1. 그 롤렉스 시계가 진품인지 감정해 보다 auth____ the Rolex as genu___
2. 책 한 권을 쓰다, 집필하다 au____ a book
3. 권위적인 어조 ; 명령조 autori____ tone
4. 당국에서는 SNS 사용내역을 보고 있다 authorities are t__ing look at the social media foot_____
5. 자동차 정비소, 카센터 auto____ shop = bo__ shop = rep___ shop = mech____ shop = auto mech____
6. 전제군주, 독재자 auto____ = autocra___ rul__
7. 자가면역질환 auto______ disease = auto______ dis_____
8. 자동변속기 auto____
9. 폐차장 automobile sc___ ya__
첫댓글 1. authenticate the Rolex as genuine
2. author a book
3. authoritative tone
4. authorities are taking look at the social media footprint
5. autobody shop = body shop = repair shp -= mechanic shop = auto mechanic
6. autocrate = autocratic ruler
7. autoimmune disease = autoimmune disorder
8. automatic
9. automobile scrap yard