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꿈환상예언 스크랩 A Record Breaking Year ( 기록을 깨는 해 2006 년 )
아도로미아 추천 0 조회 135 05.12.24 14:07 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

Vincent Xavier
This year will be a record breaking year! Mark your calendar from November 5, 2005 to November 5, 2006.

기록을 깨는 해


올해는 기록을 깨는 해가 될것입니다. 당신의 달력에서  2005년 11월 5 일에서
2006년 11월 5 일까지를 표시를 해두십시오

기록을 깨는 해 : 하나님의 백성에게 축복의 영역에서도...
This year will develop into a time of MAGNIFICENT PROSPERITY of spirit, soul and body in the elect of God. We will EXPERIENCE magnificent wealth, magnificent health, magnificent blessings, magnificent success, magnificent fruit, magnificent maturity, magnificent ministry, magnificent property, magnificent grace, magnificent mercy, magnificent change, magnificent elevation and so much more! This season will prove to be a RECORD BREAKING time for those who have honored the Lord and have served Him in faithfulness. This time will produce the overflow of the wine and oil in the lives of those in whom God has accomplished a thing! A great transfer of substance and position will cause Gods people to ride upon the high Places of the earth! That which has been spoken in times past will have its fulfillment in this year. This is the year that the prophets have spoken of in the realm of Gods people. This is that time wherein all the promises of God will be fulfilled in Gods people. This is likened unto the time of Joseph; as this man was afflicted and purged for THIRTEEN YEARS then in ONE DAY was brought to his destiny and high place, so shall this year be unto those who have had the dream locked up within them. Truly this is the year of RELEASE and that which was spoken shall come to pass this year.


오는해는 장엄한 번영의 시간속으로 발전해 가는해가 될것입니다.

하나님의 선택된 자들에게 영과 혼과 육이..
우리는 거대한 풍부함과 멋진 건강, 축복과 성공, 어마어마한 결실, 성숙,
어마어마한 사역, 소유,은혜, 자비, 변화, 어마어마한 높아짐등 훨씬 더한 것을!
이 시기는 주님을 영화롭게,신실하게 섬겨온자들에게

기록을 깨는 (축복) 해가 될것으로 판명될것입니다.
이오는해는  하나님이 한일을 이루어 오고 계신 사람들 속에서 

포도주와 기름이 흘러넘치도록 결실하게 될것인데, 물질과 신분의

 큰 전환으로 하나님의 백성들로 하여금 땅의 높은곳을 밟고 다니도록 할것입니다
지나간 시절에 선포되어져 온것이 이다가오는해(2006)에 그것의 성취됨을 볼것입니다.

이해는 선지자들이 하나님의 백성가운데서 얘기해온 그 해입니다.



아래로는중요한 부분만 번역해 봅니다.-------



The trumpet began to sound two years ago and now its vibration is become louder than ever. As the people of God awaken to the sound of the trumpet blast of the Lord they shall ascend quickly into their high places as the doors of opportunity are opened wide to them. These doors will never shut to the elect of God for they will remain open until the remnant comes in. There is going to be a shift in government and every kind of leadership in the land. There is coming a NEW REGIME in the land in the spiritual realm that will cause the rest of the world to undergo the results of such divine order and government. Again, this is a RECORD BREAKING YEAR! For those who have sown into the Kingdom, there shall come a record breaking year in their businesses! For those who have sown their offerings and tithes faithfully during the past several years, this will be a record breaking year of reaping what they have sown! All records are going to be broken! This is a year of EXPONENTIAL GROWTH! Again this trumpet sounded two years ago, and now the sound is louder than ever! The witness of the Spirit is now being heard around the world and the saints are awakening to the vibration! The vibration is causing everything to be shaken within the saints that have caused the delay and hindrance of the promises. All cords in the invisible realm shall be broken along with every chain and weight. All curses will be dissolves and melted away and every burden shall be undone by the anointing of this season! All bondage shall be crushed under the weight of the anointing which is being loosed into the lives of Gods people at this time. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard what the Lord has prepared for those who love him, BUT HE HAS REVEALED IT TO US BY HIS SPIRIRT! Now that revelation is becoming an experience! Now the world that has rejoiced while you have mourned will weep and howl for the day of the Lord which has come upon them!
As the DAY BREAKS AND THE SHADDOWS FLEE AWAY in the house of God, so in this RECORD BREAKING YEAR the GROSS DARKNESS that has been prophesied of shall descend upon the seat of the beast and the upheaval shall be out of control. Record breaking events shall make the last several years pale in comparison as far as natural disasters and terrorism are involved. This will be a year of record breaking death in the world. Since last December we have all heard the reports of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF LIVES BEING DESTROYED, (my heart breaks as I write these words) this year will break all records! There will never have been a time since the history of the world that as many deaths have been reported as this time! There will be a record breaking economic crash in the world systems! Many will say, “THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! For if the economy collapses how will we get our stuff?” Stop looking at the world system for your provision! I AM JEHOVAH JIREH, YOUR PROVIDER! Two major cities in America will undergo a year of record breaking loss.1.Los Angeles, California. 2. Las Vegas, Nevada. These two cities will serve as an example and witness of what is to become of every city that has corrupted my earth! Their time of visitation shall come and their loss will be great. These two ENTERTAINMENT CAPITALS OF THE WORLD shall be an astonishment in the eyes of the world, as they crumble to the ground in smoldering ash (Remember Sodom and Gomorrah).


-----------세계 경제 체제에 역사상 없었던 추락이 있을것이라고....
사람들이 말하길 " 이럴수는 없어 !!! " 경제가 붕괴한다면...우리의 필요한 것들을
어떻게 얻지 ???  공급을 위해 세상 체제를 바라보는것을 그만두십시오 !
나 여호화가 여러분의 공급자이니라...
미국의 주요 두도시 로스앤젤레서, 라스베가스(소돔과 고모라)가 역사상 유래가 없었던  손실을 당할것이다..---------


Yes a record breaking year of destruction will take place around the world and these two cities will be the sign of my further Judgment in the earth. Fear not say’s the Lord to His remnant, for I AM YOUR PROTECTION! I will bring my people through the fire in these places. Hear this word say’s the Lord; I will not limit my Judgments to America alone, but will move swiftly through Great Britain and the European Union. In these places great revival and refreshing will break out in the saints that have been scattered abroad. The Light shall break in and take away the pervading darkness that has kept the people under a spell. Many have walked through the darkness of the atmosphere by sheer faith, having no clear direction, but as the DAY BREAKS your path will shine brighter and brighter unto the PERFECT DAY! My elect in these places shall have a record breaking year of SPIRITUAL REVIVAL! Signs and wonders will be in abundance as the heavens open and my glory arises in the midst of my people. I will speak to Africa; Africa will light the world. The Lord spoke to my heart about Africa in a vision. He showed me a new light, like crystal arising in that continent. I believe Africa is going to lead in the millennium for all it has suffered. Double the reward is going to be released because of the righteous in that land. What was once a war torn land and seedbed of sickness and disease will become the continent that people from all over the world will go to visit. Hundreds of thousands and millions will flock to that place to partake of the wealth of Gods Spirit. There will be a fresh and pure move of the Spirit of God in that place. Miracles, sign and wonders shall flow throughout their streets and the atmosphere will be filled with praise. Governments will bow to the name of Jesus as the glory of God leads them to repentance and faith in Christ. The soil of Africa will bear the Hundred-fold fruits. The nation will arise as the next great superpower, but its strength will come from the Lord and those who live in it will know of a truth that Jesus Christ is Lord in Africa. Africa will become a refuge! God shall lift the veil of deception that has covered that place and expose the darkness that has consumed it by the light of truth. The people of that nation will take up arms in the Spirit and tear down the works that have caused them to perish by the millions. Sickness and disease shall be swallowed up by life and healing. A new harvest of souls will be birthed in that region as death loses its power. Death will be driven out of Africa into the sea and life will come forth. A beauty will appear in Africa beyond the natural terrain. I keep seeing Gods glory lighting that place. In fact, ministers of the Gospel will go to Africa and never be the same. They will come away from Africa with a new vitality to the nations they are sent to. The seeds of the Gospel have been sown in that land and the harvest of the Kingdom of God shall arise! A superior form of warfare will be brought to light in Africa. The CHURCH will learn of new dimensions of spiritual warfare against the schemes and powers of darkness. The Lord said that Africa has been made aware of the secrets of darkness and their eyes have learned to see the strategies in the darkness. Through the power of Christ they will know of the victory over the darkness and will have divine strategies for tearing down the works of the Devil. The people of Africa will then instruct the CHURCH all over the world and will reveal to the CHURCH strategies they have never known of. Africa has been brought low but the Lord says in this DAY, the THIRD DAY, Africa will become the GREAT NATION, THE GREAT CONTINENT of the world. Riches and wealth will be revealed in her and the rest of the world will no longer plunder her. Her wealth and riches will be put to use for the advancement of the Kingdom of God! Cities will be built after the mind of Christ and a new industry will appear. Businesses run with the mind of Christ shall prosper the people. There will be such a “Kingdom” mindset that even the clothes, houses, streets, governments and all other departments will be brought to a higher level than what man has ever known. Africa will be the foremost representative of the Kingdom of God in the days ahead. The serpent with many heads that has brought great destruction to that nation shall be cast out. To those who have troubled Africa, trouble shall come.


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그곳에 순전한 믿음의 소유자들이 많았다고 ...다른 글에서도...이와 유사한
계시를 접한즉이 있습니다...
지금의 세계적인 기상 이변을 보면서...이 계시내용이 성취될날이 결딴코
멀지 않음을 전에 이글을 읽으면서느꼈습니다...

앞으로 아프리카가 주님의 축복 받은 

지상 천년 왕국의 중심 활동 무대가 될것이라고 하고 있습니다....

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이스라엘도..멀지 않지요....
