What you observed could be a shock for you and many others;however, from the hystory, we could observe even much worst stories, which actually had happened. Whenever I heard this kind of stories, it reminds me of what Jejus Christ said although I am not a Christian. He asked to God at the moment of his deadth to forgive whom tried to kill him since they don't know what they were doing.
In this kind of bizzar incidents, I also think that they don't know what they are doing. In all those cases, I think both sides are the victims of life. All kind of wicked behaviors will hit himself or herself like boomerang.
It all happens since people don't realize simple yet ultimately fundamental question of why they were born and who they were.
Once a person realize those questions, then he or she could live a life he/she wanted to.
Just a short thought,
--------------------- [원본 메세지] ---------------------
"Thanks god letting me born in Korea!"
This was my feeling that I saw 'Ophry Winfry' Show which is one of my favoirte shows.
Miss Winfry introduced some terrible storys about Middle Eastern lady's life.
Afghanistan women under Taliban gervernment was very miserable to see.
Women never allowed to wear make up, nail polish, or any western clothes, only allowed wearing their veil all year long, even it was very melting hot day.
No exposure of woman's body or face was allowed in Taliban rule while Northern Allience is much more flexible and generous to women in this manner.
One thing make me more stunned was man is so strong that could kill woman if they think woman's behavior was not right.
For exemple, if woman requested to divorce to her husband first, or refused to marry from someone, these were all enough reasons to be killd.
The hidden camera showed public execution which was throwing stones to kill woman who had committed adultery, but her partner man just sentenced for six months in the prison. That was it.
How unfair this is.... I can't understand...
The other shocking story she showed us was about India.
Since I am practising Yoga, which is originated from India, I've always admired of this mysterious country.
I've thought India is very calm and peaceful country.
In the behind, I didn't know that such a terribel story was.
Half of Indian young girls from age nine to mid-teens were selling for sex.
The youngesters were given one meal a day, and should treat as much as 16 to 17 men. If she wanted some rest between, their brother owener(they call pimp like this) never allowed.
I thought even slaves would be treated better than this.
Some young girs had HIV viruses as well as sexual diseases which is very common in this country.
After I heard this unbelieverble story,I was so appreciated that I was born in Korea and relized how life is valuable and precious once again.