Shogun 2 multiplayer tested: clan warfare comes to Total War
It took me a while to bend my head around Shogun 2’s multiplayer element.
While this might be explained away by some emotional clouding (read
knicker-wetting terror) brought on by the loss of just too many brave Samurai
warriors in my first,
bashful attempt at Shogun 2’s siege battles, I honestly believe it’s more
down to the depth and intricacy of what the multiplayer offers. It isn’t just a
departure from anything Creative Assembly has implemented previously; it’s quite
unlike anything anyone’s attempted before.
let’s get the simple stuff out of the way: you can match up for man-on-man
battles, pitching your army against a fellow-player’s, which is no less than
you’d expect. A nice addition to this is that you can unit-share with a pal who
may not be in a battle of his own, and invite him to command selected units from
your army. Neat.
But Napeoleon brought 1v1 multiplayer campaigns to life, and Creative
Assembly’s ambition brooks no acceptance of repetition for the sake of ease. In
Shogun 2, large numbers of players can be involved in a single campaign, and in
a considerably more subtle and complex way than you might imagine.
Your general and his attendant army begin the multiplayer campaign planted in
one of 65 territory zones, over which you have ownership. As you expand and
invade new provinces, the matchmaker hunts for other player-armies of your
level, ready for a fight. The battle is fought, and ownership of the province
decided. Certain provinces bring key battlefield technologies to your army, so
they’re worth striving toward.
The big-brain genius of this is that your general and army don’t represent a
one-man crusade, rampaging across the map like a plague of armoured locusts with
bonkers hats. You play as part of a clan, and the territory you conquer on your
version of the campaign map tallies points towards the clan total. Moreover,
clan leaders can direct their members to specific provinces on the map by
placing a marker on that province. This becomes visible on each clan-member’s
campaign map. You don’t see your fellow clansmen’s armies on the map, but
through the use of various overlays, you can track territorial losses and gains,
stronghold areas, point-tallies and general ownership.
So, you have choices. Do you go for tactical land-grabs which may improve
your army, or kow-tow to the head Daimyo’s wishes, and work towards the common
goal? It might be worth impressing the boss, as he’s able to dole out
army-improvement points to his favourite generals. There are enough variables
here to generate some really interesting in-clan politics, and potential
The next stroke of genius is achievements. And don’t groan; these aren’t just
the ‘I’ve won 20 battles, meh’ variety. As you might imagine, they’re earned by
achieving specific victory conditions, or adhering to a peculiar set of rules
while fighting. The joy of them is that key combinations unlock new battlefield
skills and technologies, which improve your fighting abilities and, ultimately
your ranking. And don’t get me started on just how many crazy hats you can
unlock to perch on your general’s head. Visual modification of your army is a
fundamental part of the experience.
Achievement whoring… with meaningful consequences? Yes please. And here’s the
really beautiful thing: achievements can be earned in single player, too.
Factor that whole state of affairs into your clan politics. You’re fighting
in a key territory for your clan, hoping to impress the big cheese, and realise
that you’re close to hitting a desirable achievement which will enhance your
arsenal. But there’s a risk involved: you’ll need to play a certain way to get
that achievement, and what if the guy you’re fighting sees what you’re not
doing, and exploits that? Failure beckons.
Exciting stuff, and plenty to chew over before the game’s March release.
첫댓글 일기토에서 이겼건만 비겁하게 뒤에서 화살을 쏴 죽이다니....허긴 수성측 입장에선 비겁한게 어딨삼?...일단 한명이라도 더 죽이고 봐야지...쩝;;
신겐이 에치고에 있는 우에스기 겐신의 공성전인거 같군요...멋지군요..
2번째 영상 우와 실사같다하면서 보고 있었는데 실사네요. -_-;;
공성전 장면이 상당히 괜찮네요. 우리나라에서는 언제 저런 연기를 볼 수 있을까요. ㅜ_ㅜ 드라마는 포기하더라도 영화에서는 보고 싶었는데 흑흑흑.
응?? 저거 전부 게임 플레이 영상인데요? @@;;
으아... 하고싶어.... 으아아아아아
내년 6월 이후에나...
좋은 영상 잘 보고 갑니다. (^-^)
쇼군은 그래픽이 정말 몽환적인듯 기대된다 으으
일본으로 한정되잇는게 아쉽지만..모드의 힘
다 좋은데, '칼집'이 없으니 참 없어보이네......
근데, 두번째 링크 된 영상...일전에 본 짱구 극장판 중 전국시대로 가서 나오는 전투신하고 왜 이렇게 똑같냐..
그쵸? 폭탄 던질려다가 안에 떨구는 것도 그렇고.. 근데 원래 짱구 전국시대판이 고증이 잘 된거라고 하네요
Movie Title => Ballad: Namonaki Koi no Uta (BALLAD-名もなき恋のうた)
세번째 영상에 모니터 삼성꺼네 ㅋ