Oh, look. She's a natural mother. [ Growling ] All right, that's it! Out! Everybody out! [ Whimpering ] Now you're gonna cry, right? See if I care. Go ahead, cry. -[ Sobbing ] - Please, don't cry. Please. - [ Continue Sobbing ] - Huh? - Ta-da! - [ Cheering ] - Okay, lower, lower-- - [ Dim Chuckles ] - You got it. And that's it! - Whoa! [ All ] Up, up, up, up! Rabbit through the hole, chicken in the barn, two by two by, there's the yarn. - Done! - Ruben Kincaid! - Hey! - Good job, guys! Nice work! Up, down. Up, down. Up, down. - Hmm. - Hmm. - [ Chuckles ] - Ah-ah-ah. Read 'em and weep. - Huh? - [ Girls Giggle ] Whoo-whee! Yahoo! - Flik, watch out! - Whoa! - Look! I'm a beautiful butterfly! - [ Laughs ] There ya go. Good job, fellas. Keep up the good work. Huh? Okay! [ Together] You're fired! [ Laughing ] [ Ants Cheering ] Yes! [ Mariachi Band ] Whoo-hoo! Look at me! I'm barefootin'! Whoo-hoo! Yo, bugito, dos granitos, pronto! [ Skier] You gotta try this, man! [ Buzzing ] La cucaracha, la cucaracha Da-da-da-da-da-da-da [ Whimpering ] [ Buzzing ] ...all the way back there and it starts to rain, we might as well be suckin' bug spray. Ooh, don't even say that! You know somethin'? You're makin' a lot of sense. I mean, why take the risk? - You should tell Hopper. - Good idea. But, you know, it's really not our place. You're his brother. That makes you, like... the vice president of the gang. Wow! It kinda does, doesn't it? Okay, I'll tell 'im. I should talk to you guys more often. - What if Hopper doesn't like it? - Then the genius'll get smacked and not us. Vice President Molt. [ Laughing ] Ooh, yeah, that's good. Oh, that's good. - Ooh, a little lower. Ahh, lower. - Hey ya, Hop. - Go away. - That's fine. Then I won't tell ya my idea. - Good! - Okay, okay. I'll tell ya anyway. I've been thinkin'-- which is somethin' I do, bein' vice president and all. This is a thought, and it was mine: Why go back to Ant Island at all? - You don't even like grain. - What? You're right. I didn't think it was such a good idea myself. It wasn't even my idea. It was Axle and Loco's! They talked fancy to me. I got confused! - [ Grumbles ] - La cucaracha, la cucaracha Da-da-da-da-da-da-da [ Music Stops ] Guys, order another round... because we're stayin' here! - [ Cheering ] - Yeah! What was I thinking? Going back to Ant Island. I mean, we just got here, and we have more than enough food to get us through the winter. Right? Why go back? [ Music Resumes ] But there was that ant that stood up to me. - Yeah, but we can forget about him! - Yeah, it was just one ant. - [ Mock Scared ] Ooo-oooh! - One ant! Yeah, you're right! It's just one ant! - Yeah, boss. They're puny! - Hmm, puny. Say, let's pretend this grain is a puny little ant. - Didn't that hurt? - Nope. - Well, how 'bout this one? - Are you kiddin'? - [ Laughing ] - Well, how 'bout this? [ Screaming ] You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. That's why we're going back! Does anybody else wanna stay? He's quite the motivational speaker, isn't he? Let's ride! [ Caribbean Band ] -[ Ant ] To the bird! -[ Ants ] The bird! Hey! - Hey! - Whoo-hoo! Hey! - Hey! - Whoo! - Get down, roly boys! - [ Laughing ] - How low can you go? Sing it now. - How low can you go -Do it, Princess. How low can you go -[ Laughs ] And that's how my 12th husband died. [ Laughs ] So, now I'm a widow. I mean, I've always been a black widow, but now I'm a black widow widow. [ Laughs ] [ Laughing ] Whoo! - Thorny! Any sign of those fiends? - Lemme check. No, not yet. But we'll be ready for 'em. Blueberries, dismissed! - [ Giggling ] - And, uh, quit beatin' the boys up. Those little raisins do grow on ya. Hey, how you guys doin'? Some party, huh? Is that grain dip fresh or what? Okay, I've told everyone you'll be stationed deep in the command bunker. Party quiets down, I sneak you out the back way and then you're outta here forever. Dim don't wanna go. Well, if Dim stays he's gonna need me here. He's not fully trained. - I mean, house-trained. - [ Chuckles ] I, uh, I kinda promised the Blueberries I'd teach 'em canasta. It seems we've been booked for an extended engagement. [ Smooching, Laughing ] Will you look at this colony? Will you just look at this colony? I don't even recognize it. [ Chuckles ] I feel 70 again! Work that ab, baby! [ Laughs ] And I have you bugs to thank for it. So-- thank you! And, uh, thank you for findin' 'em, Flik. Me? Oh, ooh-- uh, uh, I'll get it. I mean, if you don't mind, I'll just-- - It's all tangled up. - [ Laughing Nervously ] - There. - Ow! I think I'll go check on the bird. [ Giggling ] - Bird's this way. - [ Laughing Nervously ] Yeah, the bird's that way. [ Chuckling ] She-- What? [ Gasps ] Jiminy H. Cricket! [ Horn Blares ] They're back! Get ready, everybody! Get to your posts! Battle stations, everyone. This not a drill. Come on, everyone. You know your jobs! Let's go, go, go, go! - [ Screams ] - Look out! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa there. Steady, girls. That's it. - Oh, it's P.T. - P.T.? Greetings and salutations! Ooh-boppa-doo and how do you do? I am the great P.T. Flea! [ Laughs ] I'm in need of your assis-- Oh, let's just cut to the chase. Look, I've been goin' from anthill to anthill. I'm lookin' for a bunch of circus performers. Have you seen 'em? - [ Crowd Groans ] - [ Gasps ] Wait a second. Ain't that Staff Sergeant Slim? No, no, no. I'm sorry, no, but uh-- [ Continues, Indistinct ] - [ Rustling, Groaning ] - [ Whispering ] Be quiet! Hey! [ Flik ] You'll probably-- you'll probably want to get goin; I guess you got a lot of other anthills to check into, so, bye! - [ All Gasp ] - Ah, guys, I've been lookin' all over for ya! - Flaming Death is a huge hit! - P.T! Sh-- - I'm serious. Word of mouth got around. - P. T.! No! The next day, there was a line of flies outside the tent went on forever! - It must have been a foot long! -[ Rosie ] P. T., no! So, I figured it out. You guys burn me twice a night, I take a day off to heal, and then we do it all over again! We'll be the top circus act in the business! [ Guffaws ] You mean, you're not warriors? Are you kiddin'? These guys are the lousiest circus bugs you've ever seen. And they're gonna make me rich! [ Chortling ] You mean to tell me that our entire defensive strategy... was concocted by clowns? Hey, hey, hey, hey. We really thought Flik's idea was gonna work. [ Crowd Gasps, Groans ] - Oops. - Tell me this isn't true. - No, you don't-- You don't-- - This couldn't have happened at a more inopportune time! The last leaf is about to fall! [ Dr. Flora ] We haven't collected any food for the grasshoppers! If Hopper finds out what we almost did-- Hopper is not going to find out. We're going to hide all this, and pretend it never happened. You bugs were never here. So I suggest you all leave. But the bird! The-The bird will work. I never thought I'd see the day when an ant would put himself... -before the rest of his colony. - What? - The point is, Flik, you lied to us. - No, no, no! I-I-- You lied, Flik. You lied to her. You lied to the colony! You lied to me! And like an idiot, I believed you. But I-I was just afraid that... if you knew I'd gotten circus bugs-- [ Sighs Deeply ] - I just wanted to make a difference. - I want you to leave, Flik. And this time, don't come back. [ Crowd Gasps, Murmurs ] - [ Gasps ] - [ Whimpers ] Tough crowd. Yee-haw! Flik! [ Thumper ] Get those bugs! [ Panting ] [ Crowd Chattering ] [ Grunting ] That's it? But there's got to be more food on the island! If we give up any more, we'll starve. - Hopper won't accept this! -[ Roaring ] [ Roaring Intensifies ] - [ Whimpering ] - Mother, it's not enough. - What do we do? - I-I don't know. -[ Roaring Stops ] - [ Gasping ] [ Gasping, Swallowing ] [ Heavy Footsteps ] [ Gasps ] [ Growling, Screeching ] - [ Crowd Gasping ] - You little termites! I give you a second chance, and this is all I get? - [ Screaming ] - But Hopper, we ran out of time! Have you been playing all summer? You think this is a game? - No, no, please! - Well, guess what? You just lost. - [ Screeching ] - Not one ant sleeps... until we get every scrap of food... on this island! Just do what he says. You don't want to make him mad. Believe me! No, no, no. You're staying with me, Your Highness. - [ Screaming ] - What do you think you're doing? - Get over there. - Quick! To the clubhouse. - [ Rustling ] - [ Gasping ] Hurry! - Shh! - [ Grasshopper ] Shut up a minute, will ya? - I think I heard something over here. - Have you checked over there? - No, not yet. - Then get over there and check it out! - Wait a minute. - [ Gasps ] - Hey, I think I found something. - [ Footsteps Approaching ] [ Laughs ] Cool. Hey, how do I look? Like an idiot. Oh, I don't know, maybe it'll keep me dry in the rain. You moron, we'll be out of here before it rains. Didn't you hear Hopper? After the ants pick all the food, he's gonna squish the queen to remind 'em who's boss. Then she's dead. They cry--boo-hoo-- we go home. End of story. Oh! Cool. I love our job. Stay here. I'm gonna get help. [ Grunts ] [ Panting ] Ooh! - [ Snarling ] - [ Screaming ] - [ Grunting ] - [ Panting ] - [ Roaring ] - [ Grunting ] [ Screeching ] [ Screaming ] [ Grunting ] [ Panting ] Come on, wings, fly. Fly! - [ Roaring ] - [ Screaming ] [ Screaming Fades ] [ Growling ] [ Screeching ] Yeah! Whoa-oh! [ Panting, Grunting ] [ P.T. Humming, Indistinct ] I'm gonna be rich, rich, rich I'm gonna be rich, rich, rich I'm gonna be the richest flea in the land Ka-ching! The streets'll be paved with golden retrievers I'm rich, rich, rich That's who I am [ P. T. Continues Singing, Indistinct ] - Poor fellow. - Hey, maybe we can cheer him up a bit. Don't worry, Flik. The circus life isn't so bad. - Yes, you can be part of our act. - Here! Like this. Oof! Ahh. Slapstick! Get it? I-I'm a walking stick. [ Laughs Weakly ] Oh, never mind. -[ Dot ] Flik! - Dot? Flik, wait! Wait! Dot, you're flying! What are you doing here? [ Panting ] You... have to go back. Hopper moved into the anthill, and his gang's eating everything! - Oh, no! - Good heavens! And I heard a grasshopper say that when they're finished, Hopper's gonna squish my mom! - Oh, not the queen! - Do something! - How? - [ Rosie ] Come on, you guys, think! - I know. The bird. - Yes, of course. - The bird! That's brilliant. -Ja! - The bird won't work. - What are you talking about? It was your idea. - But you said that everything-- Forget everything I ever told you. All right, Dot? Let's face it. The colony is right. I just make things worse. That bird is a guaranteed failure. [ Sighs ] Just like me. You listen to me, my boy. I've made a living out of being a failure. And you, sir, are not a failure! - Oh, but Flik, you've done so many good things. - Oh, yeah? Okay, show me one thing I've done right. - Umm-- - Us. -[ Bugs ] Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - Dim is right, my boy. You have rekindled the long-dormant embers of purpose in our lives. And if it wasn't for you, Francis would have never gotten in touch with his feminine side. Oh yeah? Well-- Hmm. [ Chuckles ] You know what? He's right. Lieutenant Gypsy reporting for duty. - Kid, say the word and we'll follow you into battle. - We believe in you, my boy. Flik, please? Pretend it's a seed, okay? [ Chuckles ] Thanks, Dot. - Hey, what's with the rock? - Must be an ant thing. All right, let's do it. - [ Laughing, Cheering ] - That's the Flik we know and love. - We're on! - So, what do we do first? Bugs will pay big bucks to see A bonfire that is starring me [ Laughing ] P.T., look. Money! [ P. T.] Where? Where? [ Screaming ] All right. Get movin'! Get goin'. Move your abdomens, now! [ Flik ] They're rounding everyone up. - [ Gasps ] - Hey! Turn your butt off. Psst! Hey, guys! Get me out of this thing, will ya? I promise to start thinkin' about payin' ya. Hey! Wait, wait! Okay, I'll pay ya! I'll pay ya! [ Flik ] Oh, no! They've finished collecting the food. We've got to get the queen now. Once she's safe, we move on Gypsy's signal. -[ Rattling ] - [ Gasps ] Someone's coming! [ Rattling Continues ] Hello, kids! Ready to make some grasshoppers cry? It's payback time, Blueberry-style. - [ Grunting ] - Blueberries rock! - [ All Cheering ] - All right! - [ Growling ] -[ Drum Rolling ] [ Slim ] Ladies and Gentlebugs! Larvae of all stages! Rub your legs together for the world's greatest bug circus! - Wait a minute. - [ Brakes Screeching ] - I think I'm going to wet myself. - Steady-- - What's going on here? - Well, uh-- Uh, yes. [ Chuckling ] We were invited by Princess Atta... as a surprise for your arrival. - Squish 'em. - [ Gasping ] Ooh-- [ Gasps ] [ Together] Hey! [ Gibberish ] [ Continues, Alone ] [ Yelling Gibberish ] [ Bickering Continues ] Now that's funny. That is funny. I guess we could use a little entertainment. Looks like you did something right for once, Princess. -[ Laughing Uneasily ] On with the show! -Hi-ya! Hey! The circus, the circus I love the circus [ Cheering, Yelling ] [ Panting ] - [ Sucking ] - Ba-ba all gone! Baby wants pie! Pie? He asked for it. Should I give it to him? Yeah! Give 'em pie! Give 'em pie! - [ All Cheering ] - Yeah! Hah! Thank you, gentlemen. Always an intellectual treat. Say, how many roaches does it take to screw in a light bulb? Can't tell. As soon as the light goes on, they scatter! [ Hysterical Laughing Continues ] [ Laughing ] [ Panting ] Ah, almost there. From the most mysterious regions of uncharted Asia, - I give you the Chinese Cabinet... - Come on, girls. Quick. Quick. of Metamorphosis! Utilizing psychic vibrations, - [ Gasps ] Ooh, ohh, pick me! - I shall select the perfect volunteer. Ooh, no! Come on, I'm askin' ya with my brain. - [ Moaning ] Aha! Why, Your Majesty! - Me? - [ Snarling ] - No, no. Thumper, down. Let her go. Maybe he'll saw her in half. [ Snickering ] As you ascend the dung beetle to the unknown, put your trust in the mysteries that are beyond mere mortal comprehension. Ooh, this is gonna be good! - Blueberries ready? - [ All ] Ready. - [ Amplified Voice ] Ready! - Shh! I call upon the ancient Szechwan spirits... to inhabit the body of our volunteer! No, no. Just stay in there, Your Majesty. Transformation. Transformation! Transformation! Wow. Manny's gettin' good. - [ Gasps ] Not now. - If it rains, that bird'll get ripped to shreds! Shh! And now, insectus... transformitus! [ All ] Ooh! - Ooh! - Ooh, pretty! -[ Applauding ] - Thank you, thank you. - Thank you. - That's the signal. That's the signal! [ Grunts ] This is it, girls. Get ready to roll. - Huh? It's stuck! - That was amazing! I have no-- How did they do that? I have no idea where she went. - Thank you. Thank you, thank you. -[ Audience ] More, more, more! Wait! - Where is she? - Well, now, uh, actually-- I am sorry. A magician never reveals his secrets. That's very true, Hoppy. Where would the mystery be if we all knew how it was-- - Shutting up. - [ Grunting ] - You can do it! You've got to make it work! - Hey! I said, where is she? - [ Whimpering ] - Ohh! [ Grunting ] [ Screaming ] Hold on! [ Amplified Cawing ] [ Screaming ] Bird! It's a bird! [ All Yelling ] [ Cawing ] - [ Laughing ] - Let's get out of here! Go! Don't let it get me! Don't let it get me! Help me! Aaah! [ Cackling ] [ Dot ] Up, down, up, down. - And turn! - [ Grunting ] [ Screaming ] - Oh, my eye! Help me! - [ Screaming ] [ Screaming ] [ Screaming ] Mmm, boysenberry. Huh? Aah, no, no, no, no, no! [ Grunting ] - [ Screaming ] - [ Moaning ] Oh, the pain! There goes my magic act! - Flaming gas! - No! P.T! [ Screaming ] A direct hit! Ah-hee-ha! - [ Screaming ] - Run! - [ Gasps ] - Flik! Help us! [ Snarls ] [ Gasps ] Dot! [ Flik ] Okay! Everyone out! Hurry! [ Coughing ] Where's Dot? Anyone seen Dot? - [ Screaming ] - Whose idea was this? Huh? Was it yours, Princess? Just get behind me, girls. It'll be okay. [ Flik ] Leave her alone, Hopper. The bird was my idea. I'm the one you want. [ Snapping ] [ Shrieking ] [ Blows Landing, Flik Grunting ] - Ohh. - [ Grunting ] - [ Shrieking ] - [ Snapping ] [ Growling ] Where do you get the gall to do this to me? [ Panting ] You were-- You were gonna squish the queen. - [ All Gasping ] - It's true. I hate it when someone gives away the ending. - [ Roaring ] - [ Moaning ] You piece of dirt! No, I'm wrong. You're lower than dirt. You're an ant! Let this be a lesson to all you ants. Ideas are very dangerous things. You are mindless, soil-shoving losers, put on this earth to serve us! [ Flik ] You're wrong, Hopper. [ Groaning ] [ Inhaling Deeply ] Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers! I've seen these ants do great things. And year after year, they somehow manage... to pick food for themselves and you. So-So who is the weaker species? Ants don't serve grasshoppers. It's you who need us. [ Crowd Gasping, Chattering ] We're a lot stronger than you say we are. And you know it, don't you? [ Grunts ] [ Chuckles ] Well, Princess! Umm, Hopper? I hate to interrupt, but, um-- You ants stay back! - Oh, this was such a bad idea! - You see, Hopper, nature has a certain order. The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food, and the grasshoppers leave! [ Yelling ] - I'm so proud of you, Flik! - Charge-a! Where are you going? They're just ants! Oof! - [ Screams ] - [ Snarls ] No! Bad grasshopper! Bad grasshopper! Go home! - [ Roaring ] - [ Roaring Louder] [ Whining, Yelping ] - [ Chuckles ] - Yeah! [ Hopper ] Come back here, you cowards! Don't leave! - [ Flik ] To the cannon! - [ Ants ] To the cannon! [ Hopper] No! [ Hopper Screaming ] [ Chuckles ] Happy landings, Hopper! - [ Thunder Crashing ] - Huh? Rain! [ Growling ] [ Roaring ] - Flik! - Quick! After them! - Yaah! - Aah! Aah! Aah! Slim! - Francis! Francis! Francis, I'm stuck! - Where are ya? - I'm over here! Here! - Where? I'm the only stick with eyeballs! - Help! Help! - Get him! - Yes! Yes! - [ Thunder Crashing ] No! - [ Giggling ] - [ Chattering ] - [ Chattering ] - [ Giggling ] [ Screaming ] - Go that way! I've got an idea! - But the anthill's over-- - [ Hopper Roaring ] - [ Atta Screaming ] - Flik! - Come on! [ Screaming ] [ Flik ] There! [ Atta Grunts ] Come on! We've gotta hide! No matter what happens, stay down! Flik, no! What are you doing? - Uh-- Hopper! - You think it's over? No, no, no. No, I-I can explain. - All your little stunt did was buy them time! - No, please! Please, Hopper! I'll get more grasshoppers and be back next season, but you won't! [ Chirping ] - [ Choking ] - Well, what's this? Another one of your little bird tricks? - Yup. - Are there a bunch of little girls in this one too? - Hello, girls! - [ Screeching ] [ Screaming In Terror] No! No! No, no, no, no! No! Aah! [ Screaming ] No! Oh, no! Oh, no! No, no, no! [ Screams ] [ Horn Blowing ] Come on, boys! - Hey, Princess Dot! Wait up! - [ Giggling ] [ Sighs ] I finally get a second to relax, and I gotta get out of my chair. - Come on! You can rub lotion on me later, shade boy. - Yeah, hubba-hubba. [ Both Laughing ] - [ Laughing, Chattering ] - [ Heimlich ] Oh, thank you! - Oh, you're too kind! - It was the least we could do. All in a day's work. Dim! - Ohh! - [ Kids ] Ohh! I'm so sorry, kids. I wish you could come along too. - [ Kids Weeping ] - I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. [ Chattering ] [ Chattering ] [ Laughing ] Hey, let's go. We got a schedule to keep. Come on, let's go. - Hup, hup, hey! - Hey, Tiny! Let's get this show packed up! We got paying customers hatching! Yes, Mr. Flea. Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Right away, sir. And, um, I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance, because it's an honor to work with creative giants such as yourself. - Shutting up. - You sure you can't come on tour with us? - Sorry. My place is here. - Good answer. Oh, well. Your loss. One minute, insects! I wanna thank all of you... for giving us back our hope, our dignity, and our lives. And to you, Princess Atta. You have given us so much. Please accept this gift from us bugs... to you ants. - For you! - Oh! It's a rock. - [ Chuckling ] - What's with the rock? Must be a circus thing. [ Giggling ] Well, Flik, you really goofed up. - Thanks. - Yeah, you too. [ Gasps ] [ Crowd Cheering ] - [ Giggling ] - [ Sniffling ] All right. Now it's gettin' mushy. - We're outta here! Hy-aah! - [ Whip Cracking ] - Whoa! - [ Rosie ] See ya next season! - [ Francis ] See ya, Flik! - Bye! We miss you already! - You fired! - [ Gasps ] We forgot Heimlich! I'm finished! Finally, I'm a beautiful butterfly! [ Grunting ] Mein wings! Oh, they're beautiful! [ Flik ] Heimlich! The wagon's taking off! You better start flying! But I am flying! And from way up here, you all look like little ants! Auf Wiedersehen! Bye! Present stalks! Harvester, salute! Was a bug, little bug Hardly there How he felt, what he dreamed Who would care - Without any evidence - His flaws were many, ooh - He was full of confidence - Some people haven't any - Didn't have much common sense - It's highly overrated He just knew that he'd come through It's the time of your life So live it well It's the time of your life So live it well We may only go round one time As far as I can tell It's the time of your life So live it well We may only go round this one time - As far as I can tell - He could be wrong about me - It's the time of your life - Time, life - It's the time of your life - Time, life It's the time of your life So live it well -[ Beeping ] -Speed! - Marker. -[ Director ] And--action! - Are you saying I'm stupid? - No! - Do I look stupid... to you? [ Laughs Hysterically ] - I'm sorry! -[ Beeping ] - Are you saying I'm stupid? Oh-- - [ Laughing ] - I'm sorry! I got it. No, no. Do it again. I'm fine. -[ Beeping ] - Are you saying I'm stupid? - Yes! [ Laughing ] This is the 15th take. I cannot work like this. - I will be in my trailer. - I need a break. -[ Beeping ] - Marker. -Whoa, Flik honey, we are not about to-- -[ Banging ] - Is someone hammering? - [ Sighs ] -Could we hold the work, please? People? -[ Ringing ] Am I in this shot? You can see me, right? -[ Beeping ] -And--action! To infinity, and beyond! -[ Laughing ] - I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Really, can you blame me? - Okay, let's go for real now. Sorry. - Okay, cut! Why go back to Ant Island at all? - I mean, you don't even like grain. - What? You're right. I didn't think it was such a good idea myself. - Actually, it wasn't even my idea. It was-- - Watch it! -[ Crashing ] - I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Is the camera broke? Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Did I ruin the take? -[ Beeping ] - And thank you for findin' 'em, Flik. Me? Oh, oops, ow, ow. - Ow, ow, ow! - Uh, oh, oh no. Oh no, oh-- - This really hurts, guys. Can we cut? Ow! - I'm sorry, I'm s-- Oh! [ Beeping ] So, is there a Mrs. Ant you have to tunnel home to? Oh, I'm sorry! I thought he was real. [ Laughing ] Ooh, dear. Put that thing in my car. -[ Beeping ] - Marker. Flik, after much deliberation-- [ Screaming ] -[ Rattling, Banging ] - [ Laughing ] -[ Beeping ] - Ohh, I-- Ow. Oh. My eye! Oh. No, no. Seriously, I've got berry juice in my eye! - [ Laughing Fiendishly ] - It stings! Stop acting. I'm serious. - Oh, stop the camera! - [ Beeping ] - [ Laughing ] - [ Gurgling, Liquid Trickling ] Uh-oh. Towel! I need a towel over here! [ Laughing ] - [ Breaking Wind ] -[ Director ] Cut! -[ Beeping ] - [ Shrieking ] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - [ Groaning ] - Can we-- Can we cut? It's just I don't think I'm comin' across. Hmm. Oh, oh, I know. I know. I could lather up a bunch of spit. Ooh, ooh, that's good. I got it, J.L. One more for me. -[ Beeping ] -Speed! - Marker! Action! Spinning a web of safety in less than 50-- Bleh! It's the time of your life So live it well It's the time of your life So live it well We may only go round one time As far as I can tell It's the time of your life So live it well Like us all he started small Then he grew When the time came he knew What to do - He knew in order to succeed - They'd have to work together - He turned a rock into a seed - And they were changed forever Then they had the strength they'd need - To get through stormy weather - Do or die, you gotta try It's the time of your life So live it well It's the time of your life So live it well You may only go round one time - As far as I can tell - You may be wrong about me It's the time of your life So live it well Isn't it a bit surprising How our fortunes ebb and flow And only to the enterprising Does the magic fortune cookie go Believe me It's the time of your life So live it well It's the time of your life So live it well We may only go round one time As far as I can tell It's the time of your life It's the time of your life It's the time of your life So live it well