The thunder boomed, the lighnting streaked
Through storm clouds thick and dark,
But Noah's family, beasts, and birds
Were snun inside the ark.
The waters filled the valleys deep
And climbed the mountain heights
While Noah's family waited out
Those forty days and nights.
Old Noah was a faithful man
He knew that by-and-by
The rains would stip and all the land
Would once again be dry.
So when the rain had ended, and The sun began to shine,
He sent a dove to search the earth
And carry back a sign.
An loive branch proclaimed dry land,
So Noah's family knew
That they could leave the ark quite soon-
And all the creatures, too.
Old Noah waited patiently
Until God spoke the word:
"Go out and take along with you
Each animal and bird."
Upon a mount called Ararat
They offered thanks in prayer
To God who saved them from the flood
With ahis great loving care.
Now, God was pleased to see the praise
Of Noah and his crew,
So God announced upon that day
His promise ever true:
"I'll never bring a flood again
To cause all flesh to die;
The symbol of My vow will be
A rainbow in the sky."
Now when the storm clouds gather, and
Big raindrops start to fall,
We do not have to be afraid...
God's promise we'll recall.
The sun will shine! God told us so!
And through those shining rays
We'll see His sign, the rainbow, and
To God we'll offer praise.
-the end-