Max and Ruby came to the festival.
Max wanted to do ride the rocket racer, but he is was smaller too short, so he can't couldn't join.
Max tried to put cotton candy on his head for join to join, but Ruby stopped him.
Max wore shoes from the game for join to join, but Ruby stopped him again.
Then they came to see the magic show.
Max wore a hat for help magic to help the magician.
But Max wore kept the hat and tried joining the rocket racer.
Max failed again, but the rocket racer's owner made a mini Rocket Racer for Max.
Score: Ao
- "do rocket racer"는 "ride the rocket racer"가 맞아요.
- "he is smaller"는 과거형으로 "he was too short"로 바꿔야 해요.
- "for join"은 틀린 표현이고, "to join"이라고 써야 해요.
- "wore hat for help magic"은 "wore a hat to help the magician"처럼 자연스럽게 고치면 좋아요.
Max가 여러 가지 방법으로 도전하는 모습이 재미있고 귀여워요!
마지막에 Max만을 위한 작은 로켓을 타는 장면이 멋졌어요 😊
→ Max was so happy to ride his own rocket! 같은 문장을 넣어보면 마무리가 더 좋아요!