Brochiectasis is known as a irreversible disease and it
will get worsen and worsen as years pass. But in the
view of east asian medicine, it is not true.
First, when the patients feel some troubles in the chest or
resperatory organs, the herbal treament is the best preventive.
Second, the herbal treament will stop it getting worse.
Third, the herbal treament will recover damaged cells to
the some extent if the cells did not disappear or completely
Fourth, the most necessary thing is to get rid of the choking
on the chest over sleeping and talking. Because the most of
bronchiectasis accompany the heart troubles.
The below case is for the herbal treament of brochiectasis.
1. Personal Information(042742)
Lee 0 0, Male, 60 yeras old
Address : Seochogu, Seoul, Korea
2. Chief Complaints
Long times ago( He cannot remember the details) he was
diagnosed as brochiectasis. He is born with weak lung and
so he have been suffered with resperatory symptoms from
childhood. When he visited USA and heard that his disease
is incurable. So he have never tried to treat it from then on.
Wheezing over sleeping
Choking on the chest.
Heavy snoring
3. Other Symptoms and Signs
Stress from business
Chronic fatigue
Suspected prostatism
Leucoderma on back
Reddish eye
Pulse : Float, strong, tensed and a little fast
Tongue : Deep coated with white mosses, but dark red surface
Abdomen : Very stiffen on upper but no pain.
4. Diagnosis
Liver congestive
Heart small
Lung weak so much
5. Pathology
The fever on the chest from weak lung and small heart
with stress or physical fatigue. This fever goes up together with
that from the congestion of liver through the pipe of brochus.
And with other outer factor- cold air, both of fever and cold
make the brochus loosen and shruken in turn. With the result
as this the cells on bronchus are dead or deformed.
If he had gotten herbal treament from the begining, he might not
have suffered with brochiectasis. He had had no idea about the
east asian medicine so he had to resort to western medicine
and furthermore after having heard that is incurable he had let
his symptoms be to get worsen. Fortunately he found a hope
when he noticed his wife's long lasted eczema (known as
incurable) recovered miraculousely from Harabi Clinic.
6. Prescription
To improve lung and heart
To get rid of humidity
To release liver
To reduce fever.
7. Results
1st Prescription
To get rid of humidity is main.
1st Result
It is better than before on the bronchus, he said.
Wheezing is surely reduced, his wife said.
Others remain.
2nd Prescription
Added a little for evaporation
2nd Result
Very good on bronchus and also sleeping! he said.
No wheezing
Little fatigue
3rd Presription
Added for blood circulation on low abdomen for prostatism.
3rd Result
Not bad feeling on the chest any more! he admired.
Good sleeping without breath trouble.
4th Prescription
To maximize the recovery of damaged cells on brochus, he
wanted to take more herbal prescription.
Added for purifying blood to improve heart.
He siad that he wanted to take at least one more time after the
4th and that he should not have suffered for a long time from
young age if he had known about the herbal treatment earlier.