After Apricot-Picking
by D.J. YOON
An Apricot Tree at Geumsoon's
When it started to ripen
Little kids in the neighborhood
Taking off their shoes
Used to throw them around.
Then upon the boughs of the tree
One of the shoes would get stuck.
Being scared of Geumsoon's grandpa
They just left it there.
Then Geumsoon came from nowhere
Bringing it down with a pole
To everyone's amazement
Returning the shoe to its owner immediately.
By the way, Geumsoon's grandpa
Every time after final Apricot-Picking
Gathering all the kids in the neighborhood
Gave the apricots Equally.
Saying, you guys you guys
You should learn to wait for apricots to be ripe
Then he was glad to freely give all the apricots there with generosity.
금순이네 살구나무
살구가 익기 시작하면
동네 조무래기들 살구 따먹으려고
신발 벗어 마구 던지기도 했다.
그러다가 살구나무 가지에
신발 걸리기라도 하면
금순이 할아버지 겁이 나서
그냥 두었는데
금순이 어느새 알고
장대로 신발 내려
신발 임자 기막히게 알아맞춰
찾아 주었다.
그런데 금순이 할아버지
드디어 살구 따내리면
매양 동네 조무래기들 불러모아
살구를 골고루 나누어 주셨다.
이놈들아 이놈들아
느긋이 기다릴 줄도 알아야지 하시며
덥석덥석 집어 주셨다.
Appreciation Review
"Appricot" is a poem that makes my heart warm. I picture the local kids throwing their shoes off to pick apricots, which makes me smile.
When I imagine a shoe stuck on a branch of a tree, I feel sorry for it.
Then, Geumsoon suddenly appears in front of the children who are afraid of being scolded, takes out the shoe with a pole and returns it to its owner, which makes me surprisingly admire her.
After the apricots are finally ripe and picked, Geumsoon's Grandpa calls all the kids in the neighborhood and distributes the apricots evenly and freely.
Beyond the 'philosophy of coexistence', my heart feels full of joy and indescribable warmth.
It's a world worth living in still.
There is a well-known English poem that's very similar in subject matter, but in contrast to 'Apricot', however. It is Robert Frost's "After Apple-Picking," which shows the opposite atmosphere.
First of all, there is only one speaker. It uses a long ladder to pick apples. It doesn't take much effort to do the job.
Actually, it's not that fun, either. There are a few apples he hasn't picked, but he doesn't really care.
He's already picked too many apples. The speaker has finished picking apples, but it's time to go to bed and he feels 'strangeness'. The apples have been picked too many to roll around, and he's too tired, not happy, notwithstanding a good crop of apples. Like a woodchuck that has a long hibernation, he feels like he should have a long sleep, and all over his emotions he falls into a philosophical question about 'sleep.'
The words used in "Apricot" are:
There is one apricot tree, kids in the neighborhood, throwing shoes off the tree, a shoe hanging on a branch, Geumsoon taking out it with a pole, Geumsoon finding the shoe owner with amazement, Geumsoon's grandpa lovely scolding, and his loving image of handing out apricots after picking them.
The words used in "After Apple-Picking" are:
Mostly negative words such as long two-pointed ladder, sleep, night, strangeness, end, rumbling sound, overtired, no worth, trouble, long sleep, etc., so readers are tired, too; there are too many apples to handle; what will trouble this sleep of mine, whatever sleep it is.
In short, I don't dare to disparage Frost's famous poem "After Apple-Picking," but I can't deny that it feels completely different compared to the "Apricot".
마음이 절로 따뜻해지는 시입니다.
살구를 따기 위해 신발을 벗어 던지는 '동네 조무래기들'의 모습을 그려보면 저도 모르게 미소를 짓게 됩니다.
그러다 신발 한짝이 나무가지에 걸린 모습을 보면 순간 안타까움이 생깁니다.
혼날까봐 두려워하던 아이들 앞에 홀연히 나타나 장대로 신발을 꺼내어 주인을 찾아주는 금순이의 모습에서는 놀라움과 감탄을 금치 못하게 됩니다.
살구가 익어서 다 딴 다음에 동네 아이들을 모두 불러모아 살구를 '덥석덥석' 나누어 주시는 금순이 할아버지에 이르러서는
'상생의 철학'을 넘어서서 마음이 한껏 흐뭇해지고, 이루 말할 수 없는 감동과 따뜻함이 느껴집니다.
아직은 참 살만한 세상입니다.
그러나 소재는 비슷한데 "살구"와 극명한 대조를 이루는 영시가 있습니다. 바로 로버트 프로스트의 "사과를 따고 나서"인데, 여기에서는 이러한 분위기와 정반대되는 모습이 연출됩니다. 우선 화자는 한 명입니다. 사과를 따기 위해서 긴 사다리를 사용합니다. 사과를 따는 데 별다른 힘이 들지 않습니다. 사실 별로 재미도 없습니다. 안 딴 사과가 몇 개 있지만 별 신경쓰지 않습니다. 이미 너무 많이 따서 주체할 수 없을 지경입니다. 화자는 사과 따기를 끝내었지만 잠을 자야 할 시간이 되었고 그저 낯설음만이 느껴집니다. 사과는 너무 많이 따서 굴러다닐 정도가 되었고, 사과 풍작이지만 기쁘기는 커녕 나는 너무 피곤합니다. 긴 겨울잠을 자는 땅다람쥐 같이 화자도 긴 잠을 자야 할 것 같다면서, 온통 자기 감정에 도취되어 잠에 대한 철학적 고뇌에 스스로 빠지고 맙니다.
"살구"에 사용된 어휘는
살구나무 한 그루, 동네 조무래기들, 신발을 벗어 나무에 던지다, 나뭇가지에 걸려 있는 신발 한 짝, 장대로 신발을 꺼내는 금순이, 신발 주인에게 찾아주는 금순이, 할아버지의 사랑스런 꾸짖음, 살구를 딴 후 덥석덥석 살구를 나누어주시는 할아버지의 애정어린 모습 등입니다.
"사과따기"에 사용된 어휘는
ladder, sleep, night, strangeness, end, rumbling sound, overtired, no worth, trouble, long sleep 등등 부정적인 표현들이 주를 이루어 왠지 읽는 독자도 너무 피곤하고, 힘들고, 사과가 너무 많고, 그저 긴 잠을 자고 싶은 생각이 듭니다.
감히 프로스트의 명시 "사과따기" 를 폄하하려는 것은 아니지만 "살구" 시와 비교해서 전혀 다른 느낌이 드는 것은 부인할 수 없습니다.
After Apple-Picking
My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree
Toward heaven still,
And there's a barrel that I didn't fill
Beside it, and there may be two or three
Apples I didn't pick upon some bough.
But I am done with apple-picking now.
Essence of winter sleep is on the night,
The scent of apples: I am drowsing off.
I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight
I got from looking through a pane of glass
I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough
And held against the world of hoary grass.
It melted, and I let it fall and break.
But I was well
Upon my way to sleep before it fell,
And I could tell
What form my dreaming was about to take.
Magnified apples appear and disappear,
Stem end and blossom end,
And every fleck of russet showing clear.
My instep arch not only keeps the ache,
It keeps the pressure of a ladder-round.
I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend.
And I keep hearing from the cellar bin
The rumbling sound
Of load on load of apples coming in.
For I have had too much
Of apple-picking: I am overtired
Of the great harvest I myself desired.
There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,
Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall.
For all
That struck the earth,
No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble,
Went surely to the cider-apple heap
As of no worth.
One can see what will trouble
This sleep of mine, whatever sleep it is.
Were he not gone,
The woodchuck could say whether it's like his
Long sleep, as I describe its coming on,
Or just some human sleep.
#apricot-picking #warmth #shoe-throwing #Frost #apple-picking
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