2024/2025 Academic Year
Transportation to Raffles American School is managed by a 3rd party, SYT Transport Service, for all school transport needs. SYT Transport has multiple vans and buses offering multiple locations in Johor. To reserve your seat, please email
래플스 아메리칸 스쿨로의 교통편은 모든 학교 교통 수요를 충족하기 위해 제3자인 SYT 교통국에서 관리합니다. SYT 교통국은 조호르에 여러 위치를 제공하는 여러 대의 밴과 버스를 보유하고 있습니다. 좌석을 예약하려면 로 이메일을 보내주세요.
Route | Location | Semester | Annual |
1-15 km | Johor Bahru Route | 5,100 MYR | 10,800 MYR |
16-35km | Johor Bahru Route | 6,400 MYR | 12,000 MYR |
36-50km | Johor Bahru Route | 7,600 MYR | 15,200 MYR |
All fees are indicative of two-way pricing |
Once payment has been received, the student will be added to the transportation schedule: 결제가 완료되면 학생은 교통 일정에 추가됩니다:
Departure Times |
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Depart RAS (Bus 1) | 4:30pm | 4:30pm | 4:30pm | 4:30pm | 2:00pm |
Depart RAS (Bus 2) | 5:30pm | 5:30pm | 5:30pm | 5.30pm | N/A |
Route | Location | Semester | Annual |
Singapore | Jurong East MRT Station | 15,000 MYR | 30,000 MYR |
All fees are indicative of two-way pricing |
Once payment has been received, the student will be added to the transportation schedule. 결제가 완료되면 학생은 교통 일정에 추가됩니다:
Departure Times |
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Depart SG | 7:10am | 7:10am | 7:10am | 7:10am | 7:10am |
Depart RAS | 4:30pm | 4:30pm | 4:30pm | 4:30pm | 2:00pm |