Drive My Car is the name of a song written by Paul McCartney (although credited to Lennon-McCartney) and performed by The Beatles on their album Rubber Soul. The opening track, it is the second written of the album's "comedy numbers," (the first being "Norwegian Wood") as McCartney referred to it in Melody Maker two days after its recording. The song's male narrator tries to chat up some girl by asking her what she wants to be, presumably suggesting sexual favors in return for promises of career advancement. However, much to his chagrin, after she explains that she's going to be a famous movie star, this "bitch" offers him the opportunity to be her chauffer, adding "and maybe I'll love you." Indeed, by the second verse, the roles are reversed entirely when he finds himself pleading his case to her.
The song began when McCartney arrived at Abbey Road on October 20, 1965, to record the song with a chorus that began, "I can give you golden rings, I can give you anything." However, John vetoed this, calling it "crap," as similar hackneyed phrases had been used twice by The Beatles in "Can't Buy Me Love" and "I Feel Fine". Together, they rewrote the lyric and came up with the erotic double entendre, "Baby you can drive my car."
"Drive My Car" was recorded in The Beatles' first evening session to extend past midnight. McCartney, working closely with George Harrison laid down the basic rhythm track, doubling similar riffing lines on bass and low guitar, as per Harrison's suggestion. George had been listening to Otis Redding's Respect at the time and, as a result of its influence, "Drive My Car" has more bottom than any previous Beatles recording, mimicking the bass-heavy sound generated in Redding's Memphis studio. (Often regarded as its sister track, "Day Tripper" was cut by Redding himself, up-tempo, for the Stax Records in 1967.)
This song was one of four that McCartney performed live on the Super Bowl XXXIX half-time show.
첫댓글 아마도 비틀스의 최고앨범이라 할 수 있는 65년작 Rubber Soul에 수록된 곡으로, '93년 폴의 The New World Tour에서 레퍼토리로 채택됐고, 2004년 Summer Tour에서도 다시 불렀습니다. (2004년 글래스톤베리에서 폴이 이곡을 부르는 게 참 인상적이죠 ^^)
흥겹고 경쾌한 노래죠. 러버 소울 앨범 맨 첫 곡. 우리나라의 혜은이의 띠띠빵빵과 비견하는 건 이상할려나? ㅋㅋ노래 애들립으로 띠띠 띠띠 예 같은 후렴구가 있죠.