Psalms 78 시편 제78편 (하나님께서 그분의 백성을 위해 행하신 일 기억하기)
NLT 출처/듣기 https://www.bible.com/ko/bible/116/PSA.78.NLT
CEV 출처/듣기
What God Has Done for His People 하나님께서 그분의 백성을 위해 행하신 일 기억하기
O my people, listen /to my instructions.
Open [your ears] /to what I am saying,
O my people 오 내 내 민족들이여, listen 들어라 /to my instructions 내 지침/가르침을.
Open 열어라 [your 너희 ears 귀를] /to what 그것에게 I 내가 am saying 말하고 있는,
* 자동사 분석 listen /to my instructions. 타동사구 분석 listen to [my instructions].
* 전목인 의문사절, what I am saying, (의문사=접속사= 전목)
1 My friends, I beg [you] [to listen /as I teach].
1 My friends 내 친지들이여, I 나는 beg 애걸한다 [you 너희가] [to listen 듣기를 /as 이때 I 내가 teach 가르칠 때].
* 일반동사 5 형식, beg [you] [to listen /as I teach].
* 부사절 접속사로 쓰인 as ; At the same time that; while:
for I will speak /to you /in a parable.
I will teach [you] [hidden lessons /from our past]—
for 왜냐면 I 나는 will speak 말할 것이기 때문이다 /to you 너희에게 /in a parable 비유로.
I 나는 will teach 가르칠 것이다 [you 너희들에게] [hidden 숨겨진 lessons 교훈을 from our past 우리 과거에서 나온]
* 4 형식 teach [you] [hidden lessons from our past]
* 직목인 명사구 [hidden lessons from our past] 형/과분사+명+형/전구
* lesson ; something to be learned or studied, a useful piece of practical wisdom acquired by experience or study:
2 I will give instruction
and explain [the mystery /of what happened /long ago].
2 I 나는 will give 줄 것이다 instruction 가르침을
and explain 설명할 것이다 [the mystery 불가사를 /of what 그 일의 happened 일어난 /long ago 오래전에].
* 목적인 명사구, [the mystery /of what happened /long ago].명+형/전구
* 전목인 의문사절, what happened /long ago]. (의문사=접속사=주어)
— stories () we have heard and known,
stories () our ancestors handed down /to us.
— stories 이야기들 (that) 그건 we 우리가 have heard 들었고 and known 알았던,
stories 이야기들 (that) 그건 our 우리의 ancestors 조상들이 handed down 건네준 /to us 우리들에게.
* 앰대시로 추가된 형역인 동격 명사구, — stories (that) we have heard and known = hidden lessons from our past
* 형절 (that) we have heard and known [목], (that) our ancestors handed down /to us [목].
3 These are things () we learned /from our ancestors,
4 and we will tell [them] /to the next generation.
3 These 이런 것들은 are things 일들이다 (that) 그건 we 우리가 learned 배웠던 /from our 우리의 ancestors 조상들로부터,
4 and we 우리는 will tell 말할 것이다 [them 그것들을] /to the next 다음 generation 세대들에게.
* 지시대명사 These ; This의 복수
* 보어인 명사구, things (that) we learned [목] /from our ancestors, 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)
* them = things
We will not hide [these truths] /from our children;
we will tell [the next generation] /about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty wonders.
We 우리는 will not hide 숨기지 않을 것이다 [these 이러한 truths 진실들을] /from our 우리의 children 자녀들로부터;
we 우리는 will tell 말할 것이다 [the next 다음 generation 세대들에게] /about the glorious 영광스러운 deeds 행사에 대해
of the Lord 주님의, about his 그분의 power 능력에 대해서와 and his 그분의 mighty 엄청난 wonders 경이로움에 대해.
* 지시 형용사 these ; this의 복수형
4 We won't keep [secret] [the glorious deeds and the mighty miracles of the Lord].
4 We 우리는 won't keep 유지하지 않을 것이다 [secret 숨긴 상태로] [the glorious 영광스러운 deeds 행사와
and the mighty 막강한 miracles 기적들을 of the Lord 주님의].
* 형용사로 쓰인 secret ; kept from knowledge or view : hidden ;
* 도치문 keep [secret] [the glorious deeds and the mighty miracles of the Lord]. 불타+목보+목적
* 정상문 keep [the glorious deeds and the mighty miracles of the Lord] [secret] 목보가 길기에 도치했다 봄
For he issued [his laws] /to Jacob;
he gave [his instructions] /to Israel.
He commanded [our ancestors] [to teach them to their children],
For 왜냐면 he 그분께서는 issued 발행/주셨기 때문이다 [his 그분의 laws 법을] /to Jacob 야곱에게;
he 그분께서는 gave 주셨다 [his 기분의 instructions 가르치심을] /to Israel 이스라엘에게.
He 그분께서는 commanded 명령하셨다 [our 우리의 ancestors 조상들이] [to teach 가르치기를 them 그것들을
to their 그들의 children 자녀들에게],
* For = because
* 일반동사 5 형식, commanded [our ancestors] [to teach them to their children],
* them = instructions
5 God gave [his Law] /to Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel.
And he told [our ancestors] /to teach their children,
5 God 하나님께서는 gave 주셨다 [his Law 이 율법을] /to Jacob's 야곱의 descendants 후손들에게,
the people 백성들인 of Israel 이스라엘의.
And he 그분께서는 told 말씀하셨다 [our 우리의 ancestors 조상들에게] [to teach 가르칠 것을 their 그들의 children 자녀들을],
* 형역인 동격 명사구, the people of Israel = Jacob's descendants
* 4 형식 told [our ancestors] [to teach their children], (정보전달 특성상 간목에게 직목을 동사하다로 될 수 있음)
* 5 형식도 가능함 told [our ancestors] [to teach their children], 목적이 목보하게 동사하다
so the next generation might know them
—even the children /not yet born—
and they in turn will teach [their own children].
so 그래서 the next 다음 generation 세대들이 might know 알 수 있게 them 그것들을
—even the children 자녀들조차 /not yet 아직 born 출생하지 않은—
and they 그들은 in turn 이어서 will teach 가르칠 것이다 [their own 그들 자신의 children 자녀들을].
* 접속사인 so ; and for this reason; therefore.
* 추측 의미로 쓰인 조동사 might ; may의 과거형, used to express the possibility
* 후치수식인 형용사구 /not yet born
* in turn ; one after the other, in succession
6 so that each new generation would know his Law
and tell [it] /to the next.
6 so that 그리하여 each 각각의 new 새로운 generation 세대들이 would know 알고 his 그분의 Law 율법을
and tell 말하도록 [it 그것을] /to the next 다음 사람들에게.
* 부사절 접속사 So that ; in order to
* 가정 의미로 쓰인 조동사 would ; will의 과거형, Used to indicate probability or expectation:
* 명사로 쓰인 the next ; the next person or thing.
So each generation should set [its hope] [anew on God],
not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.
So 그래서 each 각각의 generation 세대들이 should set 설정할 수 있도록 [its 그것의 hope 희망을]
[anew 새롭게 on God 하나님께 관련하여],
not forgetting 잊지 않고 his 그분의 glorious 영광스러운 miracles 기적들을
and obeying 순종하면서 his 그분의 commands 명령들을.
* Should ; to give advice or make recommendations. talk about obligation, probability and expectation. 의무/충고/예상
* 일반동사 5 형식, set [its hope] [anew on God],
* 비인칭 소유격 its = each generation's
* 삽입구인 형역 현분사구 not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.
현분사의 능동 주체인 each generation 수식,
7 Then they would trust God
and obey [his teachings],
without forgetting anything () God had done.
7 Then 그러고 나서 they 그들은 would trust 신뢰할 것이고 God 하나님을
and obey 순종할 것이다 [his 그분의 teachings 가르침을],
without forgetting 잊음 없이 anything 어떤 것도 (that) God 하나님께서 had done 행하신.
* 전목인 동명사구 forgetting anything (that) God had done.
* forgetting의 목적인 명사구, anything (that) God had done [목]. 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)
Then they will not be like their ancestor
—stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God.
Then they 그들은 will not be like 좋아하지 않을 것이다 their 그들의 ancestor 조상을
—stubborn 완강하고, rebellious 반항적이고, and unfaithful 신실하지 아니한,
refusing 거부하며 to give 주기를 their 그들의 hearts 심정을 to God 하나님께.
* 보어인 전치사구, like their ancestor
* 앰대시로 추가된 형용사구 —stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God. 선행명사 수식
* 삽입구인 형역 분사구 refusing to give their hearts to God. 현분사의 능동 주체인 ancestor 수식,
8 They would be different /from their ancestors,
who were stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful to God.
8 They 그들은 would be different 다를 것이다 /from their 그들의 ancestors 조상들과는,
who 그들 were stubborn, 완강하고, rebellious 반항적이고 , and unfaithful 신실하지 아니한 to God 하나님께.
* will be 실제적으로 될 것이다, would be 될 수 있다
* 삽입절인 형절/ 주격 관대절/계속용법 ; who were stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful to God. 설명추가 역할
The warriors of Ephraim, though armed with bows,
turned their backs and fled on the day of battle.
The warriors 전사들은 of Ephraim 에브라임의, though 비록 armed 무장되었지만 with bows 활로,
turned 돌아섰고 their 그들의 backs 뒤로 and fled 도주했다 on the day 그날에 of battle 전투의.
* 축약된 부사절 though (they were) armed with bows, (주절과 주어가 같은 경우에 됨)
* turn (one's) back ; to turn so as to face away from someone.
9 The warriors from Ephraim were armed with arrows,
but they ran away /when the battle began.
9 The warriors 전사들은 from Ephraim 에브라임의 were armed 무장되었지만 with arrows, 화살로
but 그러나 they 그들은 ran away 도망쳤다 /when 그때 the battle 전투가 began 시작할 때.
* 수동태 be+pp ; were armed
* runs away ; a. to leave quickly in order to avoid or escape something. b. to leave home.
They did not keep [God’s covenant]
and refused [to live by his instructions].
They 그들은 did not keep 지키지 않았고 [God’s 하나님의 covenant 약조를]
and refused 거부했다 [to live 살기를 by his 그분의 instructions 가르침에 의해].
* COVENANT is a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement : compact.
* 목적인 부정사구, [to live by his instructions].
10 They broke [their agreement /with God],
and they turned [their backs] /on his teaching.
10 They 그들은 broke 깼다 [their 그들의 agreement 약조를 /with God 하나님께 한],
and they 그들은 turned 돌렸다 [their 그들의 backs 등을] /on his teaching 그분의 가르침에서.
* 목적인 명사구, [their agreement /with God],
* 숙어 turn (one's) back on ; To ignore, disregard, or exclude sb/sth, to abandon, give up on, or forsake sb/sth.
They forgot [what he had done]
—the great wonders () he had shown them,
They 그들은 forgot 잊었다 [what 그것을 he 그분께서 had done 행하셨던]
—the great 위대한 wonders 경이로움을 (that) 그건 he 그분께서 had shown 보여주신 them 그들에게,
the miracles () he did /for their ancestors /on the plain of Zoan in the land of Egypt.
the miracles 그 기적들을 (that) 그건 he 그분께서 did 행하신 /for their 그들의 ancestors 조상들을 위해
on the plain 평야에서 of Zoan 조안의 in the land 땅에 있는 of Egypt 이집트의.
* 목적인 의문사절, what he had done [목] (의문사=접속사=목적)
* 앰대시로 추가된 동격 명사구 —the great wonders (that) he had shown them = what
* 4 형식인 형절 (that) he had shown (them) (the great wonders= that),
* 형역인 동격 명사구, the miracles (that) he did /for their ancestors~ = what
11 They forgot [all () he had done],
even the mighty miracles
12 he did /for their ancestors /near Zoan in Egypt.
11 They 그들은 forgot 잊었다 [all 모든 걸 (that) 그건 he 그분께서 had done 행하셨던],
even the mighty 엄청난 miracles 기적들조차
12 (that) he 그분께서 did 행하신 /for their 그들의 ancestors 조상들을 위해 /near Zoan 조안 근처에서 in Egypt 애굽의.
* 목적인 명사구, all (that) he had done [목], 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)
* (They forgot) even the mighty miracles
For he divided [the sea] and led [them] through,
making the water stand up like walls!
For 왜냐면 he 그분께서는 divided 가르셨고 [the sea 바다를] and led 인도하셨기 때문이다 [them 그들을] through 쭉,
making 만드시면서 the water 물이 stand up 서도록 like walls 벽처럼!
* lead through ; to show the way to (an individual or a group) by going with or ahead.
* 삽입구인 형역 분사구 making the water stand up like walls 현분사의 능동 주체인 he 수식,
13 God made a path /in the sea
and piled up [the water]
as he led [them] across.
13 God 하나님께서는 made 만드셨습니다 a path 길을 /in the sea 바닷속에
and piled up 쌓으셨습니다 [the water 물을]
as 이때 he 그분께서 led 인도하실 때 [them 그들을] across 가로질러.
* 타동사구 pile up ; to gather or be gathered in a pile; accumulate
* 부사 across ; from one side to the other of a place, area, etc.
In the daytime he led [them] /by a cloud,
and all night /by a pillar of fire.
In the daytime 낮동안에 he 그분께서는 led 인도하셨습니다 [them 그들을] /by a cloud 구름으로,
and all night 밤중 내내는 /by a pillar of fire 불기둥으로.
* and all night (he led them) /by a pillar of fire.
* ALL-NIGHT ; lasting throughout the night.
14 He guided [them] /during the day /with a cloud,
and each night he led [them] /with a flaming fire.
14 He 그분께서는 guided 안내하셨고 [them 그들을] /during the day 낮 동안에 /with a cloud 구름으로,
and each night 각 밤에 he 그분께서는 led 인도하셨습니다 [them 그들을] /with a flaming 타오르는 fire 불로.
* 형역 분사 flaming 현분사의 능동 주체인 fire 수식,
He split [open] [the rocks in the wilderness] /to give them water, as from a gushing spring.
He 그분께서는 split 쪼개셨습니다 [open 열리게] [the rocks 바위돌을 in the wilderness 광야에서]
to give 주시기 위해 them 그들에게 water 물을, as 마치 from a gushing 쏟아져 나오는 spring 샘에서.
* 도치문 split [open] [the rocks in the wilderness] = split [the rocks in the wilderness] [open] 5 형식
* split open을 타동사구로 하면 [the rocks in the wilderness]은 목적이 되는데
open이 형용사이므로 5 형식 도치문이 설명/이해상 간단함 ; split [open] [sth] = split [sth] [open]
* 부역 부정사구, to give them water, as from a gushing spring.
* 4 형식 give them water,
15 God made [water] [flow /from rocks () he split open /in the desert],
and his people drank /freely, as though from a lake.
15 God 하나님께서는 made 만드셨습니다 [water 물이] [flow 흐르게 /from rocks 반석으로부터 (that) 그건 he 그분께서
split 쪼개서 open 열으신 /in the desert 광야에서],
and his 그분의 people 백성들은 drank 마셨습니다 /freely 자유로이, as though 마치 from a lake 호수에서처럼.
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [water] [flow /from rocks (that) he split open /in the desert],
* 전목인 목적인 명사구, rocks (that) he split (목) open /in the desert], 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)
* as though (his people drank /freely) from a lake.
He made [streams] [pour from the rock],
making the waters flow down like a river!
He 그분께서는 made 만드셨습니다 [streams 시냇물이] [pour 쏟아져 나오게 from the rock 그 반석으로부터],
making 만드시면서 the waters 물이 flow down 흘러내리게 like a river 강물같이!
* 사역동사 5 형식 구조인 형역 분사구 making the waters flow down like a river! 현분사의 능동 주체인 He 수식, ,
16 He made [streams] [gush out /like rivers from rocks].
16 He 그분께서는 made 만드셨습니다 [streams 시냇물이] [gush out 콸콸 쏟아져 나오게 /like rivers 강같이
from rocks 반석으로부터].
* 사역동사 5 형식의 목보인 원형 부정사구, [to] gush out /like rivers from rocks
* 자동사구 gush out ; To rush or flow out of someone or something in an uncontrolled manner.
Yet they kept on [sinning against him],
rebelling /against the Most High /in the desert.
Yet 여전히 they 그들은 kept on 계속했습니다 [sinning 죄짓기를 against him 그분을 거슬려서],
rebelling 반항하면서 against the Most High 최고 지존자를 거슬려서 in the desert 광야에서.
* 타동사구 kept on의 목적인 동명사구 [sinning against him],
* 삽입구인 형역 분사구 rebelling against the Most High in the desert. 현분사의 능동 주체인 they 수식,
* 부역전구 수식관계 rebelling /against the Most High, rebelling /in the desert.
17 But in the desert,
the people of God Most High kept [sinning and rebelling].
17 But 그러나 in the desert 광야에서,
the people 백성들은 of God Most High 최고 지존자의 kept 유지했습니다 [sinning 죄짓기와 and rebelling 반항하기를].
* kept를 불완전 자동사로 보면 [sinning and rebelling]은 불자 보어인 형역 분사구가 됨; 보어 상태를 유지하다
* 비교 ; keep을 불완전 타동사로 쓰면 keep [them] [sinning and rebelling].
* keep ; to (cause to) stay in a particular place or condition:
* 주의 ; 계속하다 의미로는 kept on ; continue to do something.
* 참조 ; 해석은 keep이나 keep on 둘 다 계속하다로 해야 우리말에 자연스러움
They stubbornly tested God /in their hearts,
demanding the foods () they craved.
They 그들은 stubbornly 완강히 tested 시험했습니다 God 하나님을 /in their hearts 그들 마음에서,
demanding 요구하면서 the foods 음식을 (that) 그건 they 그들이 craved 갈망하는.
* 형역전구로 분석하면 [God /in their hearts] 그들 마음에 계시는 하나님
부역전구로 분석하면 tested /in their hearts, 그들의 마음에서 시험하다
* 삽입구인 형역 분사구 demanding the foods they craved. 현분사의 능동 주체인 They 수식,
18 They stubbornly tested God
and demanded /from him [what they wanted to eat].
18 They 그들은 stubbornly 완강히 tested 시험했고 God 하나님을
and demanded 요구했습니다 /from him 그분께로부터 [what 그것을 they 그들이 wanted 원했던 to eat 먹기를].
* 목적인 의문사절, what they wanted to eat [목]. (의문사=접속사=부정사의 목적]
They even spoke /against God himself, saying,
“God can’t give [us] [food] /in the wilderness.
They 그들은 even spoke 말하기조차 했습니다 /against 거슬려 God himself 하나님 자신을, saying 말하면서,
“God 하나님께서 can’t give 주실 수 없다 [us 우리에게] [food 음식을] /in the wilderness 광야에서.
* 직접화법에 쓰인 삽입구인 형역 현분사구 saying,“God can’t give [us] [food]~" 현분사의 능동 주체인 They 수식,
* 4 형식 give [us] [food] /in the wilderness.
* 부역전구 /in the wilderness.
19 They challenged God /by saying,
“Can God provide [food] /out here /in the desert?
19 They 그들은 challenged 도전했었습니다 God 하나님께 /by saying 말함으로,
“Can God 하나님께서 provide 공급하실 수 있을까 [food 음식을] /out here 이 쪽 in the desert 광야에서?
* 전목인 동명사 saying
* out here: outside, in this place
Yes, he can strike [a rock] /so water gushes out,
but he can’t give [his people] [bread and meat].”
Yes 맞아, he 그분께서는 can strike 치실수 있다 [a rock 반석을] /so 그래서 water 물이 gushes out 콸콸 쏟아져 나오도록,
but 그러나 he 그분께서는 can’t give 주실 수 없다 [his 그분의 people 백성들에게] [bread 빵과 and meat 고기를].”
* 4 형식 give [his people] [bread and meat].
20 It's true () God struck the rock
and water gushed out /like a river,
but can he give [his people] [bread and meat]?”
20 It's 그건 true 사실이다 (that) 절 내용이 즉, God 하나님께서 struck 치셨다는 것과 the rock 반석을
and water 물이 gushed out 콸콸 쏟아져 나 온 것 /like a river 강물같이,
but 그러나 can he 그분께서 give 주실 수 있는가 [his 그분의 people 백성들에게] [bread 빵과 and meat 고기를]?”
* 가주어 It, 진주어 that God struck the rock
* 4 형식 give [his people] [bread and meat]
When the Lord heard [them], he was furious.
[The fire of his wrath] burned /against Jacob.
Yes, his anger rose /against Israel,
When 그때 the Lord 주님께서 heard 들으셨을 때 [them 그들 말을], he 그분께서는 was furious 극도로 분개하셨다.
[The fire 화염이 of his wrath 분노의 ] burned 타올랐었다 /against Jacob 야곱을 거슬려.
Yes 맞아요, his 그분의 anger 분노가 rose 일어났었다 /against Israel 이스라엘을 거슬려,
* heard 들은 대상이 them이기에 '그들을 들었다'이나 의역상 ' 그들의 목소리를 들었다'로 함
21 When the Lord heard this,
he was angry and furious with Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel.
21 When 그때 the Lord 주님께서 heard 들으셨을 때 this 이것을,
he 그분께서는 was angry 화내셨고 and furious 극도로 분개하셨다 with Jacob's 야곱의 descendants 후손들에게,
the people 그 백성들 of Israel 이스라엘의.
* 형역인 동격 명사구, the people of Israel = Jacob's descendants
for they did not believe God
or trust [him] [to care for them].
for 왜냐면 they 그들은 did not believe 믿지 않았고 God 하나님을
or trust 신뢰하지 않았기 때문이다 [him 그분께서] [to care for 보살피는 것을 them 그들을].
* 일반동사 5 형식, trust [him] [to care for them].
22 They had refused [to trust him],
and they had doubted [his saving power].
22 They 그들은 had refused 거부했고 [to trust 신뢰하기를 him 그분을],
and they 그들은 had doubted 의심했다 [his 그분의 saving 구원하시는 power 능력을].
* 목적인 부정사구, [to trust him],
But he commanded [the skies] [to open];
he opened [the doors of heaven].
But 그러나 he 그분께서는 commanded 명령하셨다 [the skies 하늘이] [to open 열리게];
he 그분께서는 opened 여셨다 [the doors 문들을 of heaven 하늘의].
* 일반동사 5 형식, commanded [the skies] [to open];
4 형식도 가능하나 목적이 목보의 동작을 하므로 5 형식으로 분류함
23 But God gave [a command] /to the clouds,
and he opened [the doors /in the skies].
23 But 그러나 God 하나님께서는 gave 주셨고 [a command 명령을] /to the clouds 구름들에게,
and he 그분께서는 opened 여셨다 [the doors 문들을 /in the skies 하늘의].
* 목적인 명사구, [the doors /in the skies].
He rained down [manna] /for them to eat;
he gave [them] [bread] /from heaven.
He 그분께서는 rained down 왕창 내리게 하셨다 [manna 만나를] /for them 그들이 to eat 먹게;
he 그분께서는 gave 주셨다 [them 그들에게] [bread 빵을] /from heaven 하늘로부터.
* rain down ; to fall in large amounts, or to direct something in large amounts, usually forcefully or violently:
* 부정사의 동작자/주체 설명인 전치사구 for them ; 문법구조상의 부역/형역 역할은 없음
24 From heaven he sent [grain //that they called manna].
24 From heaven 하늘로부터 he 그분께서는 sent 보내셨다 [grain 곡식을 //that 그건 they 그들은 called 부르는 manna 만나로].
* 목적인 명사구, grain //that they called (목) manna 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사 that =선행사 grain =목적)
* 일반동사 5 형식, called (목 grain) manna
They ate [the food of angels]!
God gave [them] [all () they could hold].
They 그들은 ate 먹었다 [the food 음식을 of angels 천사들의]!
God 하나님께서는 gave 주셨다 [them 그들에게] [all 모든 것을 (that) 그건 they 그들이 could hold 쥘 수 있는].
* 4 형식 gave [them] [all (that) they could hold].
* 직목인 명사구, all (that) they could hold [목]. 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사 all =목적)
25 He gave [them] [more than enough],
and [each one of them] ate [this special food].
25 He 그분께서는 gave 주셨고 [them 그들에게] [more than enough 충분히 많은 걸],
and [each one 각자는 of them 그들의] ate 먹었다 [this 이런 special 특별한 food 음식을].
* 직목인 명사구, more than enough 대명사+전치사+대명사
* more ; A greater or additional number of persons or things: 더 많은 것
* enough ; An adequate number or quantity: 충분한 양
* 주어인 명사구, each one of them형+명+형/전구
* 목적인 명사구, this special food 지시형용사+형+명
He released [the east wind] /in the heavens
and guided [the south wind] /by his mighty power.
He 그분께서는 released 내보내셨고 [the east wind 동풍을] /in the heavens 하늘에서
and guided 이끄셨다 [the south wind 남풍을] /by his 그분의 mighty 막강하신 power 능력으로.
* 부역전구 /in the heavens, /by his mighty power.
* 우리는 바람이 임으로 분다 생각하지만 실제로는 하나님께서 때를 따라 불게 하시는데
바람이 없으면 동식물이 살 수 없고 인간도 공장/차량의 매연으로 죽을 고생을 할 것이다
26 [God's mighty power] sent [a strong wind] /from the southeast,
26 God's 하나님의 mighty 막강하신 power 능력이 sent 보낸다 [a strong 강한 wind 바람을]
/from the southeast 남동쪽으로부터,
* 주어인 명사구, [God's mighty power] 형/소유격+형+명
He rained down [meat /as thick as dust]
—birds as plentiful as the sand on the seashore!
He 그분께서는 rained down 왕창 내리게 하셨다 [meat 고기를 /as thick 그렇게 진하게 as dust 먼지처럼]
—birds 새들을 as 그렇게 plentiful 풍부하게 as the sand 모래처럼 on the seashore 해변의!
* 후치수식 형용사구 as thick as dust 부+형+부/전구
* — (He rained down) birds as plentiful as the sand on the seashore!
27 and it brought [birds //that covered the ground],
like sand on the beach.
27 and it 그건 brought 가져왔다 [birds 새들을 //that covered 뒤덮은 the ground 지면을],
like sand 모래같이 on the beach 해변의.
* it = wind
* 목적인 명사구, [birds //that covered the ground], 명+형절/주격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=주어)
He caused [the birds] [to fall within their camp and all around their tents].
He 그분께서는 caused 유발하셨다 [the birds 새들이] [to fall 떨어지게 within their 그들의 camp 천막과
and all 모든 around their 그들의 tents 천막 주변에].
* 일반동사 5 형식, caused [the birds] [to fall within their camp and all around their tents].
28 Then God made [the birds] [fall /in the camp of his people /near their tents]
28 Then 그러고 나서 God 하나님께서는 made 만드셨다 [the birds 새들이] [fall 떨어지게 /in the camp 야영장에
of his 그분 people 백성들의 /near 근처에 their 그들 tents 천막].
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [the birds] [fall /in the camp of his people /near their tents].
The people ate [their fill].
He gave [them] [what they craved].
The people 백성들은 ate 먹었다 [their 그들의 fill 배가 차게].
He 그분께서는 gave 주셨다 [them 그들에게] [what 그것을 they 그들이 craved 갈망하는].
* 명사로 쓰인 fill ; An amount needed to make full, complete, or satisfied:
* 직목인 명사절/의문사절 what they craved [목]. (의문사=접속사=목적)
* 일반문 해석 they craved [what]. 그들은 그것을 갈망하다
* 의문사절 해석 what they craved 그들이 갈망한 그것
29 God gave [his people] [all () they wanted],
and each of them ate /until they were full.
29 God 하나님께서는 gave 주셨다 [his 그분의 people 백성들에게] [all 모든 걸 (that) they 그들이 wanted 원하는],
and each of them 그들 각자는 ate 먹었다 /until 그때까지 they 그들이 were full 가득 찰 때까지.
* 직목인 명사구 all (that) they wanted [목], 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)
* 부사절 /until they were full.
But before they satisfied [their craving],
while the meat was yet in their mouths,
But 그러나 before they 그들이 satisfied 만족시키기 전에 [their 그들의 craving 갈망을],
while 그동안 the meat 고기가 was yet 아직 in their 그들의 mouths 입에 있을 때,
* 부사절 접속사로 쓰인 before ; In advance of the time when:
* 부사절 접속사 while : 1. during the time that, or at the same time as: 2. despite the fact that;
* 보어인 전구 yet in their mouths,
30 But before they had swallowed [the last bite],
30 But 그러나 before they 그들이 had swallowed 삼키기 전에 [the last 마지막 bite 깨물은 것을],
* 명사로 쓰인 bite ; An amount removed by or as if by an act of biting:
* 대과거 had+pp ; 과거의 한 싯점 이전에 일어난 과거의 때를 표시함
the anger of God rose /against them,
and he killed their strongest men.
He struck down [the finest of Israel’s young men].
the anger 분노가 of God 하나님의 rose 일어났다 /against them 그들을 거스려서,
and he 그분께서는 killed 죽이셨다 their 그들의 strongest 최강의 men 남성들을.
He 그분께서는 struck down 쳐서 넘기셨다 [the finest 최정예자들을 of Israel’s 이스라엘 young 젊은 men 남자들의].
* 타동사구 struck down의 목적인 명사구 [the finest of Israel’s young men].
* 관사+형용사=복수명사 the finest = the people who are finest
31 God became angry and killed [the strongest and best /from the families of Israel].
31 God 하나님께서는 became 되셨고 angry 분노하시게
and killed 죽이셨다 [the strongest 최강자들과 and best 가장 뛰어난 자들을 /from the families 가족들로부터
of Israel 이스라엘의].
* 불자 became의 보어인 형용사 angry
* 관사+형용사=복수명사 the strongest and best = the people who are strongest and best
But in spite of this, the people kept [sinning].
Despite his wonders, they refused [to trust him].
But 그러나 in spite of this 이런 것에도 불구하고, the people 사람들은 kept 유지했다 [sinning 죄짓기를].
Despite 불구하고 his 그분의 wonders 경이로움에도, they 그들은 refused 거부했다 [to trust 신뢰하기를 him 그분을].
* 3중 전치사 in spite of ; in spite of ; in spite of / despite
* 불자kept의 보어인 형용사/현분사 [sinning].
* 목적인 부정사구, [to trust him].
32 But the rest kept on [sinning]
and would not trust [God's miracles].
32 But 그러나 the rest 가장 뛰어난 자들은 kept on 계속했고 [sinning 죄짓기를]
and would not trust 신뢰하지 않았다 [God's 하나님의 miracles 기적들을].
* 타동사구 kept on의 목적인 동명사 [sinning]
So he ended [their lives] /in failure,
their years /in terror.
So he 그분께서는 ended 끝내게 하셨다 [their 그들의 lives 삶을] /in failure 실패에서,
their 그들의 years 햇수/날수를 in terror 공포에서.
* (he ended) their years in terror.
33 So he cut [their lives] [short]
and made [them] [terrified].
33 So 그래서 he 그분께서는 cut 자르셨고 [their 그들의 lives 삶을] [short 짧게]
and made 만드셨다 [them 그들이] [terrified 경악하게].
* 일반동사 5 형식, cut [their lives] [short 형]
* 주의 ; [short]을 부사로 보면 3 형식 ; at, to, or over a relatively small distance.
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [them] [terrified].
* 형역 과분사 terrified 과분사의 수동 주체인 them 수식
When God began [killing them],
they finally sought him.
They repented and took God /seriously.
When 그때 God 하나님께서 began 시작하셨을 때 [killing 죽이기를 them 그들을],
they 그들은 finally 마침내 sought 찾았다 him 그분을.
They 그들은 repented 회개하고 and took 상대했다 God 하나님을 /seriously 신중하게.
* 목적인 동명사구 [killing them],
34 After he killed [some of them],
the others turned /to him /with all their hearts.
34 After 후에 he 그분께서 killed 죽이신 some 얼마간을 of them 그들의,
the others 다른 이들은 turned 돌아섰다 /to him 그분께 /with all their hearts 그들의 전심으로.
* some ; an unspecified number or amount of people or things.
Then they remembered that God was their rock,
that God Most High was their redeemer.
Then they 그들은 remembered 기억했다 that 절 내용을 즉, God 하나님께서 was their 그들의 rock 반석이라고,
that God Most High 최고 지존께서 was their 그들의 redeemer 구속자라고.
* 목적인 명사절 that God was their rock,
35 They remembered God Most High,
the mighty rock //that kept [them] [safe].
35 They 그들은 remembered 기억했다 God Most High 최고 지존자를,
the mighty 막강한 rock 반석이신 //that 그건 kept 유지하는 [them 그들을] [safe 안전하게].
* 형역인 동격 명사구, the mighty rock //that kept [them] [safe] = God Most High,
But [all () they gave him] was lip service;
they lied /to him /with their tongues.
But 그러나 [all 모든 것은 (that) 그건 they 그들이 gave 드린 him 그분께] was lip 입술 service 봉사였다/말뿐이었다;
they 그들은 lied 거짓말했다 /to him 그분께 /with their 그들의 tongues 혀로.
* 주어인 명사구, all (that) they gave him [직목], 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=직목)
36 But they tried [to flatter God],
and they told [him] [lies];
36 But 그러나 they 그들은 tried 시도했다 [to flatter 아부하기를 God 하나님께],
and they 그들은 told 말했다 [him 그분께] [lies 거짓말을];
* 목적인 부정사구, [to flatter God],
* 4 형식 told [him] [lies];
Their hearts were not loyal to him.
They did not keep his covenant.
Their 그들의 hearts 심정은 were not loyal 충성되지 않았다 to him 하나님께.
They 그들은 did not keep 지키지 않았다 his 그분과의 covenant 약조를.
* 보어인 형용사구 not loyal to him.
* covenant is a promise, agreement, or contract between two parties.
37 they were unfaithful
and broke [their promises].
37 they 그들은 were unfaithful 불성실했고
and broke 깼다 their 그들의 promises 약속을.
* PROMISE : 1 : a statement telling someone that you will definitely do something
Yet he was merciful and forgave their sins
and did not destroy them all.
Many times he held back [his anger]
and did not unleash [his fury]!
Yet 여전히 he 그분께서는 was merciful 자비로우시고 and forgave 용서하셨고 their 그들의 sins 죄악을
and did not destroy 파멸시키지 않으셨다 them all 그들 전부를.
Many times 여러 번 he 그분께서는 held back 억제하셨다 [his 그분의 anger 분노를]
and did not unleash 내 쏟지 않으셨다 [his 그분의 fury 강한 분노를]!
* 인칭 대명사 뒤에 쓰인 한정사 all ; them all = all of them
* 타동사구 held back ; 1. to restrain or be restrained 2. (transitive). to withhold.
* unleash ; to let happen or begin something powerful that, once begun, cannot be controlled:
* fury ; intense, disordered, and often destructive rage ;
38 Yet God was kind.
He kept [forgiving their sins] and didn't destroy them.
He often became angry, but never lost his temper.
38 Yet 여전히 God 하나님께서는 was kind 인자하셨다.
He 그분께서는 kept 유지/계속하셨고 [forgiving 용서하시는 상태를 their 그들의 sins 죄는]
and didn't destroy 멸하시지 않으셨다 them 그들을.
He 그분께서는 often 자주 became 되셨다 angry 화나게,
but 그러나 never 결코 lost 잃지 않으셨다 his 그분의 temper 평정심을.
* 불자 kept의 보어인 형역 현분사구 [forgiving their sins]
* 불자 became의 보어인 형용사 angry,
* lost one's temper ; to become very angry:
* temper ; Calmness of mind or emotions; composure:
For he remembered that they were merely mortal,
gone like a breath of wind //that never returns.
For 왜냐면 he 그분께서 remembered 기억하셨기 때문이다 that 절 내용을 즉, they 그들이 were merely 단순히
mortal 죽을 인생이다는 걸,
gone 사라질 like a breath 한 숨처럼 of wind 바람의 //that 그건 never 결코 returns 돌아오지 않는.
* 삽입구인 형역 과분사구 gone like a breath of wind //that never returns. 과분사의 수동 주체인 they 수식
* 전목인 명사구, wind //that never returns. 명+형절/주격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=주어),
39 God remembered that they were made of flesh
and were like a wind //that blows once and then dies down.
39 God 하나님께서는 remembered 기억하셨다 that 절 내용을 즉, they 그들이 were made 만들어졌고 of flesh 육체로
and were like a wind 바람 같다는 것 //that 그건 blows 불고 once 한번 and then 그러고 나서 dies down 잠잠해질.
* 보어 역할인 전구 like a wind //that blows once and then dies down.
* 전목인 명사구, a wind //that blows once and then dies down. 명+형절/주격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=주어),
* die down ; to become gradually less strong, loud, easy to notice, etc.
Oh, how often they rebelled /against him /in the wilderness
and grieved [his heart] /in that dry wasteland.
Oh 오, how 얼마나 often 자주 they 그들은 rebelled 반항했었고 /against him 그분을 거슬려
/in the wilderness 광야에서 and grieved 비통하게 했던가 his 그분의 heart 심정을 /in that 그런 dry 메마른
wasteland 불모지에서.
* 지시 형용사로 쓰인 that
40 While they were in the desert,
they often rebelled and made [God] [sad].
40 While 그동안 they 그들이 were 있었을 동안 in the desert 광야에서,
they 그들은 often 자주 rebelled 반항하고 and made 만들었다 [God 하나님을] [sad 슬프게].
* 보어인 전치사구 in the desert,
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [God] [sad].
Again and again they tested God’s patience
and provoked [the Holy One of Israel].
Again 다시 and again 또다시 they 그들은 tested 시험했고 God’s 하나님의 patience 인내를
and provoked 충돌질했다 [the Holy One 거룩하신 분을 of Israel 이스라엘의].
* TEST/TRY SOMEONE'S PATIENCE ; to cause someone to start getting annoyed or upset
because of something that is going on too long.
41 They kept [testing him]
and caused [terrible pain] /for the Holy One of Israel.
41 They 그들은 kept 유지했고 [testing 시험하는 상태로 him 그분을]
and caused 유발했다 [terrible 혹독한 pain 고통을] /for the Holy One 거룩하신 분께 of Israel 이스라엘의.
* 불자 kept의 보어인 형역 현분사구 [testing him]
They did not remember [his power] and [how he rescued [them] /from their enemies].
They 그들은 did not remember 기억하지 못했고 [his 그분의 power 권능을]
and [how 어떻게 he 그분께서 rescued 구조하셨는지를 them 그들을 /from their 그들의 enemies 원수들로부터].
* 목적인 의문사절, how he rescued [them] /from their 그들의 enemies.
42 They forgot /about his power
and [how he had rescued them /from their enemies].
42 They 그들은 forgot 잊었었고 /about his 그분의 power 권능에 대해
and how 어떻게 he 그분께서 had rescued 구조하셨는지를 them 그들을 /from their 그들의 enemies 원수들로부터.
* 전목인 의문사절, how he had rescued them /from their enemies.
They did not remember [his miraculous signs /in Egypt],
[his wonders /on the plain of Zoan].
They 그들은 did not remember 기억하지 못했다 [his 그분의 miraculous 기적적인 signs 현상들을 in Egypt 애굽에서],
[his 그분의 wonders 경이로움을 /on the plain 평지에서 of Zoan 조안의].
* 목적인 명사구, his miraculous signs in Egypt 형/소유격+형+명+형/전구
43 God showed [them] [all kinds /of wonderful miracles /near Zoan in Egypt].
43 God 하나님께서는 showed 보여주셨다 [them 그들에게] [all 모든 kinds 종류를 /of wonderful 경이로운
miracles 기적들의 near Zoan 조안 근처 in Egypt 애굽에서].
* 4 형식 showed [them] [all kinds /of wonderful miracles near Zoan in Egypt].
For he turned their rivers /into blood,
so no one could drink /from the streams.
For 왜냐면 he 그분께서는 turned 변하게 하셨기 때문이다 their 그들의 rivers 강들을 /into blood 피로,
so 그래서 no one 아무도 could drink 마실 수 없도록 /from the streams 시냇물로부터.
* 접속사로 쓰인 so ; With the result or consequence that:
44 He turned [the rivers /of Egypt] /into blood,
and no one could drink /from the streams.
44 He 그분께서는 turned 변하게 하셨다 [the rivers 강들을 of Egypt 애굽의] /into blood 피로,
and no one could 아무도 could drink 마실 수 없었다 /from the streams 시냇물로부터.
* 형역전구 of Egypt, 부역전구 /into blood, /from the streams.
He sent [vast swarms of flies] /to consume them
and hordes of frogs /to ruin them.
He 그분께서는 sent 보내셨다 [vast 방대한 swarms 떼들을 of flies 파리의] /to consume 뒤덮게 them 그들을
and hordes 떼거지들을 of frogs 개구리의 /to ruin 망치게 them 그들을.
* 부역 부정사구, /to consume them
* consume ; To waste; squander.
* and (He sent) hordes of frogs /to ruin them.
45 He sent swarms of flies /to pester the Egyptians,
and he sent frogs /to cause them trouble.
45 He 그분께서는 sent 보내셨다 swarms of flies 파리 떼들을 /to pester 성가시게 하도록 the Egyptians 애굽인들을,
and he 그분께서는 sent 보내셨다 frogs 개구리들을 /to cause 유발하게 them 그들에게 trouble 곤란을.
* pester ; To annoy persistently, as with repeated demands or questions.
* 부역 부정사구, /to cause them trouble.
* 4 형식 cause [them] [trouble]. 간목에게 직목을 유발하다
trouble이 to trouble로 쓰이지 않아 목보가 아니므로 명사로 하면 의미가 통함
* 명사로 쓰인 trouble.; A distressing or difficult circumstance or situation: 곤란한 상황
He gave [their crops] /to caterpillars;
their harvest was consumed /by locusts.
He 그분께서는 gave 주셨다 [their 그들의 crops 작물을] /to caterpillars 애벌레들에게;
their 그들의 harvest 수확물은 was consumed 소진되었다 /by locusts 메뚜기에 의해.
* 수동태 be+pp ; was consumed
46 God let [worms and grasshoppers] [eat their crops].
46 God 하나님께서는 let 허락하셨다 [worms 벌레와 and grasshoppers 메뚜기가] [eat 먹도록 their 그들의 crops 수확물을].
* 사역동사 5 형식, let [worms and grasshoppers] [eat their crops]. 목적이 목보하게 허락하다
He destroyed [their grapevines] /with hail
and shattered [their sycamore-figs] /with sleet.
He 그분께서는 destroyed 파괴하셨고 [their 그들의 grapevines 포도나무를] /with hail 우박으로
and shattered 박살 내셨다 [their 그들의 sycamore-figs 시카모어 무화과를] /with sleet 진눈깨비로.
* 부역전구 /with hail, /with sleet.
* Sleet occurs when snowflakes only partially melt when they fall through a shallow layer of warm air. 얼음비
47 He destroyed [their grapevines and their fig trees] /with hail and floods.
47 He 그분께서는 destroyed 파괴하셨다 [their 그들의 grapevines 포도나무와 and their 그들의 fig trees 무화과 수목을]
/with hail 우박과 and floods 홍수로.
* HAIL : 1 : pieces of ice that fall from clouds like rain;
He abandoned [their cattle] /to the hail,
their livestock /to bolts of lightning.
He 그분께서는 abandoned 유기하셨다 [their 그들의 cattle 소들을] /to the hail 우박에게/맞게,
their 그들의 livestock 가축들을 /to bolts of lightning 번갯불에 (유기하셨다).
* (He abandoned) their livestock /to bolts of lightning.
* livestock n ; farm animals 가축
48 Then he killed their cattle /with hail
and their other animals /with lightning.
48 Then he 그분께서는 killed 죽이셨다 their 그들의 cattle 소와 /with hail 우박으로
and their 그들의 other 다른 animals 짐승들을 /with lightning 번개로.
* and (he killed) their other animals /with lightning.
He loosed /on them [his fierce anger]
—all his fury, rage, and hostility.
He dispatched /against them [a band of destroying angels].
He 그분께서는 loosed 풀어놓으셨다 /on them 그들 위에 [his 그분의 fierce 맹렬한 anger 분노를]
—all 모든 his 그분의 fury 격노, rage 분노와, and hostility 반감을.
He 그분께서는 dispatched 파견하셨다 /against them 그들을 대항하여 [a band 한 무리를
of destroying 파괴하는 angels 천사들의].
* 목적인 명사구, [his fierce anger], [a band of destroying angels].
* 형역 현분사 destroying 파괴하는 (능동의미)
* fury is a feeling of wild, intense anger.
* RAGE : 1 : a strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control; 2 : a sudden expression of violent anger.
49 God was so angry and furious /that he went into a rage
and caused [them] [great trouble] /by sending swarms of destroying angels.
49 God 하나님께서는 was so 너무 angry 화나시고 and furious 열불 나셔서 /that he 그분께서는
went into a rage 화가 폭발하시고
and caused 유발하셨다 [them 그들에게] [great 엄청난 trouble 곤경을] /by sending 보내심으로
swarms 떼거지를 of destroying 파괴하는 angels 천사들을.
* so~ that~ ; 너무 ~해서 ~하다
* furious : 1. extremely angry: 2. using a lot of effort or strength:
* go/fly into a rage/temper/panic etc ; to suddenly get extremely angry,
* 4 형식, caused [them] [great trouble] /by sending swarms of destroying angels.
* 부역전구 /by sending swarms of destroying angels.
* 전목인 동명사구 sending swarms of destroying angels.
He turned his anger /against them;
he did not spare [the Egyptians’ lives]
but ravaged [them] /with the plague.
He 그분께서는 turned 돌리셨다 his 그분의 anger 분노를 /against them 그들을 거슬리게;
he 그분께서는 did not spare 살려두시지 않으셨다 [the Egyptians’ 애굽인의 lives 생명들을]
but 그러나 ravaged 몰살시키셨다 [them 그들을] /with the plague 역병으로.
* spare ; to refrain from killing, punishing, harming, or injuring.
* 일반명사의 소유격 Egyptians’ 애굽인들의 (복수명사인 경우 아포스트로피 apostrophe만 씀)
* 비교 : the Egyptian's 그 애굽인의, Jacob’s 야곱의
* Ravage ; To destroy violently; ruin, cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
50 God released [his anger]
and slaughtered them /in a terrible way.
50 God 하나님께서는 released 내시고 [his 그분의 anger 분노를]
and slaughtered 죽이셨다 them 그들을 /in a terrible 끔찍한 way 방식으로.
* terrible ; exciting terror, awe, or great fear; dreadful; awful.
He killed [the oldest son /in each Egyptian family],
the flower of youth throughout the land of Egypt.
He 그분께서는 killed 죽이셨다 [the oldest son 장자를 /in each 각각의 Egyptian 애굽인 family 가족에서],
the flower 꽃인 of youth 젊음의 throughout 전체에서 the land 땅의 of Egypt 애굽의.
* 형역인 동격 명사구, the flower of youth throughout the land of Egypt = the oldest son
51 He killed [the first-born son /of each Egyptian family].
51 He 그분께서는 killed 죽이셨다 [the first-born son 장자를 /of each Egyptian 애굽인 family 가족의].
* 고유형용사 Egyptian ; 고유명사 Egypt에서 파생됨 (Korea, Korean)
* 주의 ; Korea Army, Korean Army, Korea Peninsula, Korean Peninsula, South Korea 남한, South Korean 남한인
But he led [his own people] /like a flock of sheep,
guiding them /safely /through the wilderness.
But he 그분께서는 led 이끄셨다 [his own 그분 자신의 people 백성들을] /like a flock of sheep 양 떼같이,
guiding 안내하시며 them 그들을 safely 안전하게 through the wilderness 광야를 통해서.
* 인도하다 lead led led
* 삽입구인 형역 현분사구 guiding them safely through the wilderness. 현분사의 능동 주체인 he 수식,
52 Then God led [his people] /out of Egypt
and guided [them] /in the desert /like a flock of sheep.
52 Then 그러고 나서 God 하나님께서는 led 이끄셨고 [his 그분의 people 백성들을 ] /out of Egypt 애굽 밖으로
and guided 안내하셨다 [them 그들을] /in the desert 광야에서 /like a flock of sheep 양 떼같이.
* 부역전구 수식관계 guided /in the desert, guided /like a flock of sheep.
He kept [them] [safe] /so they were not afraid;
but the sea covered their enemies.
He 그분께서는 kept 지키셨다 [them 그들을] [safe 안전하게]
/so 그래서 they 그들은 were not afraid 두려워하지 않았다;
but 그러나 the sea 바다는 covered 뒤덮었다 their 그들의 enemies 원수들을.
* 일반동사 5 형식, kept [them] [safe]
53 He led them /safely along,
and they were not afraid,
but their enemies drowned /in the sea.
53 He 그분께서는 led 이끄셨고 them 그들을 /safely 안전하게 along 이동과정 내내,
and they 그들은 were not afraid 두려워하지 않았다,
but 그러나 their 그들의 enemies 원수들은 drowned 익사했다 /in the sea 바닷속에서.
* 부사 along ; moving in a constant direction on
He brought [them] /to the border of his holy land,
to this land of hills () he had won /for them.
He 그분께서는 brought 데려가셨다 [them 그들을] /to the border 경계로 of his 그분의 holy 거룩한 land 땅의,
to this 이런 land 땅으로 of hills 언덕들의 (that) 그건 he 그분께서 had won 쟁취하신 /for them 그들을 위해.
* 전목인 명사구, this land of hills (that) he had won /for them,
* 전목인 명사구, hills (that) he had won (목) /for them. 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)
54 God brought [his people] /to the sacred mountain //that he had taken /by his own power.
54 God 하나님께서 brought 데려가셨다 [his 그분의 people 백성들을] /to the sacred 신성한 mountain 산으로
//that 그건 he 그분께서 had taken 빼앗은 /by his own 그분 자신의 power 능력으로.
* 전목인 명사구, the sacred mountain //that he had taken [목] /by~ 형+명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)
He drove out [the nations] /before them;
he gave [them] [their inheritance by lot].
He settled [the tribes of Israel] /into their homes.
He 그분께서는 drove out 몰아내셨다 [the nations 나라들을] /before them 그들 앞에;
he 그분께서는 gave 주셨다 [them 그들에게] [their 그들의 inheritance 유산을 by lot 제비 뽑기로].
He 그분께서는 settled 정착시키셨다 [the tribes 부족들을 of Israel 이스라엘의] /into their 그들의 homes 집으로.
* 4 형식 gave [them] [their inheritance by lot].
55 He made [nations] [run /from the tribes of Israel],
and he let [the tribes] [take over their land].
55 He 그분께서는 made 만드셨다 [nations 나라들이] [run 도망가게 /from the tribes 부족으로부터 of Israel 이스라엘의 ],
and he 그분께서는 let 이끄셨다 [the tribes 부족들이 ] [take over 차지하게 their 그들의 land 땅을].
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [nations] [run], let [the tribes] [take over their land]. 목적이 목보하게 동사하다
목보는 원형 부정사구로 씀 [to] run /from the tribes of Israel, [to] take over their land.
But they kept [testing and rebelling against God Most High].
They did not obey [his laws].
But 그러나 they 그들은 kept 지속했다 [testing 시험하고 and rebelling 반항하기를 against God Most High 최고지존을 거슬려].
They 그들은 did not obey 순종하지 않았다 [his 그분의 laws 율법을].
* 불자 kept의 보어인 현분사구 [testing and rebelling against God Most High]. 현분사구 상태를 유지하다
* 주의 계속하다는 의미로는 keep on을 씀
56 But the people tested [God Most High],
and they refused [to obey his laws].
56 But 그러나 the people 백성들은 tested 시험했다 [God Most High 최고지존],
and they 그들은 refused 거부했다 [to obey 순종하기를 his 그분의 laws 율법을].
* 목적인 부정사구, [to obey his laws].
They turned back and were as faithless as their parents.
They were as undependable as a crooked bow.
They 그들은 turned back 돌아섰고 and were as faithless 불성실했다 as their 그들의 parents 부모들처럼.
They 그들은 were as undependable 그렇게 의존될 수 없었다 as a crooked 삐뚤어진 bow 활처럼.
* 보어인 형용사구 as faithless as their parents. 부+형+부/전구 (처음 as는 부사 둘째 as는 전치사로 쓰임)
* 형역 과분사 crooked 구부러진/삐뚤어진
57 They were as unfaithful /as their ancestors,
and they were as crooked as a twisted arrow.
57 They 그들은 were as unfaithful 그렇게 불성실했다 /as their 그들의 ancestors 조상들처럼,
and they 그들은 were as crooked 그렇게 삐뚤어졌다 as a twisted 비틀린 arrow 화살처럼.
* 형역 과분사 crooked, twisted
* 전목인 명사구, a twisted arrow. 관사+형/과분사+명
They angered God /by building shrines to other gods;
they made [him] [jealous with their idols].
They 그들은 angered 화나게 했다 God 하나님을 /by building 건축함으로 shrines 신당을 to other gods 다른 신들에게;
they 그들은 made 만들었다 [him 그분을] [jealous 질투 나게 with their 그들의 idols 우상으로].
* 전목인 동명사구 building shrines to other gods;
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [him] [jealous with their idols].
58 God demanded [all their love],
but they made [him] [angry /by worshiping idols].
58 God 하나님께서는 demanded 요구하셨다 [all 모든 their 그들의 love 사랑을],
but they 그들은 made 만들었습니다 [him 그분을] [angry 화내시게 /by worshiping 경배함으로 인해 idols 우상을].
* 영어식 all 모든 their 그들의 love 사랑, 한글식 ; 그들의 모든 사랑 (all 모든의 위치가 다름)
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [him] [angry /by worshiping idols].
When God heard them, he was very angry,
and he completely rejected Israel.
When 그때 God 하나님께서 heard 들으셨을 때 them 그들의 말을, he 그분께서는 was very 매우 angry 화나셨고,
and he 그분께서는 completely 완전히 rejected 거부하셨다 Israel 이스라엘을.
* 영어식은 heard의 목적으로 them을 쓰나 한글의역은 '그들을 듣다'로 하면 어색하므로 '그들의 말을 듣다'로 함
59 So God became furious
and completely rejected [the people of Israel].
59 So 그래서 God 하나님께서는 became 되셨고 furious 격노하시게
and completely 완전히 rejected 거부하셨다 [the people 백성을 of Israel 이스라엘의].
* 불자 became의 보어인 형용사 furious
Then he abandoned [his dwelling at Shiloh],
the Tabernacle //where he had lived /among the people.
Then 그러고 나서 he 그분께서는 abandoned 버리셨다 [his 그분의 dwelling 거처를 at Shiloh 실로에 있는],
the Tabernacle 성막을 //where 그곳 he 그분께서 had lived 사셨던 /among the people 백성들 가운데.
* 형역인 동격 명사구, the Tabernacle //where he had lived /among the people = his dwelling
* 형절/관계 부사절 //where he had lived /among the people. 제한수식 역할
60 Then he deserted [his home /at Shiloh], where he lived here on earth.
60 Then 그러고 나서 he 그분께서는 deserted 방치하셨다 [his 그분의 home 집을 /at Shiloh 실로에 있는],
where 그곳 he 그분께서 lived 사셨던 here 여기 on earth 땅 위.
* 삽입절/ 형절/관계 부사절 ; where he lived here on earth. 설명추가 역할
* 제한수식이나 비제한수식이나 한글해석상 차이는 없지만 영어는 제한수식과 비제한수식/설명추가 역할로 다름
* 제한수식 ; 형절 내용으로 선행사의 의미를 한정함, 비제한수식 ; 형절 내용으로 선행사의 의미를 추가설명함
He allowed [the Ark of his might] [to be captured];
he surrendered [his glory] /into enemy hands.
He 그분께서는 allowed 허락하셨다 [the Ark 성궤가 of his 그분의 might 막강의 ] [to be captured 사로잡히게];
he 그분께서는 surrendered 넘겨주셨다 [his 그분의 glory 거룩하심을] /into enemy 원수의 hands 손에.
* 일반동사 5 형식, allowed [the Ark of his might] [to be captured];
* 하나님께서 그분의 거룩하심을 원수에게 넘겨주어 더럽히게 하신 것처럼
죄인인 우리에게도 그분의 거룩하심을 포기하셨기에 죄인이 감히 성자 하나님 이름을 죄인 입에 담을 수 있게 됨
61 He let [enemies] [capture the sacred chest]
and let [them] [dishonor him].
61 He 그분께서는 let 허락하셨다 [enemies 원수들이] [capture 사로잡게 the sacred chest 성궤를]
and let 허락하셨다 [them 그들이] [dishonor 망신 주게 him 그분을].
* 사역동사 5 형식, let [enemies] [capture the sacred chest], let [them] [dishonor him].
He gave [his people] over /to be butchered by the sword,
because he was so angry with his own people—his special possession.
He 그분께서는 gave 넘겨 주셨다 [his 그분의 people 백성들을] over /to be butchered 도살되게 by the sword 칼로,
because 왜냐면 he 그분께서는 was so 너무 angry 분노하셔서 with his own 그분 자신의 people 백성들에게
—his 그분의 special 특별한 possession 소유인.
* give over : 1. to stop doing something, usually something annoying:
* 부역 부정사구, /to be butchered by the sword,
* 앰대시로 추가된 형역인 동격 명사구, —his special possession = people
62 God took out [his anger] /on his chosen ones
and let [them] [be killed by enemy swords].
62 God 하나님께서는 took out 내치셨다 [his 그분의 anger 분노를] /on his 그분의 chosen 선택받은 ones 자들 위에
and let 허락하셨다 [them 그들이] [be killed 죽임 당하게 by enemy 원수의 swords 칼로].
* 형역 과분사 chosen 과분사의 수동 주체인 ones 수식
* take out /on ; to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry
* 사역동사 5 형식, let [them] [be killed by enemy swords].
Their young men were killed /by fire;
their young women died /before singing their wedding songs.
Their 그들의 young 젊은 men 남성들은 were killed 죽임 당했다 /by fire 불에 의해;
their 그들의 young 젊은 women 여성들은 died 죽었다 /before singing 노래하기 전에 their 그들의 wedding 결혼
songs 노래/축가를.
* 전치사로 쓰인 before ; Previous to in time; earlier than.
* 전목인 동명사구 singing their wedding songs.
63 Fire destroyed [the young men],
and the young women were left /with no one to marry.
63 Fire 불이 destroyed 파괴했다 [the young 젊은 men 남성들을],
and the young 젊은 women 여성들은 were left 남겨졌다 /with no one 아무도 없이 to marry 결혼할.
* 보어인 형역 과분사구 left /with no one to marry. 과분사의 수동 주체인 the young women 수식
Their priests were slaughtered,
and their widows could not mourn [their deaths].
Their 그들의 priests 제사장들은 were slaughtered 살륙당했다,
and their 그들의 widows 과부들은 could not mourn 애곡 할 수 없었다 [their 그들의 deaths 사암을].
* mourn ; to feel or express deep sadness, esp. because of someone's death:
64 Priests died [violent deaths],
but their widows were not allowed [to mourn].
64 Priests 제사장들은 died 죽었다 [violent 폭력적인 deaths 죽음으로],
but 그러나 their 그들의 widows 과부들은 were not allowed 허락되지 않았다 [to mourn 애곡하기를].
* 숙어 die a death ; to fail and end: 죽다 (우리말에 없는 완전 영어식 표현임)
Then the Lord rose up /as though waking from sleep,
like a warrior /aroused from a drunken stupor.
Then 그러고 나서 the Lord 주님께서 rose up 일어나셨다 /as though 마치 waking 깨신 것처럼 from sleep 잠에서,
like a warrior 전사같이 /aroused 깨어난 from a drunken stupor 술 취해 몽롱함에서.
* 부사절 축약형 /as though waking from sleep = /as though (the Lord) woke from sleep,
주절과 부사절의 주어가 동일한 경우 주어를 생략하고 동사를 현분사로 씀
* 형역 과분사구 /aroused from a drunken stupor. 과분사의 수동 주체인 warrior 수식
* a drunken stupor ; a state of extreme apathy or torpor resulting often from stress or shock : daze.
65 Finally the Lord woke up,
like a soldier /startled from a drunken sleep.
65 Finally 마침내 the Lord 주님께서 woke up 일어나셨다,
like a soldier 병사처럼 /startled 놀랜 from a drunken 술 취한 sleep 잠에서.
* 형역 과분사구 /startled from a drunken sleep. 과분사의 수동 주체인 soldier 수식
He routed [his enemies]
and sent [them] /to eternal shame.
He 그분께서는 routed 괴멸하셨고 [his 그분의 enemies 원수들을]
and sent 보내셨다 [them 그들을] 'to eternal 영원한 shame 수치로.
* route : to defeat decisively or disastrously, defeat and cause to retreat in disorder.
66 God scattered [his enemies]
and made [them] [ashamed /forever].
66 God 하나님께서는 scattered 흩으셨고 [his 그분의 enemies 원수들을]
and made 만드셨다 [them 그들이] [ashamed 수치당하게 /forever 영원히].
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [them] [ashamed /forever].
But he rejected [Joseph’s descendants];
he did not choose [the tribe of Ephraim].
But he 그분께서는 rejected 거부하셨다 [Joseph’s 요셉의 descendants 후손들을];
he 그분께서는 did not choose 선택하지 않으셨다 [the tribe 부족을 of Ephraim 에부라임의].
67 Then the Lord decided [not to make his home /with Joseph's descendants /in Ephraim].
67 Then 그러고 나서 the Lord 주님께서는 decided 결정하셨다 [not to make 만들지 않으시기를 his 그분의 home 집을
/with Joseph's 요셉의 descendants 후손들과 /in Ephraim 에부라임에서].
* 숙어 make one's home : to move to a place and live there.
He chose /instead [the tribe of Judah],
and Mount Zion, which he loved.
He 그분께서는 chose 선택하셨다 /instead 그 대신 [the tribe 부족과 of Judah 유다의],
and Mount Zion 시온산을, which 그건 he 그분께서 loved 사랑하신.
* 목적인 명사구, [the tribe of Judah],
* 삽입절/ 형절/목적격 관계절 ; which he loved (목)
68 Instead he chose [the tribe of Judah],
and he chose Mount Zion, the place () he loves.
68 Instead 그 대신 he 그분께서는 chose 선택하셨다 [the tribe of 부족을 of Judah 유다의],
and he 그분께서는 chose 선택하셨다 Mount Zion 시온산을, the place 그 장소인 (that) 그건 he 그분께서 loved 사랑하시는.
* 형역인 동격 명사구, the place (that) he loves = Mount Zion,
There he built [his sanctuary] /as high as the heavens,
as solid and enduring as the earth.
There 그러고 나서 he 그분께서는 built 건축하셨다 [his 그분의 sanctuary 성전을] /as high 그렇게 높게
as the heavens 하늘처럼,
as solid 그렇게 단단하고 and enduring 지속되는 as the earth 땅처럼.
* 부사구 /as high as the heavens, 부+부+부/전구 (high는 부사로 쓰임) 하늘처럼 그렇게 높게
* 형용사구로 하면 부+형+부/전구 (high는 형용사로 쓰임) 하늘처럼 그렇게 높은
* High is a derived term of highly.
* 주의 highly is in a high or esteemed manner 올려진 양상
while high is in or to an elevated position 올려진 위치.
69 There he built [his temple /as lofty as the mountains]
and as solid as the earth () he made /to last forever.
69 There 거기서 he 그분께서는 built 건축하셨다 [his 그분의 temple 성전을 /as lofty 그렇게 높은
as the mountains 산들처럼]
and as solid 그렇게 단단한 as the earth 땅처럼 (that) 그건 he 그분께서 made 만드신 /to last 지속되게 forever 영원히.
* 형용사구 /as lofty as the mountains 부+형+부/전구 (lofty는 형용사만 됨)
* 처음 as는 lofty를 수식하는 부사, 둘째 as는 전치사 역할
* lofty adj /tall 높은
He chose [his servant David],
calling him from the sheep pens.
He 그분께서는 chose 선택하셨다 [his 그분의 servant 종 David 다윗을],
calling 부르시면서 him 그를 from the sheep pens 양우리로부터.
* 삽입구인 형역 현분사구 calling him from the sheep pens. 현분사의 능동 주체인 He 수식,
70 The Lord God chose [David] [to be his servant]
and took him /from tending sheep
71 and from caring for lambs.
70 The Lord God 주 하나님께서 chose 선택하셨고 [David 다윗이] [to be 되라고 his 그분의 servant 종이]
and took 거두셨다 him 그를 /from tending 치기로부터 sheep 양을
71 and from caring for 보살피기로부터 lambs 새끼 양들을.
* 일반동사 5 형식, chose [David] [to be his servant] ; 목적이 목보상태 되도록 동사하다
* 전목인 동명사구 caring for lambs, caring for lambs.
He took David /from tending the ewes and lambs
and made [him] [the shepherd of Jacob’s descendants]
—God’s own people, Israel.
He 그분께서는 took 거두셨고 David 다윗을 /from tending 치기로부터 the ewes 암양들과 and lambs 새끼 양들을
and made 만드셨다 [him 그들] [the shepherd 목자로 of Jacob’s 야곱의 descendants 후손들의]
—God’s own 하나님 자신의 people 백성인, Israel 이스라엘의.
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [him] [the shepherd of Jacob’s descendants] ; 목적이 목보/명사 되도록 동사하다
* 목보로 명사가 쓰이면 '명사되 게', 형용사가 쓰이면 '목보상태 되게', 부정사면 ' 부정사의 동작을 하게'로 해석함
* 앰대시로 추가된 형역인 동격 명사구, God’s own people = Israel = Jacob’s descendants
71 Then God made [him] [the leader of Israel], his own nation.
71 Then 그러고 나서 God 하나님께서는 made 만드셨다 [him 그를] [the leader 지도자로 of Israel 이스라엘의],
his own 그분 자신의 nation 나라인.
* 사역동사 5 형식, made [him] [the leader of Israel], his own nation.
* 형역인 동격 명사구, his own nation = Israel
He cared for [them] /with a true heart
and led [them] /with skillful hands.
He 그는 cared for 돌보았다 [them 그들을] /with a true 진정한 heart 심정으로
and led 이끌었다 [them 그들을 ] /with skillful 숙련된 hands 손으로.
* them = God’s own people, Israel.
* care for : to do the things that are needed to help and protect (a person or animal) : look after
* lead led led
* 부역전구 /with a true heart, /with skillful hands.
72 David treated [the people] /fairly
and guided [them] /with wisdom.
72 David 다윗은 treated 대우했고 [the people 백성들을] /fairly 공평하게
and guided 안내했다 [them 그들을] /with wisdom 지혜로.
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.23.09.03 08:41
첫댓글 Lord, help us not to worship any idols -- material or idea/ism, things or humen including our very selves.
정독 감사합니다