HL may be structural and functional
- structural : limitation at the 1st MTPJ at all times
- functional : dorsiflexion at the 1st MTPJ is only reduced during weight bearing
1. intrinsic factors
- foot shape : rectus foot is more prone to develop hallux limitus
- biomechanical factors
` ankle equinus
` flexible or rigid pes planovalgus
` rigid or flexible forefoot varus
` dorsiflexion of the 1st ray
` elevated or hypermobile 1st ray
` flexor plate immobility
` plantar soft tissue contracture
` functional hallux limitus
- limb and foot anomalies
` external tibial trosion
` tibial varum
` positional variants of the knee
` femoral retroversion
` leg-length discrepancy
` abducted angle of gait or wide based gait
` a relativelty long first toe or long 1st metatarsal
` trauma, damage to the articular caritlage at the 1st MTPJ
` soft tissue tears and sprains
2. extrinsin factors
-inflammatory joint disease within the foot
-occupations requiring repeated and constant forced dorsiflexion of the hallus
-short shoes