Howdy ! It's me Scarlett ! This week we have 5 topics. ◈ Art of living : 8 Steps to Resiliency ◈ Life style : 3 Steps To Follow Through with New Year’s Resolutions ◈ Careers : 10 signs someone is lying to you ◈ Work Environment : What's your workplace thinking style? ◈ Tech. issue : Solar-Panel Roads to Be Built on Four Continents Next Year Hope you enjoy the topics. With luv Scarlett 8 Steps to Resiliency April 6, 2016 Resilience: that ability to bounce back from adversity. It is what allows you to recover from change or hardship, whether in the workplace or life in general. As a leader, you can change your views, habits, and responses by modifying your thoughts and actions, which will help broaden your outlook and become less narrowly focused – and more able to adapt to change. To become more resilient, center on these 8 areas: Article source : https://www.ccl.org/blog/8-steps-to-resiliency-and-how-they-led-ccl-to-re-launch-this-blog/?utm_content=sf47865141&utm_medium=spredfast&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=OE-LDP+R-EMEA+C-Infographic&sf47865141=1 <Questions> Q1. What is a definition of resiliency? Q2. When you face the hardship, how do you deal with those tricky situations? Q3. What is your sense of purpose in life? Q4. How would you define your own self-identity? Q5. Do you invest your time to develop and cultivate a broad network of personal and professional relationships? Q6. How often do you reflect yourself? Q7. How often do you reframe your perspectives on your skills, talents and interests? 3 Steps To Follow Through with New Year’s Resolutions Keeping difficult New Year’s resolutions may challenge and exasperate you. Sometimes, you may find yourself setting goals that are simply too lofty to reach realistically, and by the end of the year, you may end up feeling frustrated and guilty about your lack of success. Before you make your next round of New Year’s resolutions, plan carefully to help ensure that you can reach your goals. 1. Make Attainable and Specific Goals Before you start writing down your New Year’s resolutions, think about past resolutions you attempted to keep. Analyze your successes and failures as you think about your future resolutions. For example, if you’ve constantly set weight-loss goals that you haven’t been able to reach, try to change the scope of your goal: instead of focusing on losing a specific number of pounds in a year, change your habits in other measurable and important ways. If you don’t exercise currently, make it a goal to run three times a week. Alternatively, you can set a goal to skip junk food three days each week. These smaller resolutions will offer a good challenge without frustrating you. You should also craft specific resolutions that you can monitor easily to gauge your progress. For example, if you make a goal to spend more time with your family, you’ll probably have a difficult time monitoring your progress. If, however, you plan to spend 30 minutes each day participating in an activity with your family, you’ll find it easy to keep track of the amount of time spent with them. Using this method, you can even create graphs and charts to help you mark your successes throughout the year. Keeping this visual reminder around will help you stay focused on your resolutions.
2. Share Your Resolutions If you want some additional help with your New Year’s resolutions, involve the people closest to you. By sharing your goals publicly, your friends and family members can help keep you accountable. In addition, your loved ones can act as your support network. If you ever feel frustrated by slow progress on your resolutions, ask your loved ones for help. At home, consider placing your written goals on your fridge, and ask your family members to inquire about your progress regularly. For even more help with your goals, you can try planning some resolutions with your family. You can make many of the typical New Year’s resolutions more fun and enjoyable by including your loved ones, like encouraging your family to join you in your plan to eat three servings of vegetables a day. You can also work together to try out new recipes for dinners and snacks. 3. Reward Yourself To stay motivated throughout the year, you must reward yourself for each benchmark you reach. If you’re trying to cut your spending habits, reward yourself after a successful month of budgeting. Don’t let your reward undermine your progress on your goal, however: in this case, select an affordable reward to motivate you, such as a day at the beach with your family. As you craft your list of New Year’s resolutions, you should also take the time to think about rewards for the goals you reach. Create a list of benchmarks that you plan to reach as you work through your resolutions, with each benchmark having a small prize associated with it. You can plan a bigger reward for each resolution you manage to maintain successfully through the year. Creating a list of rewards will help you stay motivated, especially when you feel close to giving up on your resolutions. Keep your list in a handy place so that you can refer to it occasionally for motivation. Article source : http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/tips-for-following-through-with-new-years-resolutions.html 7 New Year's resolutions you can do in one minute a day Lea Rose Emery, Bustle/ Dec. 30, 2016 The New Year is almost here, so it's time to start thinking about New Year's Resolutions. But a huge portion of us abandon our resolutions quickly. According to University of Scranton research, only 8% of Americans actually achieve their resolutions at all. I think that's because we have a tendency to set some really, really unrealistic goals at this time of year. The 'New year, new you' pressure gets a hold of us, suddenly we're swearing we'll climb Everest or never eat a slice of cake. In a survey of 822 Bustle readers, 23% said that New Year's resolutions made them feel depressed, stressed out, or disappointed in themselves. The New Year is a great time for self-improvement, but we shouldn't set our selves up for failure in the process. There are so many goals and achievements we can set for ourselves that we might actually, you know, do. So it's time to rethink how we approach these resolutions. Let's call them micro-resolutions. There are plenty of improvements we can make in our lives that hardly take any time at all. Maybe they'll eventually build into larger habits or maybe they'll stay just as tiny parts of your day, it doesn't matter. The point is that you actually make the time to do them — even if it's just a small moment each day. Here are seven resolutions you can complete in 60 seconds every day, because you deserve to feel good about your goals. 1. Keep a journal Even if you only jot down one thing that you're grateful for that day, it's a great start. Gratitude journals have been shown to have a positive effect on your mood. In fact, a 2012 study in Psychology Today found that keeping a daily gratitude journal helped people with anxiety and depression — participants found it lessened their symptoms and helped them sleep better. And who couldn't use some more sleep? 2. Meditate You don't need to go into a full 90-minute session in order to get a sense of peace. In fact, if you're new to meditation, you can start with some baby steps. "Meditation is the most effective way to slow down and bring us back to the present moment," Jamison Monroe, Jr., Founder & CEO of Newport Academy Mental Rehab Center tells Bustle. "This can be much more simple than many people originally think." There are some great mindfulness apps that can help or, if you feel stressed, just take 60 seconds to close your eyes and focus on taking long breaths in and out. It's longer than you think, and totally worth it. 3. Eat more vegetables Instead of cutting something out of your diet, try adding something healthy in. Take the time to pick out healthy produce at the supermarket. "Everyone can add more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to their diets. Antioxidants can help us look and feel better by preventing cell damage caused by the free radicals we are all exposed to every day," Tiye Massey, Director of Content at Clean, a 21 day detox program developed by one NYC-based Dr. Junger, tells Bustle. It shouldn't take more than a minute to reach for some nice green broccoli to cook. Your body will thank you. 4. Drink more water Water is like a magic elixir — it boosts your immune system, gives you energy, flushes out toxins, and so much more. Plus, being dehydrated is the worst. If you're used to it, you might not even realize how dehydrated you are. So first things first, buy a big AF water bottle. Then every morning take 30 seconds and fill that sucker up. Take 30 seconds later in the day and do it again. "Starting with your body weight in pounds and dividing that number in half," Massey tells Bustle. "The number you end up with is the minimum amount of water in ounces we suggest drinking every day." Drink it up. You'll feel like a whole new person. 5. Practice self-care Take any extra minute every day for a little self-care, whatever that means to you. Put some nice moisturizer on your hands. Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil into your shower (this is a game-changer). Treat yourself and download that song that makes you smile off of iTunes. Just give yourself a little treat. Especially when things are stressful, it's easy to let taking care of yourself fall by the wayside as you prioritize other people. "Don't forget to live your life," Dr. Erika Martinez, licensed psychologist, tells Bustle. "Spend time with family and friends. Go to hot yoga. Schedule the spa day with your bestie, or whatever else relaxes and restores you." 6. Take a moment to stretch every day I totally recommend more than 60 seconds of stretching every day, but work with what you've got. It's especially important if you work at a desk all day or have a sedentary lifestyle. "Do gentle head and shoulder circles, lie on your back, hug your knees into your chest, and make circles with your knees to massage your low back," Stephanie Eris, the national yoga director at Exhale Spa, tells Bustle. "These simple movements will keep your joints lubricated." It will feel amazing and help your body in the long-term. 7. Say a positive affirmation Whatever you need to hear, take 60 seconds and say it to yourself. We all need something different to feel good — maybe you need to be reminded that you're beautiful or smart or strong or just enough. It doesn't take long to look in the mirror and say it. You owe it to yourself. Plus, it can be a huge help in professional situations. A study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin of 282 people found that self-affirmations boosted performance and were especially helpful in high-stress situations. They're a great tool and take just a minute out of your day. It's way too easy to start off 2017 with another set of unrealistic resolutions. Instead, take one minute each day to really help yourself. It's a goal that you can actually reach — and you'll be happier for it. Article source : http://www.businessinsider.com/easy-new-years-resolutions-2016-12?utm_content=buffer92638&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer 50 New Year’s Resolution Ideas And How To Achieve Each Of Them Ivan Dimitrijevic/ SEO Consultant The New Year is slowly nearing, and with the holiday season already upon us many people are indulging in retrospection and reevaluating some of their life choices. New Year’s resolutions are the perfect opportunity for all those who have failed to start making the changes that they said they would make next week, next month, or perhaps when winter starts. Well, now’s your chance to sit down and prepare a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make, and being the charitable and caring bunch that we are here at Lifehack, we’ve decided to give you a bit of help – because since the majority of people fail to stick to their resolution, you’ll need all the help you can get. What follows is a list of 50 common New Year’s resolutions with a piece of advice and plenty of links to useful articles that deal with the issue in greater detail. If you are looking for effective ways of changing your life for the better, then you’ll be sure to find tons of useful information here. 1. Get in shape: Losing weight is the top resolution for Americans, and combined with “exercise more” and “stay fit and healthy” it is something that over a third of the population wishes to achieve. It’s easy enough to start an exercise and diet program, but the trick is to find a decent one that will give you steady results and will be easy to stick to in the long run. Have a look at these tricks, hacks, exercises and mistakes to avoid to make the best our of your resolution. 2. Start eating healthier food, and less food overall: This is usually an extension of the previous resolution. Switching to a healthier diet can be incredibly tricky when we are surrounded by cheap junk food. However, with a good amount of determination and some basic tips you can slowly develop healthier eating habits. Learn to control emotional eating, be aware of reasons for diets to fail, make use of these tricks and have a look at these awesome and healthy recipes. 3. Stop procrastinating: The biggest barrier that keeps most people from reaching their goals is the desire to relax and do something fun instead of working hard. Once you get used to procrastinating it’s difficult to snap yourself out of it, so you’ll need to put in a lot of work to change this bad habit. There are many useful tips out there to find your way to stop procrastinating. There are also tools which can help you achieve this task. 4. Improve your concentration and mental skills: People have been trying to find ways to improve their focus and cognitive capacities for thousands of years, and most ancient civilizations had some combination of mental exercise and herbal medicine to help them reach this goal. Today we can use anything from apps to ancient meditation techniques to boost concentration and hone our mental skills. If you go through with this, you will be able to control your mood, learn faster and have an easier time solving problems. 5. Meet new people: When we get stuck in a rut, we usually end up staying at home most of the time, missing out on a lot of interesting opportunities for networking and having fun. Meeting new people can be beneficial to your mental well-being and help your career, so don’t be afraid to get out there and make some friends. Overcome your shyness, get some knowledge and go and get to know new and interesting people. 6. Become more active: Some people don’t really have a big weight problem, and they even get some exercise a few times a week, but they just sit around the most of the time at home and at work, which can have a negative effect on their posture and health. In that case, all you need is to find ways of moving around more throughout the day instead of staying hunched over the computer. It’s even more fun if you share your activity with friends and family. 7. Become more confident and take some chances: If you are confident other people notice it, and it is much easier to have your opinions heard, ask people out on dates and get ahead at work. A good dose of self-confidence will help you lead a much happier life overall. Don’t hesitate to get some input on ways to boost your confidence. 8. Earn more money: Even billionaires are always looking for ways to earn more money, and we common folk can definitely use an additional source of income to make life a bit more comfortable. Fortunately there are plenty of options available, like having sidejobs, working as a freelancer or using the internet to your advantage. 9. Become more polite: Good manners have always been an important part of a civilized society. They make it easier to connect with others, avoid offending people and will ensure that others perceive you as a good and trustworthy person. So know the etiquette, be prepared or other manners in other countries, deal with rude people in the right way and learn how to say no. 10. Reduce stress: They say that stress is one of the biggest killers out there, and it can have a very destructive effect on your relationships as well as your health. It may be an unavoidable side effect of our hectic modern lifestyles, but it can be effectively managed with the help of useful, unconventional and easy to practice tricks for stress management. 11. Learn to be happier with your life: Even those that are in decent shape, make a good living and have stress under control can still be unhappy. It takes time and patience to learn how to find joy in the little things and not to let problems bring you down. 12. Get more quality sleep: With big TV’s, computers, smartphones, tablets and all sorts of gadgets with glowing lights and beeping alerts, it can be hard to get enough sleep at night. You should be gunning for at least 8 hours of sleep a night, and there are fairly simple ways to achieve this number if you make use of science and everday hacks. 13. Give up cigarettes: A bit of bad habit that a lot of people don’t know how to kick, smoking will not only endanger your health, but can burn a hole in your wallet as well. Just be prepared to dedicate a lot of will power to giving up cigarettes once and for all. 14. Watch less TV: The average person wastes a lot of time in front of the TV, time that could have been better spent developing skills, learning or keeping your body active. Once you manage to cut down on TV time, you will realize just how long and productive a day can really be. 15. Read more: Books are an excellent way to gain a lot of knowledge on a huge variety of topics, and are also a great exercise for your brain. It’s not that difficult to go through 20 or more books in a year – you only need to make it a habit, discover your type of books and find a bit of time for reading here and there. 16. Find a significant other: We all need someone to hold at night, talk to and share our deepest secrets with, but finding the right person is a matter of trial and error. We need to go out and get to know a bunch of potential partners before we can find the one that we can get along with really well. Get inspired on your way towards love by these tips on the best places to meet people, asking someone out, and having an amazing and original first date. 17. Have better sex: Any healthy relationship requires a good deal of intimacy, and sex can actually help keep us mentally and physically healthy. The idea is to make it a fun and rewarding experience, and this is something that comes with practice and exercise. 18. Become tidier: There are a lot of slobs out there who can’t really get their stuff organized, and a cluttered desk or chaotic home will negatively affect your productivity and even your mood, so it helps to clear the clutter, clean your house and lead a tidier and more organized life. 19. Learn how to dress with style: The way you dress can say a lot about you, and wearing the right clothes can make you seem powerful and confident, which in turn can help you land a job, get promoted, and catch the eye of a lovely guy or girl. No matter if you’re male or female, know the dresscode and live with style. 20. Spend more time with the people that matter: There is just too little time in this life for us to waste it on insincere, duplicitous and toxic people. We should focus on the people who we care about deeply and who care about us, as this is the best way to stay happy. 21. Start drinking in moderation or quit drinking altogether: While it is completely safe and healthy to drink one or two servings of an alcoholic beverage of your choice per day, not a lot of people can say that they can follow this rule effectively. Getting your drinking under control has plenty of benefits, but it can be a difficult process. 22. Get out of debt: You can’t really move forward in life if you are weighed down by debt. The road to financial freedom is a rocky one, but it is definitely manageable with a bit of planning and self-restraint. Take a look at these strategies and methods and pay off your debt. You won’t believe how good it will feel. 23. Start saving money: Once you have your debt under control, it’s time to start putting some money aside. A rainy day fund and some extra money that can go towards traveling abroad, fixing up the house or buying a new car are a welcome change of pace. Make use of these hacks and apps to save money efficiently. 24. Learn a new language: Not only will learning a new language help improve your communication skills, it will also look great on your resume and possibly open up some doors for you. These days there are plenty of resources that allow you to learn a language for free and in your spare time. 25. Volunteer and give more to charity: To devote your time and energy to helping those in need is a noble gesture and a reward in itself, but it is also an opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and boost your resume. Here’s how you can find time to volunteer in your busy life. 26. Pick up useful skills or fun hobbies: Just sitting around all day won’t get you anywhere. It is much better to use your free time in a constructive manner and pick up new skills while having fun at the same time. The Future-You will be glad that you did. No matter if you’re interested in communication skills or sports, find out how to learn new skills and hobbies in a short time. 27. Learn to let go of grudges and avoid moping: Times can be hard, and it may take a lot to overcome adversity, but sitting around and moping about it is just counterproductive. If you have a big fight with someone and fall out or get hurt over a small issue, you will only lose a friend or life partner and remain sad and bitter. Forgiveness is a much healthier way to deal with issues that should be left in the past. 28. Adopt a cute pet: There are tons of animal lovers out there that would be great at caring for a pet, but they often overthink things, while some people just rush out and get a pet without understanding the responsibility involved. Be sure you know what you are in for and find a pet that fits your living conditions and lifestyle. 29. Become more organized: It doesn’t matter how much time you have on your hands if you can’t manage it properly – you’ll just spend most of the day running around aimlessly. When you get organized there will suddenly be more time to spare and things will start falling into place. Make it a habit, get help from apps and tools and enjoy your newly found leisure-time. 30. Travel more and see the world: You’ll need to have your finances in order, get the right equipment and invest some time and effort before you consider traveling across the globe, but there are ways of experiencing different cultures and visiting faraway places even on a tighter budget. 31. Learn to cook: Cooking is one of the essential skill that every man and woman should possess. It allows you to save money, eat the food you love just the way you like it and impress dates with lovely meals shared under candlelight. If you go through useful tips, keep your kitchen clean and avoid common mistakes, nothing stands between you an your 3-course-meal. 32. Go see your doctor more often: Staying healthy should be your top priority, but many people seem frighten of doctors and don’t go to the hospital nearly as often as they should, often waiting for their condition to significantly worsen. Regular checkups are a must, no matter how healthy you feel at the moment. 33. Reinvent yourself: If you don’t feel quite happy no matter what you do, it is perhaps time to make some serious changes in your life. Reinventing yourself can give you a whole new perspective on life and take you in directions you may never have dreamed were possible. 34. Stop being late all the time: Punctuality is a virtue that is held in high regard in our society. Being on time is a mark of a true professional, a dependable friend and caring partner, so it is a good idea to pick up a few tricks that can help you stay on time. 35. Learn how to be more self-reliant: Technology, a relatively decent government and corporations offering cheap ready-to-eat food and all manner of useful tools – these things have made us somewhat spoiled, and we often get well into adulthood without having what it takes to be independent and self-reliant. These skills are important to learn. 36. Turn your hobby into a career: If we could all manage to marry fun and productivity, and be able to make money doing what we love, we’d be a much more content and well-balanced society. This may not always be possible, but there are cases where a hobby can be turned into a lucrative career. 37. Get over an ex: It may be better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved, but it still hurts like crazy. Healing a broken heart is a process that takes time, but there are ways and tricks to make it through this difficult time without too much pain. 38. Learn to control your emotions: Uncontrolled anger can get you into a lot of trouble, but things like jealousy and pride are destructive in all circumstances. Gaining control over your feelings allows you to keep a level head and think more rationally, even during emotionally charged conflict situations. 39. Start being more responsible: A big part of growing up into a mature adult is the ability to think before making a decision. It is important to take responsibility for ones actions and avoid blaming everything on someone else, just as it is important to protect your family and provide for them. 40. Learn more about art, music, culture etc.: The best way to fit in when talking to a variety of people from different backgrounds is to have a well-rounded education. Topics like art, music, history and culture often baffle people, but they can be easy to comprehend if you spend enough time learning about them using helpful websites and online courses. 41. Spend less time on social media: Some people might not spend hours in front of the TV, or playing video games, but social media has become a serious addiction among a wide range of demographics. It’s fine to stay in touch with friends and family, but if you consistently spend more than an hour every day on social media, it’s time to make a change. 42. Learn how to defend yourself: Being able to ensure your own safety, and the safety of those you love, is a very important skillset to have. It’s not all about groin kicks and palm strikes, however. You need to learn how to conduct yourself and what kind of behavior to look out for in others. 43. Become more romantic: Romance is often the first casualty in longer, more serious relationships, but it doesn’t have to wither away. A few romantic gestures here and there can keep the passion going for decades. It will be fun, even if you’re not the romantic type. 44. Start remembering important dates: Speaking about romance and keeping a serious relationship fun, you don’t want to keep forgetting birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates. There are plenty of memory tricks that take very little time to master, so you’ll never forget another date again. 45. Become more social: Being a man, or woman, about town has its perks. You get to have fun, meet new people and find out interesting things, but you can also develop leadership skills and learn to work in a team. Even if you are an introvert or very shy and feel uncomfortable talking to others, there are ways to become a fairly active member of a community. 46. Start being more creative: There are times when we get mentally fatigued and our creativity just goes out the window. This is particularly bad if your job or hobby depends on you coming up with fresh ideas and thinking outside the box. As with anything else, there are many ressources that help you spark your creativity in a number of different ways. 47. Start expressing yourself artistically: While some of us are more logical, with a scientific mind, most people still have a bit of a creative spark in them. Expressing yourself in some creative artistic way is a great form of stress relief and helps keep your mind sharp. Some of these activities will also help you stay active and burn some calories. So go in the arts, write, craft, make DIYprojects – whatever makes your soul free. 48. Face your fears and insecurities: You will find this particular point masked beneath other New Year’s resolutions, but fear and insecurity are often the cause of several problems that we want to address. You need to think of it as surviving and controlling your fear rather than overcoming it, and it will enable you to shed off a lot of the insecurities that you have. 49. Start writing a book/journal: You’d be surprised to know just how many people out there have an interesting story to tell, but lack the confidence and skill to write everything down. Even if it is just a few random thoughts scribbled daily in a journal, you shouldn’t be afraid to give writing a go with a few tips and tricks. 50. Stick to the good healthy habits you’ve developed: The last, and most important point to mention is that all the positive changes you make have to be permanent. You will need to work on sticking with the good habits you have adopted, until they just become a natural part of who you are. That is how you achieve true self-improvement. Well, there you have it – an extensive list of advice, tips and tricks to help you see your New Year’s resolution through and make some long-term changes in your life. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Article source : http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/50-new-years-resolution-ideas-and-how-achieve-each-them.html <Questions> Q1. What is the most regretful moment in 2016? Why? Q2. What is your new year's resolutions for 2017? Plz reference the below items.
Q3. Do you have your own strategies to follow through your new year's resolutions? For instance, above article suggest 3 strategies as follows. 1. Make Attainable and Specific Goals 2. Share Your Resolutions 3. Reward Yourself Q4. Have you ever felt any anxiety or depression due to your unrealistic goals? Why did you feel like that? And how did you tackle those troubles ? Q5. There are micro-resolutions that make you feel more confident. All you need to do is that make time to execute for small goals to make you feel a sense of achievement each day. And here are seven resolutions you can complete in 60 seconds every day. Which one would you like to try? Why? 1. Keep a journal 2. Meditate 3. Eat more vegetables 4. Drink more water 5. Practice self-care 6. Take a moment to stretch every day 7. Say a positive affirmation Q6. How about your life style? Do you have a sedentary life style or active life style at work? How do you make yourself stay focused? Q7. What do you expect for Korea in 2017? 10 signs someone is lying to you Mike Nudelman and Jacquelyn Smith/ Aug. 1, 2016
Chances are, you get lied to multiple times on a daily basis. But the good news is, spotting a fib isn't as difficult as you might think — so long as you know the signs. Behavioral analyst and body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass, who has worked with the FBI on unmasking signals of deception, says when trying to figure out if someone is being dishonest, you'll need to pay careful attention to their facial expressions, body language, and speech patterns, she writes in her book " The Body Language of Liars ." Here are the telltale signs : Article source : http://www.businessinsider.com/10-signs-someone-is-lying-to-you-2016-8?utm_content=buffer029dc&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-ti The 15 Most Common White Lies and Why WRITTEN by MARC CHERNOFF White LiesEveryone tells a white lie on occasion, it’s just a question of why. Some white lies save relationships, some ease a hectic situation, and others buy us time. The list could go on forever. Stretching the truth is a natural component of human instinct because it’s the easy way out. We all do it, so there is no reason to deny it. Honestly, I think the world is probably a better place because of our white lies. As long as we aren’t hurting others or breaking the law, these innocent lies can make life more pleasant. They can absorb potential friction between our varying personalities and vacillating moods as we nudge into one another on the quest through our daily routine. Most of these white lies only stretch an interpretation of what the truth actually is anyways. Given our rigid optimism to each lead a tailored ideal life, white lies simply cushion us from ourselves. Here’s my list of the 15 most common white lies and why we tell them: 1. It wasn’t me! – Because some things just aren’t worth taking credit for. 2.The table will be ready in 5 minutes. – Because it sounds a lot better than 15 minutes. 3. Oh, yeah. That makes sense. – Because option B involves admitting that I am clueless. 4. Thank you so much! I just love it! – Because telling someone that their gift sucked would make me look like an insensitive jerk. 5. Yeah, you look great in that dress. – Because it’s better than being slapped. 6. Oh, things would have been different if I was there! – Because I’m Superman and I can always make a difference… or at least that’s how I want others to perceive of me. 7. No, officer… I have no idea how fast I was going. – Because claiming ignorance is sometimes better than admitting to insubordination. 8. I’m 29. – Because 29 is like 20 years younger than 30. 9. Yeah, I’ll start working on that ASAP! – Because telling you I have 10 things to do first would just irritate you. 10. Yes, John was with me last night. – Because that’s what friends do… we agree and ask questions later. 11. My resume is 5 pages long for a good reason. – Because I’m darn good at bullshittin’! 12. Man, that sucker was 10 feet long! – Because anything less would be boring. 13. Yeah, I was a badass on my high school football team! – Because I want to be seen by others in an even stronger light than I see myself. 14. I’m 21, 6’5, with a muscular build. – Because you can’t see me in this online chat room… ha ha! 15. I thought I already sent that email out. I’m sure I did. – Because telling you that it was a low priority and I forgot would probably hurt our relationship. Article source : http://www.marcandangel.com/2007/10/04/the-15-most-common-white-lies-and-why/ <Questions> Q1. How many times do you get lied to in a daily basis? How many times do you lie a day? Q2. When do you lie? Q3. Who is a big fat liar around you? Q4. Do you know when someone is lying to you? Q5. According to a behavioral analyst and body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass, who has worked with the FBI on unmasking signals of deception, you'll need to pay careful attention to their facial expressions, body language, and speech patterns, she writes in her book " The Body Language of Liars.", when trying to figure out if someone is being dishonest. How about you? Can you spot a fib? Q6. According to an article, if someone is lying to you, you could sense below 10 signs from them. Which one do you think telltale signs?
Q7. How would you define a white lie? Q8. What is the common white lies you use in a daily life?
What's your workplace thinking style? Written by Joe Myers/ Formative Content/ Published Friday 11 March 2016 Are you an optimizer or a connector? An explorer or an expert? Pinpointing exactly what type of thinker you are could help not only you, but your entire organization, argue two experts in an article for Harvard Business Review. Most organizations use a standard set of tools to form, manage and motivate teams. However, they often overlook how people think. “Today’s marketplace, the smartest companies aren’t those that necessarily out-produce the competition. Instead, it’s the organizations that outthink them,” Mark Bonchek and Elisa Steele write. Why does it matter? The authors highlight research that shows effective collective thinking has a major influence on performance. However, while it’s (normally) clear what our colleagues are doing, how they think is much harder to define. They argue, by understanding how you and the rest of the team is thinking, we could all be more energized, more creative, more productive and make better decisions. To help us, the authors have created a three-step process for defining how you and your team think. So how do you think? Step number one: Where does your thinking focus? Do you zero in on the idea, the process, the action, or relationships? It’s not about picking one over another, it’s about where you naturally focus. Step number two: Where does your thinking orient? Towards the big picture or the detail? Step number three: Combine these using the chart below to see your thinking style. The authors define each style as follows: · Explorer thinking is about generating creative ideas. · Planner thinking is about designing effective systems. · Energizer thinking is about mobilizing people into action. · Connector thinking is about building and strengthening relationships. · Expert thinking is about achieving objectivity and insight. · Optimizer thinking is about improving productivity and efficiency. · Producer thinking is about achieving completion and momentum. · Coach thinking is about cultivating people and potential. Once you know your style, it’ll become clear what gets you out of bed in the morning, what challenges you and how you can improve. You and your team can then share your styles. “In this way, your thinking style becomes a useful tool – a kind of social currency – for the team,” they argue. From here you can build more effective, collaborative teams, who make better decisions – for both themselves individually, and also the company. They conclude that businesses need to incorporate thinking into their team forming, motivation and management. Certainly something to think about. Article source : https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/03/whats-your-workplace-thinking-style?utm_content=buffer0d8aa&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer <Questions> Q1. What is your workplace thinking style? Please choose your usual area of focus. And match that to whether you tend to consider the big-picture view or the details. Q2. Do you agree with a definition of your workplace thinking style? · Explorer thinking is about generating creative ideas. · Planner thinking is about designing effective systems. · Energizer thinking is about mobilizing people into action. · Connector thinking is about building and strengthening relationships. · Expert thinking is about achieving objectivity and insight. · Optimizer thinking is about improving productivity and efficiency. · Producer thinking is about achieving completion and momentum. · Coach thinking is about cultivating people and potential. Q3. What is your job? Do you think your thinking style is something to do with your job? Q4. Which one is the most crucial thinking ability in your work place? Q5. Which working environment is favorable condition for you? Solar-Panel Roads to Be Built on Four Continents Next Year by Anna Hirtenstein/ 2016년 11월 24일
Electric avenues that can transmit the sun’s energy onto power grids may be coming to a city near you. A subsidiary of Bouygues SA has designed rugged solar panels, capable of withstand the weight of an 18-wheeler truck, that they’re now building into road surfaces. After nearly five years of research and laboratory tests, they’re constructing 100 outdoor test sites and plan to commercialize the technology in early 2018. “We wanted to find a second life for a road,” said Philippe Harelle, the chief technology officer at Colas SA’s Wattway unit, owned by the French engineering group Bouygues. “Solar farms use land that could otherwise be for agriculture, while the roads are free.” As solar costs plummet, panels are being increasingly integrated into everyday materials. Last month Tesla Motors Inc. surprised investors by unveiling roof shingles that double as solar panels. Other companies are integrating photovoltaics into building facades. Wattway joins groups including Sweden’s Scania and Solar Roadways in the U.S. seeking to integrate panels onto pavement. To resist the weight of traffic, Wattway layers several types of plastics to create a clear and durable casing. The solar panel underneath is an ordinary model, similar to panels on rooftops. The electrical wiring is embedded in the road and the contraption is topped by an anti-slip surface made from crushed glass. A kilometer-sized testing site began construction last month in the French village of Tourouvre in Normandy. The 2,800 square meters of solar panels are expected to generate 280 kilowatts at peak, with the installation generating enough to power all the public lighting in a town of 5,000 for a year, according to the company. For now, the cost of the materials makes only demonstration projects sensible. A square meter of the solar road currently costs 2,000 ($2,126) and 2,500 euros. That includes monitoring, data collection and installation costs. Wattway says it can make the price competitive with traditional solar farms by 2020. The electricity generated by this stretch of solar road will feed directly into the grid. Another test site is being used to charge electric vehicles. A third will power a small hydrogen production plant. Wattway has also installed its panels to light electronic billboards and is working on links to street lights. The next two sites will be in Calgary in Canada and in the U.S. state of Georgia. Wattway also plans to build them in Africa, Japan and throughout the European Union. “We need to test for all kinds of different traffic and climate conditions,” Harelle said. “I want to find the limits of it. We think that maybe it will not be able to withstand a snow plow.” The potential fragility joins cost as a potential hurdle. “We’re seeing solar get integrated in a number of things, from windows in buildings to rooftops of cars, made possible by the falling cost of panels,” Bloomberg New Energy Finance analyst Pietro Radoia said. “On roads, I don’t think that it will really take off unless there’s a shortage of land sometime in the future.”’ Article source : https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-24/solar-panel-roads-to-be-built-across-four-continents-next-year?cmpid=socialflow-facebook-business&utm_content=business&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social <Questions> Q1. How do you think about the "Electric avenues" which turns sun's energy onto power grids? Q2. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of 'Electric Avenues'? Q3. If we apply this tech. into our peninsula, where would be the best site? |