The Garmin Bluetooth Car Charger is two devices in one. It is a Bluetooth adapter which enables Garmin eTrex to communicate with a PDA or laptop without any wire. In addition, it is a car charger that can power eTrex without using battery.
Cost Effective:
Rather than purchasing a new Bluetooth GPS receiver, Bluetooth Car Charger can upgrade an existing eTrex GPS into a Bluetooth GPS receiver. Use eTrex as mouse GPS in the car with PDA or as stand along handheld GPS receiver for outdoors.
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첫댓글 Vista C를 쓰고있는데 노트북이랑 연결이 죽어도 안되어서..내내 고민중...와 희소식이네 이러구 살펴보는데...Does not support Garmin eTrex Legend C, Vista C and eMap family이말에 좌절.. 비스타씨..도대체 넌 누구냐..?