안녕하세요~ WCB English Cafe 오늘의 영어문장입니다. 오늘의 문장부터 살펴보겠습니다.
My brother has been suffering from athlete's foot for 10 years since he was in the army.
우리 오빠는 군대 시절부터 10년째 무좀으로 고생하고 있어.
오늘의 영어문장을 직독직해를 통해 영어의 어순을 확인해보겠습니다.
My brother has been suffering / from athlete's foot / for 10 years / since he was in the army.
내 오빠(남동생,형)는 고생을 해오고 있다 / 무좀으로 / 10년 동안 / 그가 군대에 있을 때부터
[suffer from ~ : ~로 고생하다,고통스러워 하다]
- My father is suffering from nicotine withdrawal. 우리 아빠는 금단현상으로 고생하고 계셔.
오늘부터 욕심부리지 말고 하루에 한문장만이라도 꾸준히 외워 보자구요~ 영어의 비법은 꾸준함인 거 아시죠?!
하루에 한문장씩 일년이면~? 2015년 첫번째~마지막 문장까지 포기않고 다함께 완주해 보아요~ 화이팅!
아래 댓글란에 예문을 직접 쓰면서 외워 보세요~!~!~!
네이버 영어회화 카페 '영어회화 왕초보도 할 수 있다! WCB English Cafe'
첫댓글 My brother has been suffering from athlete's foot for 10 years since he was in the army.
My brother has been suffering from athlete's foot for 10 years since he was in the army.
My brother has been suffering from athlete's foot for 10 years since he was in the army
My father is suffering from nicotine withdrawal
My brother has been suffering from athlete's foot for 10 years since he was in the army.
My brother has been suffering from athlete's foot for 10 years since he was in the army.
My brother has been suffering from athlete’s foot for 10 years since he was in the army.
My brother has been suffering from ahtlate's foot for 10 years since he was in the army.