출처: 충무병원 3병동 원문보기 글쓴이: 수기 써니
systemic HTN(most common cause) coronary artery disease AS MS |
LVF(most common cause) pulmonary HTN PS TS |
2)Hight output HF & Low output HF
Hight output HF |
Low output HF |
hyperthyroidism anemia AVF Beriberi Paget's disease pregnancy |
ischemic heart disease HTN valvular heart disease cardiomyopathy pericardial disease |
3) systolic HF & diastolic HF
systolic HF |
diastolic HF |
ventricular hypertrophy dilatation anomaly |
ventricular flow resistance ventricular diastolic capacity constrictive pericarditis restrictive hypertensive cardiomyopathy impaired ventricular relaxation myocardial fibrosis & infiltration |
3. congestive heart failure 의 predisposing factor
pulmonary embolism. anemia .thyrotoxicosis. RHD. HTN. infection. arrhythmia.
infective endocarditis. pregnancy
4. CHF 의 compensatory mechanism
1) 자율신경계의 항진
-심장: 심박동수.심근수축력 및 심근이완 속도의 증가
-말초순환: 동맥수축의 증가.정맥수축
2) 신장: renin-angiotensin-aldosterone 계의 활성화
-동맥수축의 증가
-염분 및 수분의 저류
3) 심실: end diastolic pressure / volume 증가
-volume overload: eccentric hypertrophy
-pressure overload: concentric hypertrophy
5. CHF & sign
-Dyspnea. orthopnea
-paroxysmal dyspnea & cardiac asthma
:respiratory center depression at night, adrenergic stimuli decreased
-Cheyne-Strokes respiration: cyclic 하게 apnea, hyperpnea 의 반복
-Fatigue & weakness, cerebral Sx.
-basal pulmonary rales, hydrothorax
2) RHF
-congestive hepatomegaly & jaundise
-cardiac edema: dependent portion
-ascites, jugular vein distensio, cyanosis
3) cardiac cachexia: 3 rd & 4 th heart sound -> gallop rhythm
6. NYHA(new york heart association)'s criteria
1) class 1: no limitation of physical activity
2) class 2: slight limitation of physical activity
①class 2a: the patient can keep with other walking on the flat but has
limitation on more severe exercise such as climbing stairs
②class 2b: the patient has slight limitation on all forms of physical activity
3) class 3: marked limitation of physical activity
4) class 4: unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort
7. pulmonary edema 의 원인
-increased pulmonary venous pressure: CHF, MS
-decreased plasma oncotic pressure: hypoalbuminemia
-increased negativity of interstitial pressure: rapid evacuation of pneumothorax,
acute sevsre asthma.
-lymphatic blockade
-disruption of alveolar-capillary membrane : alloxan administration
-unexplained mechanism: narcotic overdose. high altitude
8. pulmonary edema 의 치료
1)morphine IV
-adrenegic vasoconstrictor stimuli 감소
2)high concentration of O2
-100% O2 pressure 로 준다.
3)sitting position : semioflwer
4)IV diuretic: furosemide, ethacrynic acid, bumetanide
5)IV sodium nitroprusside: afterload 감소
6)IV rapid acting glycoside: ouabain, digoxin
7)Iv aminophylline
8)rotating tiurniquet
9. cardiac asthma(paroxysmal noctural dyspnea with wheezing)
-respiration center dullness to sensort reflex(sleep)
-venous return 증가(supine)
-LV function 감소
2)PCWP 상승에 따른 dyspnea
10. CHF 치료
1)3 general approaches in the treatment of HF
-reduction of cardiac work
-control of excessive salt & water retention
-enhancement of myocardial contractility
2)control of CHF
-reduction of physical activity
absolute bed rest
-enhancement of myocardial contractility
①cardiac glycoside
②sympathomimetic amnines: isoproterenol, epinephrine, dopamine
3)control of excessive fluid retention
①Diet: Salt& water restriction
4)vasodilator treatment
11. RHF treatment
cardiomyopathy, hyperthyroidism 시에는 Digitalis 는 도움이 되지 않는다.
Dopamine: Heart rate without vasocontriction renal
12. Digitalis
-myocardial contractility 개선, HR 감소.
-cardiac output 증가
-verapamil, amiodaron, quinidine 는 혈중 digoxin 의 농도를 증가 시키므로 약물의 사용시
용량을 줄여주어야 한다.
-Arrhythmia: AV node refractory period 연장시킴
①발작성 심실성 빈맥
④WPW에서 보이는 빈맥증
3) digitalis toxicity
-anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
-두통, 의식경련.색각이상
-체중감소. cachexia, neuralgia, jaundise, delirium
13. treatment digitalis toxication
!)potassium: K 수치가 낮은 빈부정맥에서 사용
2)lidocain, phenytoin