The title of this story is Max & Ruby’s Perfect Pumpkin.
The main characters are Max and Ruby.
Max and Ruby went to the store to buy a pumpkin.
They wanted to make a Jack-o'-lantern with it.
When Ruby chose the pumpkin, Max made a mess because he wanted to eat candy.
This happened twice.
Finally, Max got the candies by using his toy helicopter.
Max ate the candy happily.
I think these siblings are cute.
Score: B
- 문법: "to bay a pumkin." → "to buy a pumpkin." (bay 대신 buy, pumkin 대신 pumpkin이 맞아요.)
- 문법: "They'l have made Jack-o- lantern to that." → "They wanted to make a Jack-o'-lantern with it." (They'l have made 대신 They wanted to make, 그리고 to that 대신 with it이 자연스러워요.)
- 문법: "becuase he want to eat candy." → "because he wanted to eat candy." (want 대신 과거형 wanted가 맞아요.)
- 문법: "Like this situations made twice." → "This happened twice." (Like this situations made twice 대신 This happened twice로 간단하게 수정했어요.)
- 문법: "I think this sibling are cute." → "I think these siblings are cute." (this sibling 대신 these siblings이 맞아요.)
- 내용: Ruby가 Max의 행동에 대해 어떤 반응을 보였는지 추가하면 이야기가 더 흥미로워질 거예요! 😊