진행자: Sephine
참여 멤버: 엘리나, Anne, Soberas (Kylie), Sylvi
Mansplain이라는 단어가 알려진 계기와 같은 책이라고 하여 한번 읽어보고 싶었는데 좋은 기회에 북클럽 멤버들과 같이 읽게 되었습니다.
책이 생각했던 것보다 더 레퍼런스와 통계가 많아, 작가의 개인적인 경험/시각은 첫번째 챕터에서 그치는 점이 개인적으로 조금 아쉬웠습니다.
모임에서는 책에 대한 감상과 최근 틱톡을 한 차례 휩쓸었던 Microfeminism에 대해서 주로 이야기하는 시간을 가졌습니다. 미리 준비한 질문들 중 이야기 나누지 못한 질문이 있을만큼 할 이야기가 많고, 유쾌했던 토론이였습니다 :)
토요일 오전 소중한 시간을 내어 참여해주신 엘리나, Anne, Soberas (Kylie), Sylvi님 감사합니다!
1. The book “Men Explain Things to Me” was first published in 2014, which was ten years ago. As elaborated in the book, women should have their own voices to be free. Do you think women, particularly Korean women, have found their voices over the last decade? What issues should we continue to fight for?
2. Just as the term "mansplaining" was coined and became widely recognized in 2014, the term "microfeminism" has recently gained popularity on TikTok. Microfeminism refers to subtle yet impactful acts that uplift and affirm other women, helping them maintain their voices and stand their ground in the workplace and society. What acts of microfeminism are you practicing or trying to practice at home or in the workplace?
3. Mansplaining is a term that describes men who confidently explain things they know little about, often in a condescending manner. Please share any personal experiences you have had with mansplaining at work or at home, to the extent you feel comfortable. How did you feel during these interactions, and what was the outcome? After reading this book, do you think you would handle instances of mansplaining differently? If so, how?
4. Among the images by Ana Teresa Fernandez included in the book, which one resonated with you the most on a personal level? What was it about this particular image that made a strong impact on you, and how does it relate to the themes or messages of the book?