GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS (ABC NEWS)(OC): It has happened to just about all of us. You open the office fridge for that snack or soda and it's gone. But when this kept happening to some workers in Texas, they responded as only they could, with a full-blown sting operation. Here's ABC's Ryan Owens on the true food police.
RYAN OWENS (ABC NEWS)(VO): Every office has that shared sacred space, where trust is all that keeps your sandwich out of your co-worker's mouth. That trust was violated in the break room of the Deer Park Police Department outside Houston. For more than a year, drinks disappeared, sandwiches vanished. The last straw?
CHIEF GREG GRIGGS (DEER PARK POLICE): We had the officer who had 60 pounds of deer sausage taken from the freezer.
RYAN OWENS (ABC NEWS)(VO): So, frustrated officers did what they do best, set up a hidden camera sting. And just watch as one of their own - Officer Kevin Yang - takes a Monster energy drink with a detective's initials written on it, three days later, someone's sandwich. Four days later, another Monster. Apparently it was so good he came back the next day for yet another. When confronted, Yang told detectives he was just cleaning out a dirty fridge.
OFFICER KEVIN YANG (DEER PARK POLICE): A lot of times we clean up the community refrigerator like once a week. Everything you don't take by Friday or a certain date everything gets thrown out, which we don't do here.
RYAN OWENS (ABC NEWS)(VO): Yang was in court this afternoon to face theft charges. He's been suspended for 30 days. And when we gets back to work, his co-workers are sure to remind him, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Ryan Owens, ABC News, Dallas.