Hello !
I'm Cristina ^^
(I changed my name Geo --> Cristina .
Because I received baptismal name !
That is Cristina , so please call me Cristina )
Topic 1 ) Did you know household dust is a bunch of dead skin cells ?
Dust in your house is mostly made of dead skin cells.
It is estimated that 30,000~40,000 dead skin cells are flaked off from your body per minute.
Given the fact that the human body sheds dead skin cells constantly, we can say that common house dust is pratically a bunch of dead skin cells.
Of caurse there are other things in household dust, such as the dried-up dead bodies of dust mites. Dust mites eat human's dead skin cells and live in bedding carpets and soft furnishings. When they are alive, they are the cause of allergies.
After they die, they become part of household dust. It's not surprising that they are hated by everyone.
Another component is tiny fibers fallen from clothing, furniture fabrics and bedding. Furthermore, if you have pets in your house, your cute littlepets will highly contribute to dust production since they drop all kind of things.
Pets drop dead skin cells and dried-up dead bodies of pet mites as well as hair.
And if they wear dog clothing, they wll also drop tiny bits of fiber.
article sorce : english book "did you know" (publishing company : 스텝업)
Q1) How ofpen do you clean your room, and how do you clean?
Q2) What is the reason for your house mess? Do you know the cause ?
Q3) Did you know the household dust is a bunch of dead skin cells ?
Q4) There is reason of pet, have you ever raised ant kind of pet?
Topic 2 ) Did you know Cambodians like to eat fried spiders ?
Eating spider? It sounds dangerous, bt some people do it . Surprisingly, quite a few Cambodians think that spiders are tasty. In Cambodia, many people eat spiders almost everyday. they find them similar to fried chicken. They are said to eat fried spiders as an everyday snack. This may seem unbelievable, but it's true. It is easy to find edible spiders in cambodia. There are spiders everywhere, especially in Skuon, a small town in Cambodia.
This town is famouse for fried spiders. The Villagers breed spiders in holes in the ground and hunt them in the forest as well. Usually, they cook the spiders with oil.
Not all people don't. In fact, they don't look very appetizing. These spiders are as big fists and look crisp on the outside.
Nobody knows for sure how they started eating spiders, but some scholaes suggest that they might have been forced to eat them because they didn't have enough food eat in the 1970s.
article sorce : english book "did you know" (publishing company : 스텝업)
Q1) Did you know Cambodians like to eat fried spiders?
Q2) Have you ever eaten exotic food ?
Q3) What is your most favorite snack you have eaten?
Q4) What are Korean's exotic food do you enjoy eating it ?
Topic 3 ) What It’s Like to Live
in the World’s Most Polluted City
A recycler looks for metal in Bhalswa, a giant garbage dump that burns constantly, emitting toxic fumes.
From the skies above to the ground below, Delhi is polluted. This Indian territory, which includes the capital city of New Delhi, is half the size of Rhode Island, and is home to twice the population of New York City.
Beijing, China, often makes headlines for its polluted air, but a global study of air pollution in 2014 by the World Health Organization found that Delhi’s air contained several times more fine particulate pollution than Beijing’s. By most measurements, it’s the most polluted area in the world.
To get a glimpse of what it’s like to live in these conditions, photographer Matthieu Paley spent five days walking across Delhi. Through his photographs, we see the physical results of intense urbanization, density of cars, and the practice of burning refuse. All contribute to the thick, yellow haze over the city. Even the sacred Yamuna River isn’t exempt from severe pollution. The river is second only to the Ganges in religious significance to practicing Hindus, and for 855 miles (1,376 kilometers) it flows through India, providing water to 57 million people. Eighty percent of the pollution in the river enters along the 14-mile (22.5-kilometer) stretch that goes through Delhi. Soil erosion, waste disposal, and chemical runoff leave the waters black in some places and covered with a white film in others.
Sunita Narain is the director of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), based in New Delhi, and she was just named one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People for her work in India’s environmental policy and justice. In 2010 she wrote, “The river, by all pollution parameters, is dead. It has just not been officially cremated.”
The Yamuna is spiritually and practically central to the lives of people who live near it. Children play in the water, men wash and bleach shirts, people of all ages bathe in and drink from the river in the belief it will absolve them of sin.
And for some, the waste and garbage presents a way to make a living. While Paley photographed people’s interactions with their surroundings, he met men, women, and children who daily combed dumps and riverbanks for pieces of metal, plastic, and paper they could recycle. On a great day, they can earn 1,000 rupees—the equivalent of $15 and three times the average daily wage of other workers in the city
In October 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a national campaign called Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, meaning “Clean India Mission.” While it sounds well-intentioned, the announcement came one week after the announcement for a campaign called “Make In India,” which encourages international corporations to bring their manufacturing jobs to India—a goal many see as contradictory to promoting a cleaner environment.
The CSE has been critical of these campaigns, and in 2015 it released a report saying that the government’s budget revealed no strategy for moving forward with environmental policy. Deputy Director Chandra Bhushan wrote, “The bottom-line is, be it air pollution, water pollution or municipal solid waste, managing environmental degradation requires massive investments in infrastructure.”
While Delhi may have waste-treatment plants, it lacks the necessary sewer infrastructure that would carry the waste there. Paley noticed that even aboveground he often couldn't find basic infrastructure like public trash cans. “There have been times I've had garbage in my hands and I've had to carry it with me all day, because there are no bins anywhere,” he remembered.
source : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/04/160425-new-delhi-most-polluted-city-matthieu-paley/
Q1) Do you think Korea is polluted? If yes, why do you think like that?
Q2) Do you recognize the importance of clean environment?
Q3) What do you think most cause for the pollution?
Q4) Do you do recycle?
첫댓글 Thanks christina. Your new name is pretty like you. I cant join the meeting today because of high school allumni gathering. Have a good time..
Thanks frank~^^
Hi Christina
Good to hear that. It s my old name.^^
Really ?! Now you are judy !~~
Good Job Christina
Thanks Jonh~~^^