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노아의 방주가 발견되다!
이것이 왜 큰 사건이 아닌가? Why is this not a BIG story?
나는 우리 인류가 역사에 대한 지식이 없는 것에 왕왕 놀란다. 보통의 사람들은 과거에 전해진 이야기의 증거와 정보들에 관심이 많다,
하지만 이런 사실을 전해야할 언론이나 방송같은 기관들은 그런 중요한 정보를 전하질 않는다. 그것은 그런 지배층 조직이 우리들을 그저 무지의 영역속에 머물게 하려는 계략이 있음이다.
이런 반인류적 지배행태는 특히 인간의 기원을 제시하는 고대의 역사지식이 관련될때 더 그렇다.
I’m often amazed at our lack of knowledge about history. Ordinary people are hungry for this information, yet the organizations responsible for disseminating these facts seem to have an agenda to keep us in the dark. This is especially true when it comes to our ancient human history.
노아의 방주는 어떻게 발견되었다 How it was discovered
1959년에 터키군 중대장 리한 두루피나르가 자기네 국토의 항공사진을 검토하는 중에 기이한 모양을 발견했다.
아래 사진처럼 그것은 유선형의 부드러운 배모양을 평면도로 찍어놓은 것 같았고, 크기는 축구장보다 더 컸다.
이런 기이한 모양이 터키와 이란이 접경한 해발 6,300피트(1,900미터)의 거칠고 바위가 많은 산등성이에 있었다.
In 1959, Turkish army captain Llhan Durupinar discovered an unusual shape while examining aerial photographs of his country. The smooth shape, larger than a football field, stood out from the rough and rocky terrain at an altitude of 6,300 feet near the Turkish border with Iran.
두루피나르 중대장은 성경에 기록된 방주이야기에 친숙했고, 노아의 방주가 터키 아라랏산 근방과 연관이 있음도 들은바 있었다.
허나 그는 어떤 결론을 갖지 않았고, 또 항공사진을 확인하기엔 그 장소가 너무 멀었다. 그런데 그 지역은 작은 부락이 있는 사람 사는 곳이었다.
그는 이것을 그냥 간직하지 않고 오하이오 주립대학의 브란덴버거 교수라는 항공사진 전문가에게 네거티브 사진을 배송했다
브란덴버거는 과거 케네디 대통령 시절에 항공사진을 통해서 쿠바에 배치된 미사일을 찾아낼 정도로 사진 판독에 조예가 있었다. 교수는 주의깊게 사진을 판독한후에 결론을 내렸는데,
" 나는 의심의 여지가 없는데, 이 물체는 배이다. 내 모든 경력을 살펴볼때 나는 스테레오 사진상에서 이런 물체를 결코 본적이 없다," 라는 중대한 발언을 한다.
This mountainous land was originally part of the Kingdom of Armenia, a country that is thousands of years old and often considered the “first Christian nation” until the Turks took it over at the beginning of the 20th Century.
Capt. Durupinar was familiar with the biblical accounts of the Ark and its association with Mount Ararat in Turkey, but he was reluctant to jump to any conclusions. The region was very remote, yet it was inhabited with small villages. No previous reports of an object this odd had been made before. So he forwarded the photographic negative to a famous aerial photography expert named Dr. Brandenburger, at Ohio State University.
Brandenburger was responsible for discovering the Cuban missile bases during the Kennedy era from reconnaissance photos, and after carefully studying the photo, he concluded: “I have no doubt at all, that this object is a ship. In my entire career, I have never seen an object like this on a stereo photo.”
Most of the global media turned away from the find and it became a non-story.
1977년도에 론 와이어트는 그 지역을 방문했고, 공식 허가를 받아서 진행했는데, 론과 그 팀은 이곳을 수년간 탐사했다.
그들은 금속 탐지기를 사용했고, 지각 이하에대한 레이더 스캔장비와 화학적 분석도 했다 - 그들은 진짜 과학을 동원했는데 - 이윽고 눈이 튀어나오는 발견이 나왔다.
그들의 증거는 부인할수없는 절대 사실이 나왔다. 이것은 노아의 방주였다.
In 1977, Ron Wyatt visited the site. Obtaining official permission, Ron and others conducted more thorough research over a period of several years. They used metal detection surveys, subsurface radar scans, and chemical analysis — real science — and their findings were startling. The evidence was undeniable. This was the Ark of Noah.
#1 — 영상이 보여준 증거 the Visual Evidence
탐사의 첫째 부분은 이 물체의 계측치를 확보하는 것이었다. 그 모양은 선박의 선체 모습이었던 것이니 그걸 확인하고자 했다.
유물의 한쪽 끝은 뱃머리처럼 활모양을 했다 (D 포인트) 그리고 반대쪽 끝은 선미의 모양으로써 무딘 것이었다.
그 앞쪽과 뒤쪽의 길이는 515피트(155미터)였고, 이집트 큐빗 단위로 환산하면 정확히 300 큐빗이었다. 배의 폭의 평균값은 50큐빗이었다. 이 수치들은 성경에 기록된 것과 정확히 같았다!
The first part of the survey was to examine the object and take its measurements. The shape looked like the hull of a ship. one end was pointed as you would expect from bow [below: D] and the opposite end was blunt like a stern. The distance from the bow to stern was 515 feet, or exactly 300 Egyptian cubits. The average width was 50 cubits. These were the exact measurements mentioned in the Bible.
이 배를 조사하기전에 염두에 둬야할 것은 만일 이것이 방주가 맞다면 그것의 연대는 1만년이 넘은 아주 오래된 것이며, 재질로 된 나무 목재들은 이미 썩었거나 화석이 되었다는 것이다.
또 유기물질은 흙의 광물로 변했을 터이다. 그러니 오로지 형체와 유물 만이 남는다는 것이다.
그래서 1960년도의 1차 탐사가 형식적인 것에 불과했지만 사실 조사를 해도 어떤 유물도 건지지못한 것이리라.
그들은 무언가 유물을 건지기를 원했지만 너무 오래 부식되고 광물화되었기에 그런 것을 찾지 못했다.
Remember that this object, if it is the Ark, is extremely old. The wood has been petrified. Organic matter has been replaced by minerals from the earth. only the shapes and traces of the original wood remain. Perhaps this is why the expedition in 1960 was disappointed. They anticipated finding and retrieving chunks of wood, long since eroded.
성경에서는 방주가 6개 층으로 나뉘어져 만들어졌다고 기록되었다.
우측의 사진처럼 물체의 중앙부의 튀어나온 것은 방주의 모양과 부합한다.
레이더 스캔을 통해서 알게된 구조는 튀어나온 곳이 계단층처럼 되었고 그런 형체로 부식된 것이었다.
그런데 대부분의 사람들이 노아 방주가 육각형의 상자모양일 것으로 생각한다, 그런 이유는 기록상에 상부의 첫 모양이 육각으로 보였기에 본대로 기록했기 때문이리라.
그런데 실제 방주는 거대한 선체모양으로 유선형이었다. 그래서 대홍수 기간의 오랜 기간동안 바다에 머물수있었고, 또 거센 급류와 파도를 견뎌냈다.
Biblical accounts of the Ark describe it as having as many as six levels. The assumed shape of the Ark seems consistent with the bulge [C] in the middle of the object. In fact, as we will soon learn, radar scans of the structure suggest that this bulge is the collapsed debris of these levels.
Although most people think of the Ark as being rectangular, that only applies to the top decks. The sleek shape of the hull is necessary to enable the huge ship to remain stable in the water and survive tremendous waves.
#2 — 지상을 투과하는 레이더 스캔 Ground Penetrating Radar
사람의 눈은 빛을 통해서 물체를 지각하는데, 땅아래에 있는 물체를 확인하려면 마이크로웨이브의 신호를 쏴서 그 반향으로 돌아온 신호를 재구성하여 지하의 물체를 재구성해낼수있다.
그것을 지각 투과 레이더 GPR 라고 부르는데, 방주를 탐사한 팀은 그것을 사용해서 지표아래에 있는 규칙적인 구조물을 찾아냈다.
The human eye needs to see reflected light to recognize an object. To visualize what remains below the earth, scientists use microwaves which can penetrate the ground and bounce back when they hit something solid. This technique is commonly used to locate oil and other minerals. Called Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), the apparatus is made from an antenna that transmits, then listens to receive the “echo” and prints the result on a piece of paper. The delay and strength of this echo tell the geologists how solid and at what depth the objects are under the earth.
“This data does not represent natural geology. These are man made structures. These reflections are appearing too periodic… too periodic to be random in that type of natural space.” — Ron Wyatt of SIR Imaging team
#3 — 방주에서 나온 유물이 증거가 되다
Artifacts retrieved from the Ark
Using the GPR, Ron Wyatt discovered an open cavity on the starboard side. He used an improvised drill to make core sample inside this cavity and retrieved several very interesting objects. Below you can see the artifacts which were sent for laboratory analysis. on the left is the bore hole [see below], followed by what turned out to be petrified animal dung, then a petrified antler and lastly a piece of cat hair.
Perhaps the most significant find from the Ark itself is a piece of petrified wood. When this was first found it appeared to be a large beam. But upon closer examination it is actually three pieces of plank that have been laminated together with some kind of organic glue! This is the same technology used in modern plywood. Lamination makes the total strength of the wood much greater than the combined strength of the pieces. This suggests a knowledge of construction far beyond anything we knew existed in the ancient world.
Examination reveals the glue oozed from the layers. The outside of the wood appears to have been coated with bitumen.
Even more surprising were laboratory analyzes which not only revealed that the petrified wood contained carbon (proving it was once wood) but there were iron nails [above right] embedded in the wood!
In Genesis 6:14, God told Noah to “make yourself an ark of gopher wood.” “Gopher wood” is a misreading and scribal error. “Kosher” wood is correct and means wood (any wood) that is covered with Kosher. Kosher is bitumen. In the Genesis text (6:14), the context is clear. The GPR wood used, (a scribal error) is to be covered in KPR. G and K in Hebrew are so similar that inexperienced Hebrew “scholars,” such as those translating the King James Version of the Bible, could have been prone to such errors, indeed, they made many such errors.
Acts 7: 45 & Hebrews 4: 8 are classic examples of such scribal errors. GPR = “g,” as in gopher, k or = “k,” as in kosher Pictured right is a simple visual comparison of the letters. |
But wait… there’s more!
The most surprising find was discovered with sensitive metal detectors. The team located several strong “hits” that, when dug up, revealed large disc shaped rivets. From simple observation of the metal, it was possible to see where the rivet had been hammered after being inserted through a hole [below].
An analysis of the metal used to make the rivets revealed that they were a combination of iron (8.38%), aluminum (8.35%) and titanium (1.59%). Remember these trace metals have survived petrification and so do not indicate the exact content in the original material. (see Report from Galbraith Labs)
We know the aluminum was incorporated in the metallic mixture because it does not exist in the metallic form in nature. This implies an extremely advanced knowledge of metallurgy and engineering. Characteristics of an iron-aluminum alloy have been investigated in The Russian Chemical Bulletin (2005) and reveal that this alloy forms a thin film of aluminum oxide which protects the material from rust and corrosion. The addition of titanium would provide added strength. This seems to have worked. The rivets have survived from antiquity!
The surrounding area has more surprises
Several miles from the location of the Ark, huge stones were discovered, some standing upright while others lying on the ground. These stones, weighing many tons, have holes carved in them. Scientists have determined that they were anchors and the holes would have been their attachment to a ship with hemp rope.
“And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.” — Genesis 8:4-5
The Gilgamesh Epic (650 BC) gives Mt. Nisir as the landing place of the Ark. The local name for the town where the Ark was found is Nasar.
The annals of Ashurnasurpal II of Assyria (833-859 BC) places it south of the Zab river (correct).
Theophilus of Antioch (115-185 AD) said the Ark could be seen in his day in the Arabian mountains. Later Church Fathers also mention the Ark as late as the mid 7th century.
In the 13th century, Willam, a traveler, stated for the first time that Mt. Masis was the Ark location (present-day Mt. Ararat).
Ptolemy’s Geographia (1548) mentions the mountains of Armenia as the place of landing. So does the traveler Nicolas de Nicolay (1558).
Pilgrims to the site would gather bits and pieces of the petrified wood which would be used as charms to ward off evil. When they encountered the anchors, they had no doubt about their association with the Ark. They often carve one big cross to represent Noah and smaller crosses representing his family.