위조의 이그나티우스
편지들- 여전히 더욱 추가 삽입되었음
Justin Edwards demonstrates how the second link of this chain has
been forged. After assuming that when John the revelatory spoke of the Lord’s
day, all Christians knew that it was the day of the resurrection, on which they
were to meet, he continues:
Hence Ignatius, bishop
of Antioch, A.D. 101 only about half a dozen years after the death of the
apostle, speaks of the Lord’s day familiarly and without explanation, as if
everybody understood it. And he gives this title to the first day of the week
exactly after the manner of the apostle himself. ‘Let us (Christians) no more
Sabbatize,’ he says, --that is, keep the seventh day, as the Jews did--’but let
us keep the Lord’s day,’ ‘Let everyone that loves Christ keep holy the Lord’s
Day, the queen of days, the resurrection day, the highest of all days.’” 30
As usual, Justin Edwards saves himself the trouble of giving the
reference. Had he done so, his deception would have been evident, viz., that
the above statements which, seemingly, fit together so nicely, are fabricated
in this manner: First, he suppresses the phrase in the shorter version of the
epistle to the Magnesians, “living according to the Lord’s life;” secondly, he
substitutes for it, from the enlarged and still worse interpolated version
manufactured probably in the fourth century, the term, “celebrate the Lord’s
day;” and, finally to strengthen it, he joins the rest of the statement from
the enlarged version to his own interpolated shorter version.
Dr. Edwards, we are sorry to say, is not the only one who has done this
kind of work. A number of writers are guilty of this sort of deception, and
among them must be included Archbishop Wake, in his translation of the Fathers,
which is thus ably reviewed by Cox:--
“There is, however, in the original no word or phrase which corresponds to the
phrase ‘the Lord’s day,’ or to the word ‘ keeping:’ the literal
translation is, ‘No longer observing Sabbaths, but living according to the
Lord’s life, [Greek phrase] in which also our life is sprung up’. Indeed, the
archbishop admits, in a note, that this translation would be correct; while his
own is by many thought inconsistent, not only with the expressions in the
original, but with the whole scope of the passage. (See Domville, I, 241-251;
and Powell in Kitto’s Cyclop,II, 270, first edition.)
“To such an extent have the epistles of Ignatius been corrupted by
interpolation (see Chevallier, Introd. 43-54). That even those considered
genuine (among which is the one above quoted) were suspected by Lardner and
Beausobre to have been tampered with (Domville, vol. I, 241), and have recently
been pronounced by Mr. Cureton (with whom Lipsius agrees) to have been
copiously interpolated for the same dogmatically purposes which prompted to the
forgery of four of the seven, and by the same forging hand. (Cureton’s Corpus
Ignatianum, London, 1849; and Lipsius in Jour, of the Historico-Theological
Society of Germany for 1856). But not to insist upon this, it is more
important to mention that a passage still frequently quoted in popular
treatises from one of the epistles as genuine, has for two centuries past been
rejected by every scholar as spurious. The words are:
Let us therefore no longer observe Sabbaths after the manner of the
Jews: and rejoice in days of idleness; for "he that does
not work, let him not eat." For say the [holy] oracles, "In the sweat
of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread." But let every one of you keep the
Sabbath after a spiritual manner, rejoicing in meditation on the law, not in
relaxation of the body, admiring the workmanship of God, and not eating things
prepared the day before, nor using lukewarm drinks, and walking within a
prescribed space, nor finding delight in dancing and plaudits which have no
sense in them. And after the observance of the
Sabbath, let every lover of Christ keep the Lord's Day as a festival, the
resurrection-day, the queen and chief of all the days [of the week].
[See Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesia’s] 31
It is sad enough that writings of such men as Ignatius, and others of
the post apostolic period, have been thus shamefully
interpolated for “dogmatically purposes,” -- in this instance
manifestly to smuggle in Sunday as the Lord’s day. But is it not still more
wicked to interpolate, and to misquote their compositions, with the avowed
purpose of making null and void the direct commands of the divine Word of God?
That there was not only one instance of this, and that interpolation has been
frequently perpetrated, Cox plainly shows, giving instances such as that of the
above-mentioned Bishop Wilson, and others. How long this has been going on, and
how early it was reproved, is seen fro the correspondence between Dr. Priestley
and E. Evanson, near the end of the eighteenth century. Dr. Priestley had, in
his Theological Repository, published at Birmingham in 1786 and 1788, given
this very quotation from Ignatius, as “keeping the Lord’s day”. In consequence
of this, Mr. Evanson wrote to him as follows:
But pray, good sir, by what rules of construction do you translate [the Greek
phrase] as ‘keeping’. The only meaning of those two Greek words that I am
acquainted with is ‘living according to’. And
if the word [Greek word] be allowed to be part of the original sentence, the
phrase ‘living according to the Lord’s life,’ viz., the spiritual life he
now lives in heaven, is perfectly intelligible, and much of the same kind with
what we meet with in several places of the canonical epistles, particularly in
that to the Colossians, chapter 3. But if the phrase ‘living according to the
Lord’s day’ has any meaning at all, it is entirely beyond my comprehension.” 32
Much more might be said to show up the improper use
of the writings of Ignatius; but the reader will readily concede that enough
has been brought forward to show that this second link in the chain to connect
the Lord’s day of John with the Sunday Lord’s day of tradition, will not hold.
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