Angela Merkel was born in Hamburg in 1954. She
became Germany’s first female Chancellor and the first
from communist East Germany in
2005. ‘Forbes’ magazine listed her as the most powerful woman in the world in
2006 and 2007. Western media often dub her the “Iron Lady”
because of her no-nonsense
to her work and reputation as a tough negotiator. Merkel grew up in the former German Democratic
Republic. She was a member of the socialist youth movement and participated in
many communist-led activities. She speaks Russian fluently. She studied physics
at the University of Leipzig in the 1970s and physical chemistry in Berlin in
the 1980s. She earned a Ph.D. based on her research on quantum
* Chancellor = (독일,오스트리아)수상/ communist = 공산주의자/ dub + A + B = A에게
B라고 별명을 붙이다/ no-nonsense = 간단명료한/ approach = 처리 방법, 접근법/ negotiator = 교섭자/
quantum chemistry = 양자 화학
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in
1989, Merkel became involved in the growing democracy movement. She
won a seat in the unified German parliament in 1990 and was appointed Minister
for Women and Youth. In 1994, she was made Minister for the Environment. This
was her springboard to rise to the
top. She was elected Chancellor in November 2005. In 2007, Merkel took on the six-month
rotating position of President of the European Council and chair of the G8. That
same year, she met the Dalai Lama in Berlin, thus angering the Chinese. In
2008, she spoke of Germany’s “Holocaust Shame” in
Israel’s Knesset. She also received
the Charlemagne Prize "for her work to reform the European
* fall = 함락; 멸망, 몰락/
democracy movement = 민주화 운동/ springboard (for/to sth) = (어떤 활동의) 발판/ take on =
~을 맡다/ anger = 화나게 하다/ holocaust = 대참사; 유대인 대학살/ (the) Knesset = 이스라엘
-> After the fall of the Berlin Wall in
1989, Merkel became involved in the growing democracy movement.
* fall = 함락; 멸망, 몰락/ democracy movement = 민주화
* 분사의 형용사적
분사에는 동사의 원형에 ~ing가 붙는 현재분사와 동사의 어미에 -ed가 붙는 (불규칙 동사의 경우는 예외) 과거분사가
있으며 모두 형용사로서의 기능을 수행한다. 현재분사에는 능동의 의미, 과거분사에는 피동의 의미가 내포되어 있다는
것도 알아 두어야
* 구르는 돌에는
이끼가 끼지 않는다.
A rolling
stone gathers no moss.
Examples *
1. 그녀는
떨리는 손으로 그 편지를 뜯었다.
She opened the letter with her trembling hands.
2. 부상당한 군인들은 병원으로
The wounded
soldiers were carried to the hospital.
3. 우리는 흔히 이 표현을 구어체 영어로
We often use this expression in spoken English.
(Celeb) Angela Merkel.mp3