What does future-ready education look like to you? 미래에 대비한 교육은 어떤 모습일까요?
For Dharnita C., an ISKL Pathways scholar, it means academic excellence, personal growth, and global awareness.
Want to be the next ISKL scholar?
ISKL Pathways 학자인 Dharnita C.에게 이는 학문적 우수성, 개인 성장, 글로벌 인지도를 의미합니다.
차세대 ISKL 학자가 되고 싶으신가요?
Register your interest and learn more about ISKL's scholarship opportunities at iskl.site/scholarship.
*The ISKL Pathways Scholarship is available for Malaysian students who have completed their Form 3 school assessment during the 2024-2025 school year.