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2013년 2월 24일 1차시험 시작합니다.
EBS월드 뉴스는 하루 2번 방송합니다.
1부는 ABC뉴스를 가지고 썬킴 샘이
2부는 BBC뉴스를 가지고 선현우 샘이 진행을 합니다.
뉴스 중엔 간혹 너무 어려운 주제가 있으므로 영작시험을 위해 카페에 올리는 기사들은 그동안의 기사들 중에서 그나마 쉽고, 일상생활과 친숙한 내용을 포스팅할 거예요.
링크된 주소로 직접 뉴스청취도 하면서 듣기 실력도 향상해 보아요. ^^
2013.2.20 EBS 월드뉴스(1부)
she lives a secretive life. She's the face of a billion dollar breakthrough and she's only 30 years old. ABC's Abbie Boudreau tells you about America's youngest female billionaire. /From animal style to a four by four, In-N-Out burgers (have cult status,) with 281 restaurants in five states and 2.9 million Facebook fans worldwide. But just like their secret ingredients. What's in that sauce, by the way? much about the burger chain's owner remains a mystery, until now. She's 30-year-old Lynsi Torres, recently outed as the youngest female billionaire in America. But who is she? /She is very secretive, as is the company. She's kept this very low profile. /In the 2010 documentary, "California Gold In-N-Out," the hamburger heiress gives a rare interview, talking about teaching employees the values her grandparents built the company on.
어휘secretive 비밀스러운
breakthrough 돌파구, 혁신 - we made a scientific breakthrough
animal style 소위 ‘폭탄 버거’
four by four 사륜구동 자동차 (여기서는 메뉴 중 하나인 ‘사륜구동 버거’)
cult status 추종세력을 가진 지위 - I have cult status
out 밝히다, 폭로하다 - he was outed as a spy
keep a low profile 잠수를 타다, 관심 밖에서 벗어나다
heiress 여자 상속인
We started as a very small family, a very small company. And, you know, I like to bring that family atmosphere. /Here's the little we do know about Torres. She inherited the burger empire at age 30. She's been married three times, a proud mommy of twins. And her unusual hobby? /You can catch THE America's youngest female billionaire racing a car as much as 170 miles an hour. /As a private company, In-N-Out's earnings are a secret, too, though some estimates put them at over $600 million a year. Perhaps that's why Torres could recently (spring for this sprawling $17 million estate,) complete with 7 bedrooms, 16 bathrooms, a golf course, and, yes, a gourmet kitchen. A world away from the family kitchen she used to work in. / You didn't do the potatoes, did you? / Oh, that wasn't my strong point. I liked washing them, but not dicing them.
atmosphere 분위기
inherit 상속을 받다 - I inherited this building from my father
catch 찾아내다
spring for ~의 값을 지불하다 - I will spring for the drinks tonight!
sprawling 양옆으로 뻗어나간
complete with .. 의 갖춘 - this is a house complete with a pool
gourmet kitchen 고급 취사용 식당
a world away 멀리 떨어진 세상
dice 깍둑썰기를 하다
::: 직독직해
she lives a secretive life.
그녀는 비밀스런 삶을 산다/
She's the face of a billion dollar breakthrough and she's only 30 years old.
그녀는~의 대표다/십억달러 규모의 혁신적 기업의/그리고/그녀는 겨우/30살이다/
ABC's Abbie Boudreau tells you about America's youngest female billionaire.
ABC의 에비 보도르가/우리에게 보도한다/미국의 최연소 여성 억만장자에 대해/
/From animal style to a four by four, In-N-Out burgers (have cult status,) with 281 restaurants in five states and 2.9 million Facebook fans worldwide.
애니멀 스타일(추가 메뉴)에서 4x4(고기패티 4장 + 치즈 4장) - 현장에선 “4륜구동 버거”라고 함)까지/인엔아웃 버거는/추종자들을 데리고 있다/281개의 지점이 있다/5개 주에/그리고/2백9십만의 페이스북 팬들이 있다/전 세계적으로/
But just like their secret ingredients. What's in that sauce, by the way? much about the burger chain's owner remains a mystery, until now.
그러나/그들의 비밀스런 내용물과 같이//그 소스는 어떤 소스인가, 그나저나/이 버거 체인점의 소유주는/비밀로 남아있다/지금까지는/
She's 30-year-old Lynsi Torres, recently outed as the youngest female billionaire in America.
그녀는/30살의 린지 토레스다/최근에~라고 공개가 된/최연소 여성 억만장자/미국의/
But who is she? /She is very secretive, as is the company.
그러나/그녀는 누구인가//그녀는/아주 비밀스럽다/그 회사와 같이/
She's kept this very low profile.
그녀는/언론에의 노출을 피해 왔다/
/In the 2010 documentary, "California Gold In-N-Out," the hamburger heiress gives a rare interview, talking about teaching employees the values her grandparents built the company on.
2010년의 다큐멘터리, 캘리포니아 황금 인엔아웃에서/이 햄버거 상속녀는/드문 인터뷰를 했다/~에 대해 얘기하면서/종업원들을 교육시키는 것에 대해/가치에 대해/그녀이 조부모나/이 회사를 설립했던/
We started as a very small family, a very small company.
우리는/시작했다/아주 작은 가업으로/아주 작은 회사로/
And, you know, I like to bring that family atmosphere. /Here's the little we do know about Torres.
그리고/알다시피/나는/그런 가족적인 분위기를 가져오고 싶다//여기에/우리가/좀 아는 부분이다/토레스에 대해/
She inherited the burger empire at age 30.
그녀는/상속받았다/이 햄버거 왕국을/30살에/
She's been married three times, a proud mommy of twins. And her unusual hobby?
그녀는/3번 결혼을 했다/자랑스런 쌍둥이의 엄마다//그리고/그녀의 드문 취미는?/
/You can catch THE America's youngest female billionaire racing a car as much as 170 miles an hour.
당신은 볼 수 있다/이 미국 최연소 여성 억만장자가/레이싱을 하는 것을/시속 170마일로 운전하면서/
/As a private company, In-N-Out's earnings are a secret, too, though some estimates put them at over $600 million a year.
개인 회사로서/인엔아웃의 수익 또한/비밀이다/비록 일부는 추정하지만/그 회사의 수익을/일년에 6억 달러 이상으로/
Perhaps that's why Torres could recently (spring for this sprawling $17 million estate,) complete with 7 bedrooms, 16 bathrooms, a golf course, and, yes, a gourmet kitchen.
아마도/그것이 왜/토레스가/최근에/지불할 수 있었던 이유다/이 넓은 천7백만 달러 짜리 저택을/~을 갖춘/7개의 침실, 16개의 욕실, 골프코스, 그리고 물론 고급 식당까지/
A world away from the family kitchen she used to work in.
~와는 멀리 동떨어져 있다/가족적인 부엌으로 부터는/그녀가 일을 해 온/
/ You didn't do the potatoes, did you? / Oh, that wasn't my strong point. I liked washing them, but not dicing them.
당신이 감자를 요리하진 않았지, 그렇지//그것은 내 약점이다//난 감자를 씻는 것은 좋아한다,그러나, 깍둑썰기는 하지 않았다/
2013.2.20 EBS 월드뉴스(2부)
Now the producers of a South African reality television series have said that they will still broadcast the shows even though they feature Reeva Steenkamp, the girlfriend of Oscar Pistorius, who was shot dead two days ago. The Paralympian remains in custody after he was charged with her murder at his home in Pretoria. At the time of her killing, Reeva Steenkamp was on the verge of becoming a South African celebrity. The 29-year-old model was a contestant in a reality TV show, called the Tropika Island of Treasure. The series, in its 5th season, was filmed in Jamaica. Reeva Steenkamp had taken part in the promotion of the program.
broadcast 방송하다
feature ~를 출연시키다
Paralympian 장애인 올림픽(Paralympic Games) 출전 선수
in custody 구류된, 감금된
charge 기소하다
on the verge of 막 ~하려는
celebrity 유명인
contestant 대회나 시합의 참가자
take part in ~에 참가하다
::: 직독직해
Now the producers of a South African reality television series have said / that they will still broadcast the shows even though they feature Reeva Steenkamp, / the girlfriend of Oscar Pistorius, who was shot dead two days ago.
남아공의 리얼리티 TV 프로그램의 제작자들이 말했습니다 / 리바 스틴캠프가 출연하지만, 그래도 여전히 방송을 내보낼 것이라고 / (그녀는) 오스카 피스토리어스의 여자친구로, 이틀 전 총에 맞아 사망했습니다.
The Paralympian remains in custody / after he was charged with her murder at his home in Pretoria.
장애인 올림픽 선수인 오스카는 현재 구금되어 있는 상태입니다 / 프레토리아에 있는 자신의 집에서 여자친구를 살해한 것으로 기소된 후
At the time of her killing, Reeva Steenkamp was on the verge of becoming a South African celebrity.
살해되었을 당시, 리바 스틴캠프는 남아공에서 유명인이 되기 직전이었습니다.
The 29-year-old model was a contestant in a reality TV show, / called the Tropika Island of Treasure.
29세의 모델이었던 그녀는 한 리얼리티 TV 프로그램의 참가자였습니다 / (그 프로그램의 이름은) 트로피카 보물섬이었습니다.
The series, in its 5th season, was filmed in Jamaica. / Reeva Steenkamp had taken part in the promotion of the program.
현재 다섯번째 시즌인 이 프로그램은 자메이카에서 촬영되었습니다 / 리바 스틴캠프는 그 프로그램의 홍보에 참여했었습니다.
첫댓글 시험지는 제가 출력해 옵니다.
케빈 참여해요~!!