Recently, we held workshops, including the Parent EAL (English as an Additional Language) Coffee in collaboration with our school counselors and a Restorative Practices and Conflict Management session led by the Institute of Social and Emotional Learning (IFSEL).
Our parent workshops are great opportunities for our diverse ISKL community to gain a deeper understanding of how we provide equity and access to our students. These workshops are not just providing strategies and insights on new methods of learning and well-being; they provide opportunities to share moments, remain connected and committed as a community, and help strengthen our parents-school partnership.
최근에 학교 상담사와 학부모 EAL(추가 언어로서의 영어) 수업을 듣는 학생들의 학부모님들과 워크숍을 가졌습니다. 이러한 워크숍은 학생들이 학교에 적응하고 즐겁게 학교생활 하는데 많은 도움이 될 것입니다.