Caillou's Quarrel
Caillou met a friend.
She had a lot of toys.
Caillou wanted to play dinosaurs.
But she said, "Let's play family role-play."
She said she is the mom, and Caillou is the dad.
She used his dolls.
Caillou got angry.
He didn't want to play nicely.
He wanted to play dinosaurs.
Caillou didn’t play with her.
Caillou didn’t want to play with Clementine.
She said, "Sorry."
He said "Sorry," too.
Her brother is a baseball champion.
They played baseball.
The story is good.
Score: B
"Caillou's met a friends." → "Caillou met a friend."
- Caillou's는 "Caillou is" 또는 소유격 (Caillou의) 의미예요.
- **met (만났다)**은 과거형이므로 **"Caillou met a friend."**가 맞아요!
- "a friends" → "a friend" (friend는 단수형)
"Caillou's want to play dinosours." → "Caillou wanted to play dinosaurs."
- "want" 대신 "wanted" (과거형)
- "dinosours" → "dinosaurs" (철자 수정)
"Her say sorry, He said sorry too." → "She said, 'Sorry.' He said, 'Sorry,' too."
- **"Her"**은 소유격이므로 **"She"**로 바꿔야 해요!
- "say" → "said" (과거형)
- 대화 문장을 넣으면 더 자연스러워요!
"Her brother is baseball champion." → "Her brother is a baseball champion."
- **"a baseball champion"**으로 수정하면 더 자연스러워요!