안녕하세요 ? 영어선생님 ,저는 1-2반 강수지 라고 해요, 겨울방학 어떻게 지내셨어요?
제가 좀 늦게 올렷담니다, 그동안 바빠서 방학떄 학원도 다니느라 숙제도 밀리고 밀려서 여태까지 왔답니다. 빨리 끝내야 할터인데 ,선생님 설날 잘 보내셨어요 ?
저는 사촌동생때문에 지쳐서 괴롭게 보냈습니다. 세뱃돈도 조금 밖에 못받았구요 , 반에 반은 엄마한테 뻈겻구요. 그래도 명절이라 맛있는것들이 많더군요,
Hello, my English teacher. How are you?
It's Kang Susie in grade one at the first class. How are you doing this winter?
I am writing you rather late since I have been so busy going to the cram school for this winter, and doing all the homework. I had better get it all done as soon as I can. How did you spend the New Year's day? I had a hard day with my little cousins. How tiring they were! I didn't get many handsels either. I only managed to save the half. ( Mom took the other half.)
Anyway I had a feast since it was a holiday.
이제 2학년이군요, 전 선생님이 저희 영어 담당을 하셨으면 좋겠어요. 2학년 영어선생님 너무 무서워요. 2학년 올라가는 싫은이유가 늙는다는것 빼구 그게 또하나의 이유랍니다. 차라리 1학년을 한번더 하고 싶지만 나의 명예를 위해서 하하.
Well, it will be my second year in school. I hope that you would teach us English again. The teacher in grade two is too mean. It's one of the two reasons that I don't like about becoming the second grader this year.( the other is that I get older.) I would rather redo the first grade,but I cannot do so since I am too proud for that.
영어로 쓰니 참 어렵군요. 선생님 내용이 이상해도 끝까지 봐주세요. 아~ 방학이 다 끝나가니까 너무너무 아쉬워요. 그동안 찐 살들하며 ,늦게일어나는 버릇하며 .. 이제 일찍일어 나야 한다니까. 벌써 눈물이 핑 돕니다. 2일 밖에 않남았군요 , 선생님들과 친구를 만나는건 좋지만, 일찍일어나고 공부할 생각을 하니 정말 싫군요. 그래도 학생은 공부를 해야지! 선생님 방학끝나고 건강한 모습으로 만나요. 그럼 안녕히 계세요.
How hard it is to write in English. Please read it to the end even if you find it too weird. I am so sad because the winter break is soon coming to an end.
Thinking that I will have to get up early for school, how much weight I have gained ,and all the bad habits I got for this winter,I cannot help having tears in the eyes. It's only two days away. Although I like to meet my classmates again, I hate getting up early and doing all the school work. What can I do? I gotta do what I gotta do as student!
I will see you on the first day of school safe and sound.
Please take care.