1. 태아기형으로 인한 낙태 abortion due to fe__ de___
2. 나는 아이가 태어났을 무렵에 취직을 했다 I got a job ab___ the same ti__ I had a baby
3. 성격과 행동의 갑작스런 변화 ab___ changes in perso___ and beha___
4. 제도의 불합리성, 부조리 absu__ of the system
5. 지도교수 academic advi___
6. 학교시험컨닝 academic chea___
7. 요즘은 학위나 자격증이 예전보다 더욱 중요하다 academiinc creden___ are more important today than they used to be
8. 학점 academic gra__
9. 박사학위를 수여하는 대학기관들 academic institu___ that gra___ Ph.Ds = academic insti____ off___ Ph.D programs
첫댓글 1. abortion due to fetal defects
2. I got a job about the same time I had a baby
3. abrupt changes in personality and behavior
4. absurdity of the system
5. academic advisor
6. academic cheating
7. academic credentials are more important that used to be
8. academic grade
9. academic institutions that grant Ph.D = academic institutions offering Ph.D programs