첫 시간에 배부해 드린 "Purchase Order" 서식에 대한 설명입니다.
Purchase Order (P.O.)
Issuance of Purchase Order
The timing in issuing a purchase order (P.O.) is important, considering the time needed by the vendor to prepare the goods for on-time delivery. The P.O. is often issued in the absence of a letter of credit (L/C), especially in a repeat order. Often, the L/C is not opened on time when the authority to open an L/C does not reside with the person who places the order. (신용장 개설을 하기 전에 발급하는 것입니다.)
In case the buyer requires a short delivery time like 30 days, to wait for the L/C to arrive and then to issue a P.O. will be too late, unless the buyer opens a teletransmitted operative L/C (full text cable L/C) at once after placing the order. It is safer for the trader to commit to a longer delivery time of 60 or more days, which gives the trader ample time to issue the P.O.. (신용장 개설 60일 쯤 전에 발급하는 것을 권장합니다.)
Currency of Purchase
The contract usually is in the local currency if the export product is purchased from the local vendor. However, during the currency devaluation in the exporting country, the local vendor that has imported the raw materials or components to make the export goods may contract with the trader in a foreign currency, but the payment to the local vendor usually is in the equivalent in the local currency, which is calculated based on the exchange rate prevailing on the on board date of shipment or on other agreed upon date. (PO의 발급일과 결제일 간에 발생할 환율변동을 유념하십시오.)
"Delivery Date" --- " Delivery To "
In practice, the delivery date often is the customs closing date. The goods usually are delivered directly to customs. At times, only the approximate delivery time is available during the issuance of a purchase order (P.O.).
The vendor relies on the delivery date supplied by the trader to schedule production, which means preparing all the materials needed in production in advance. Therefore, it is very important that the trader keeps the vendor updated. Likewise, the vendor must keep in constant contact with the trader. (인도일자와 장소는 공급자와 구매자가 밀접하게 상의하여 결정합니다.)
"No name, address or marks of factory ..."
The source of supply is like a steel safe to the trader. Showing the source of supply to the buyer or the competitor is analogous to divulging the combination number of the safe. Unless the trader is the vendor's exclusive export representative or the relationship between vendor and trader is very close, it is important to keep the source of supply confidential. (구매자는 실수요자가 아닌 중개무역상입니다. 따라서 상품의 포장이나 제품에 제조업체의 이름을 표시하면 자신의 영업비밀을 누출하여 앞으로 중개상인으로의 역할을 할 수가 없게 되니까 이렇게 요구합니다.)
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