The title of this story is "Caillou's Missing Sock."
One day, Caillou wore his socks.
But there was only one sock.
He went to the laundry room.
He wanted to look into the washing machine,
but he was very short.
Then he decided to use a chair.
But the handle of the door was broken.
He was so scared because he was stuck in the laundry room.
Then his dad opened the door.
When his mom came home, she helped open the laundry room door.
Finally, he found his sock.
I think this story is interesting.
Score: B-
- 문법: "He want to find into the washing machine." → "He wanted to look into the washing machine." (want 대신 wanted, 그리고 find into 대신 look into가 자연스러워요.)
- 문법: "Then he decided use a chair." → "Then he decided to use a chair." (decided 뒤에는 to를 붙여야 해요.)
- 문법: "he stucked in the laundry room." → "he was stuck in the laundry room." (stucked는 틀린 표현이고, was stuck이 맞아요.)
- 내용: Caillou가 어떻게 양말을 찾았는지 조금 더 자세히 쓰면 이야기가 더 완성될 거예요! 😊