase battlefield survivability. (Graphics: US Army)
Naval News: PrSMs may be able to target moving ships with a new seeker, but can any HIMARS rocket target moving ships with new MLRS rocket seekers—six rockets to a HIMARS—or only PrSM can target moving ships?
U.S Army LRPF: “Currently only PrSM is being designed to engage maritime targets from HIMARS. Each PrSM missile pod will carry two missiles.”
A Precision Strike Missile fires from a HIMARS launcher during a test demonstration. (Photo: U.S. Army LRPF)
According to the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense, (Comptroller), Chief Financial Officer’s April 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request report, “[Precisions Strike Missile] FY 2023 Program: Procures 120 Urgent Materiel Release missiles with Launch Pod Missile Containers and tooling investments to increase production in the future.”
Source: Undersecretary of Defense, (Comptroller), Chief Financial Officer’s April 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request report for Precision Strike Missile.
With a smaller diameter than the ATACMS missile, two PrSMs can fit inside a HIMARS pod, or four PrSMs for a tracked M270 MLRS. Only the PrSM can strike moving land and maritime targets. (Photo: U.S. Army LRPF)Naval News and Author’s Comments
A graphic of a Precision Strike Missile launching from a two-missile pod aboard the HIMARS. Note the crane arm over the missile pod to aid in reloading. (Image: Raytheon)
Although the PrSM is being developed by the U.S. Army’s LRPF Team, the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) also use the M142 HIMARS so having PrSMs with Land-Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM) capabilities is a huge game changer and force multiplier for the Marine Corps.
The HIMARS launcher can rotate 90-degress from center axis to target threats on both sides of the FMTV truck, and the manned M142 HIMARS can be fitted with a rooftop swingarm 7.62mm M240 medium machine gun for close-in area and point defense.
For speculative discussion purposes, PrSM on HIMARS can operate in tandem with the new Navy Marine Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (NMESIS). NMESIS carries two stealthy 100 nautical miles (114 miles/185 kilometers) Naval Strike Missiles (NSM) on an unmanned 4×4 Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) truck that can be sling-loaded by a USMC CH-53K “King Stallion” helicopter for more austere field conditions, mobility, and flexibility. M142 HIMARS (and the unmanned AML) can be transported internally via Marine KC-130J “Hercules” military cargo aircraft and thus requires a landing strip.
Combined, NMESIS with NSM, and HIMARS with PrSM, can form the foundational basis for the USMC’s LBASM deterrent. (Also note that the M142 HIMARS can also be outfitted with special racks for AIM-120 AMRAAMs for a forward surface-to-air missile Air Defense option, but the USMC has yet to field this option although there was a test firing of an AIM-120 from a HIMARS in March 2009).
Thus, U.S. Marine Corps HIMARS can, in theory and test fire practice, attack moving enemy land, ship, and air targets and create a Navy/Marine Anti-Access/Area Denial space over land and sea where HIMARS and NMESIS are stationed. (The HIMARS will still need an independent external sensor to detect and pass on targeting information to the HIMARS launcher. The NMESIS Naval Strike Missile can also attack land targets, providing the U.S. Marines much needed organic LRPFs on land since the divestment of their M1A1 Main Battle Tanks).
With the unmanned AML HIMARS and unmanned NMESIS JLTV, the U.S. Marines can station and conceal these missile launchers at remote positions and control them via satellite from ship, USMC rotary airborne platforms, or distant land locations to avoid counter-battery fire, and move them via remote-control for true unmanned “shoot and scoot” operations. Furthermore, HIMARS with PrSM can, in theory, offer U.S. Navy amphibious warships an ad-hoc LRPF land attack and LBASM moving target capability fired from the deck of amphibious vessels.
PrSM HIMARS can be chained to the flight deck for a visible deterrent, or concealed in the hangar and then brought up to the flight deck by aircraft elevators (for LHA and LHD carriers), and can provide these amphibious ships with no inherent Mark 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS) a huge offensive and self-defensive punch out to 650 kilometers (403 miles) that doesn’t require a towed trailer such as the Mark 41 VLS derivative in a shipping container with Tomahawk cruise missiles.
At the end of July 2022, Naval News asked retired Marine colonel, Mark Cancian, Senior Advisor to the Center for Strategic Institute Studies (CSIS) for his opinion on the upcoming USMC HIMARS with PrSM.
Mark Cancian, Senior Advisor to Center for Strategic Institute Studies
At this time, it is too early and unknown if the PrSM and AML will be exported to any U.S. allies.
첫댓글 마지막 문장읽고 갑자기 뜬금없이 마크로스에서 디스토로이드들이 엘레베이터로 항모갑판으로 올라와서 방공전, 근접전, 화력투사 하던 장면이 생각났습니다... ^^;;;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW-Htz_QTWM&t=80s 이 영상으로 대략 예상이 가능하죠.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2lt1c9fW10 PRSM 탄두 아레나 테스트. 썩 마음에 드는 탄두형상은 아니네요.