※Model Letters의 요약※
앞의 +여러 예문에서 보았듯이 주문하는 경우와 계약의 경우에 쓰이는 표현은 조금 다르기 때문에 이들을 구분하여 설명하고자 한다.
A. 주문에 따르는 표현
a)서두구절(Opening Clauses)
1.We have the placing an order with you for∼.
2.Please send the following goods under the following terms and
3.Please supply us with the following goods as per your quotations of∼.
4.Please book the following order.
5.Please ship the under-mentioned goods in accordance with your
offer of ∼
6.We enclose an order No. ∼with detailed instructions for your
prompt at ∼
7.Enclosed, you will find our purchase order No. ∼under your offer
8.This is the confirmation of your cable order of yesterday and if you find any discrepancy please let us know.
b)본문구절(Main Clauses)
1.The order must be shipped without delay.
2.The delivery date must be strictly kept.
3.Please await our instruction for insurance and shipment.
4.The goods must conform to the samples you submitted to us in every detail.
5.Please note the delivery date. If delivery cannot be made by end of October. this order will be cancelled automatically.
6.If you can execute this trial order to our satisfaction. you can expect many large orders in the future.
7.Please do not fail to fulfil all the details of this order as the end-user of this order is very particular.
c)결미구절(Closing Clauses)
1.Please give your prompt and careful attention to this order.
2.Please confirm the receipt of this order as soon as possible.
3.We await your early advice of shipment.
4.We expect to receive your advice and invoice in due course
5.We shall expect you to execute this order in due course.
6.Please let us know if you cannot accept this order.
7.Thanking you in advance for your prompt attention to this order, we remain.
B.계약에 따른 표현
주문을 받고 그것을 수락 및 확인하는 경우와 계약이 성립되는 경우에는 다음과 같은 관용문이 사용된다.
a)서두구절(Opening Clauses)
1.We acknowledge with thanks your order for∼.
2.We have received your order No.∼, for which we thank you.
3.Thank you for your order of∼ which we confirm as follows.
4.Thank you for your acceptance of our offer.
5.It is our pleasure to acknowledge your order.
6.We thank you for your order No.∼ which will receive our utmost attention.
b)본문구절(Main Clauses)
1.We assure you that all of your detailed instructions will be carried out.
2.You can be rest assured of our best attention to your order.
3.Although your order leaves us but a meagre margin of profit, we shell carry out your order for future business.
4.The goods you ordered are ready for shipment and waiting only for your L/C covering the said order.
5.As you have instructed, we will effect the insurance and will attach the policy to the shipping documents.
6.Although you asked us to ship your order on Everett Lines, we must ship on korean flag ship due to the Government regulation.
c)결미구절(Closing Clauses)
1.We hope to be favored with your further order.
2.May we expect your continued patronage
3.We thank you for this business and hope to be able to serve you again.
4.Thank you for this order and we await your further instruction.
5.We thank you very for this business and trust that its success will induce you to favor us with further orders.
C. 계약서 작성에 따른 표현
1. An agreement (memorandum, contract) has been entered into on this 17th day of April in the year of 19- between Messrs. ∼ (company name and address) (hereinafter to be referred as party A) and Messrs. ∼ (company name and address) (hereinafter to be referred as party B), agreeing to the terms and conditions set below:
2. We confirm having sold to you the following goods on the terms and conditions set hereunder: