이 책을 선정하면서 세션이 취소될 수도 있다고 생각했는데 생각보다 많은 분들이 신청을 해주셔서 무사히 진행할 수 있었습니다.
새 멤버인 Sephine님을 환영하며 다음과 같은 이야기를 나눴습니다.
0. 문과인가, 이과인가?
1. Do you typically gravitate towards reading books or watching movies/TV shows centered around science, whether fiction or nonfiction? What are your thoughts on "Brief Answers to Big Questions"?
2. Among the chapters or topics covered in the book, which one intrigued or unsettled you the most? Was there a particular chapter that you found challenging to grasp?
3. Stephen Hawking advocated for increased scientific education, especially among younger generations. Do you agree with his stance? In light of the growing divide between science and liberal arts education, what are your thoughts on incorporating science into basic education versus allowing students full flexibility in choosing their areas of study?
4. Considering the pressing challenges facing our planet, do you believe humanity should prioritize space exploration and colonization? Why or why not?
어려운 책, 주제임에도 참석해주신 Kylie, Elina, Anne, Sephine 감사합니다.
첫댓글 덕분에 절~~대 읽지 않을 것 같은 새로운 분야의 책을 재밌게 읽었습니다! ㅎㅎ 토론도 재밌었어요.