Hey folks, this is Lusted from
www.twcenter.net with my exclusive Gold Code Day Report for the Total War Community Blog.
First off I'd like to say I think I came across a bit manic at the event as I was talking lots and behaving like a kid in a candy shop.
After an uneventful journey up to Kew Bridge station, I met up with Tom Laverick, the winner of the TWC competition and we headed to SEGA HQ Europe. Luckily the directions I had been given were accurate so we got there in about 10 minutes. After waiting around for a bit we were joined by the rest of the people for the morning session: Ben, the competition winner from Heaven Games, and an admin from the site whose name escapes me.
Then we were joined by Richie (aka The Shogun), Mark (the TW.com webmaster) another CA Dev, and Alex the SEGA rep. We were shown to the room where we would be getting to play the game. Unfortunately as the original date for the event had been changed, we were not in a big conference room, but in a smaller office which was baking. But all thoughts of the heat were lost once I started playing the game.
The game is just immense. We all know by now that it is hugely beautiful, but I am still surprised by how much better than RTW it looks.
But of course you guys do not care about the graphics, you care about 1 thing: the AI.
The first thing I did when playing the game at the Event was start a custom battle to test Palamedes claims about the AI on very hard. He said that even TW vets would lose on this difficulty.
I am a TW vet.
I lost.
The AI took me completely by surprise and rushed me, exploiting gaps in my line to surround parts of it and rout them, before overwhelming my last resistance.
And contrary to what some people were saying after the dev blog on morale and fatigue, their effect does increase with difficulty level, and it affects both the player and AI equally. I have also seen no evidence to suggest the AI gets bonuses on vh as I managed to rout some of its units
like how it routed some of mine.
Shocked after this I decided to start a campaign as the English to see what the campaign AI was like. Played for a few turns, conquered York, I was preparing an army near Caen for a crusade I was going to launch when the Scots attacked York. Before you al scream in despair, the AI attacked me because I had moved most of the troops out of the city to join the army near
Caen, so it was vulnerable to attack.
Later on at the event as Sicily, I annoyed the Byzantines in diplomatic negotiations with them. 2 turns later they attacked me and took Durazzo from me.
I also noticed that your alliances with other factions affect your power rating that other factions will use in diplomatic negotiations.
I also saw the campaign AI merging armies much more than in RTW so there were bigger armies going around instead of lots of little ones. It also has varied troops in its armies due to the new recruitment system.
During my time playing the campaign I got to see how many of the new features in M2TW I was interested in worked.
The first of these features and perhaps the most interesting one is the city/castle system. The differences between the two are much greater than I thought, and make for some interesting strategic decisions. You need to maintain a balance between the two types to keep the money coming in, and troops rolling out. Cities get some free upkeep militia units, but are more prone to unrest and corrupting governors. Castles produce your best troops, multiple units per turn, but you cannot change the tax rate of them.
Next feature I saw was Papal elections, as 3 turns into my English campaign the Pope died. 3 candidates from the College of Cardinals are put up for election based on their piety, then you can vote for who you want, and (Ibelieve from reading the manual, but I’m not sure as I have not had another chance to test this yet) you can negotiate with other factions to get them to vote for you.
Crusades in M2Tw I feel are also much better than those in MTW. The system for them is better, and your Papal standing affects your ability to call one. Once one has been called you then assign one of your armies to become a crusading army, you get Crusader units to recruit like you would mercs, and increased movement points to get you to your destination faster.
Next I’ll talk about the funnest part of the event, a LAN match me, Tom and Ben did.
I chose the Russians, Tome the Scots, and Ben the French. We fought on a very interesting map called Redoubt, which has some lovely high passes one one side, and forests on the other with a building in the sort of middle. The battle started out with my Kazak horse archers attacking Tom’s rear before withdrawing. Tom and Ben were position basically opposite each other,
while I had deployed on a very defensive position further away. Ben began to move his main force up to attack Tom, but sent 4 units of cavalry to fight my Boyar horse archers. These guys got caught by Ben so I committed them to melee whilst I sent in my general, heavier mounted troops, and my Kazaks. My Boyars were routed but I destroyed his cavalry. Ben now began his main assault on Toms Scots, with his infantry going up the middle whilst his Gendarmes went up the side. I then sent my cavalry to a position behind Ben’s infantry, where I dealt with his artillery, and my infantry came through a high pass into position behind Tom’s rear. When Ben began to get the upper hand over Tom, I charged in my units, and beat them both.
The amazing thing about these battles was the performance. The pc's we were playing on had the following specs:
Intel P4 3.0 GHz
Geforce 7600Gt.
My computer at home which I’m typing this on is better than that. There were about 6000 soldiers in this battle, and there was minimal lag when all units were engaged. This game performs like a dream.
What was really nice about the event was how friendly the CA and SEGA guys were, one of them even playing the game on the 5th computer as he wanted to play it some more after watching us playing it and enjoying it.
After my rejoicing at my victory in the LAN battle they suggested bringing in some of the testers for us to fight against. These are testers who have been playing the game for 6 months. We declined their offer.
All in all it was a great day for a great game. Medieval II: Total War is the best TW game to date. It has the best graphics, best AI, best diplomacy and the best strategic depth of any game in the series.
Thank you to CA and SEGA for organising the event.
Oh, and thanks fro the free game as well.
첫댓글 패치 언제 나온다냐..........
일주일은 안걸리고 몇일내로 나온다네요... 위의 내용으로는 기병들의 차지 패턴이 버그였으며 이것이 고쳐진다고 하네요... formed, unformed 차지로 구별된다네요... 로마와는 달리 미디블2는 기병들이 랜서를 들고 있어서 다른 메카닉이 필요 하답니다...
-_- 뭐야, 그거 말고도 고칠게 여러개일텐데...언급이 없네. 티무르 또 튕기면 겜 접을까 생각중인데..
아닙니다...업데이트를 통해 고쳐지는 다른 사항들은 패치 릴리즈 전에 공지 하겠다네요... 기병 차지 버그는 그 중 대표적으로 고친 것중에 하나를 소개한 것이구요...
이넘들아 겜 나온지 한달이 다 되간다 -_-;;
게임 나온지 한달만에 패치가 나오는거 자체가 비정상입니다 -_-;;;; 우리나라 어느 게임중에서는 출시 전(!!) 에 패치가 나온적도 있었지요. 물론 토털 리콜을 해버린 버그나까라따보단 약합니다만;;
한달만에 패치가 나오는게 비정상 이라니 ...ㄲㄲ
분명 회사의 압박에 쫓겨서 일단 내고 본 것이겠죠; 일단은 실적은 내야하니 요즘은 인터넷이 발달했으니 내고난 다음에 패치하자! 이런식이죠 머.
라고 생각할 근거는 아직 없지만, 어쨋든 잘한 일은 아니죠 확실히.
혹시 어둠의 경로로 받으면 패치가 않되나요? 만약 그렇다면 이렇게 버그가 많은건 정품을 사게 하기 위한 제작사의 고충이었을 수도 있습니다. -.-;;
CA는 실행파일에 패치를 씌워야 하는데,,, 롬토때 패치해도 실행파일 버전은 1.0인걸로 봐선 그건 무리가........
만약 미디2가 콘솔게임 이었다면 이렇게 나오면 망하겠죠 -_-; 콘솔게임 주로 만들던 세가라 다를 줄 알았더니 못된것만 배워서리 --++
으음.... 무슨 말이지 ㄱ-?!
이 정도 버그에 패치가 이렇게 늦는 것은 토탈워 네임벨류덕에 아직 생생하지 다른 겜 같았으면 진작에 망했습니다. 하긴 11기가 용량을 커버하면서 코드재입력할려면 머...스케즐에 맞추다 보니 릴을 했지만 거의 베타테스팅에 가까운 완성도를 보여주는 경우라 봅니다. 하긴 롬때도 그랬지만 이번 경우는 용량탓인지 거의 배째라 수준