Power Probe (전기 탐사기)
프로브(probe)는 탐사, 조사, 수사, 검출, 탐침 등을 뜻하는 영단어로 대상품 표면과 접촉하여 데이터를 수집하는 장치 등을 가리킨다.
verb [ I or T ]
to try to discover information that other people do not want you to know, by asking questions carefully and not directly:
The interviewer probed deep into her private life.
Detectives questioned him for hours, probing for any inconsistencies in his story.
The article probes (= tries to describe and explain) the mysteries of nationalism in modern Europe.
to examine something with a tool, especially in order to find something that is hidden:
They probed in/into the mud with a special drill.
리드봉(lead棒)은 앞서서 이끄는 막대기(棒)라는 뜻이고, 막대기(棒) 끝에는 바늘, 즉 침(針, Tip)이 달려 있는 모양새다