출처: I Love Soccer (축구동영상) 원문보기 글쓴이: ★펑키구리구리★
Hello, Chelsea fan here in peace. I was just wondering what you think about Park as a player. What does he add to the side and what are the things he does well? I know he's been at yours for a while, it's just that obviously I don't watch United that often and I feel like I've never seen Park performing at his best.
안녕, 난 첼시팬이야. 나는 너희들이 박지성이라는 선수를 어떻게 생각하는지 알고싶어.
그는 측면에 어떠한 효과를 가져다 주고 어떤것들을 잘하니? 나는 그가 꽤 오랫동안 맨유에서 뛴걸 알고 있지만
아시다싶이 난 맨유 경기를 잘 안보거든 그리고 난 팍이 제일 잘뛸때의 모습을 본적이 없는듯 해서 말야.
posted Yesterday
when you see park, that is his best, that's why
he isn't a first choice player. didn't make the 18 for champions league final, fergie said it was a difficult decision leaving him out. i don't know why.
네가 박을 본다면 그것이 그의 최고의 모습일꺼야 - 그게 이유이지
그가 챔이언쉽 결승전에 나오는 18명의 선수중 한명이 아니였던 이유 -
퍼기는 그를 빼는건 어려운 선택이였다고 하지만 - 난 그 이유를 모르겠어
posted Yesterday
He played one match really well. It was when Ruud was still at Manu. I think they played Charlton or Pompey and many scored like 4 goals (memory is badly failing me). And he scored a goal in that match and had good game.
HE has been unlucky with injuries. But then again something tells me his purchase was rather to do with business side of football. You know the potential market in the far east...all supporting Ji sung park in their manu shirt....priceless.
그는 한 경기를 정말 잘했어. 그때는 루드가 맨유에 있었을 때지. 내 생각엔 그들은 찰튼이나 폼페이와 경기를
치뤘던거 같은데 그들은 한 4개의 골을 넣었지 (내 기억력이 좋지는 않지만). 그리고 그는 골을 넣었고 좋은 경기를 치뤘지.
그는 불행한 부상들이 있었지. 허나 무언가가 우리가 그와 계약한것이 비지니스 때문이였던거 생각이 들게해.
너도 그가 아시아쪽에서 무궁무진한 마케팅 가능성이 크다는건 알고 있을꺼야, 다들 맨유의 셔츠(저지)를 입고
맨유를 응원하는... 값을 매길수 없어.
posted Yesterday
park is probably our most underated player. He offers work rate and has good vision linking up with players. Any true United fan would say that Park gives us more than Giggs and Nani particularly the consistency of perfoming well. Would pick him over them anyday.
Whenever I see him I never feel disappointed with his performance because he gives it his all just like Tevez!!!!
박은 우리가 실력에 비해 가장 낮게 평가하는 선수일꺼야.
그는 열심히 뛰고 다른 선수와의 연결을 잘 할수 있는 시야를 가지고 있어.
어떠한 맨유 팬이더라도 그가 긱스와 나니보다는 우리에가 더 많은걸 준다고 말하겠지,
특히 꾸준희 잘 뛰어주는 점에서 말야.
나는 그를 언제라도 저들보다 먼져 뽑을꺼야 (우위에 있을꺼야-)
언제라도 나는 그의 퍼포먼스 (경기장에서 뛰어주는 모습)을 보면서 그에게 실망한적이 없어
왜냐면 그는 그가 가진 모든걸 다 보여주니까, 테베즈 처럼 말야!!!
posted Yesterday
any Man Utd fan who can't see what Park brings to the team isnt a Man Utd fan.
He won us 2 blatant penalties against Villareal, only for the ref to act blind.
That was his 2nd competitive game back, and when he is fully fit, he and Ronaldo are my first choice wingers. He doesnt have the skill of Nani but he has the intelligence, stamina and gets into good positions. Ask AC Milan players and Sir Alex and Rooney. They rate him very highly.
어떤 맨유 팬이든 그가 팀에게 어떠한 영향을 가져다 주는지 볼수 없다면 그는 맨유 팬이 아닐거야.
그는 우리에게 비야레알과 경기할때 아주 훌륭한 페널티 2개를 선보였지만 심판에 의해 무산되였고
(정확한 해석을 할려면 페널티는 장님같이 행동한 심판에게만 보여주는 -)
그 경기는 그의 두번째 경기였었고
그가 완벽히 회복을 한다면 난 그와 로날도를 나의 첫번째 윙어 초이스들로 둘것이야.
그는 나니와 같은 스킬 (재주) 가 없지만 그는 똑똑함과, 스테미너 그리고 좋은 포지션(자리)에 포진되어있어.
AC 밀란 선수들과 퍼기경 그리고 루니한테 물어봐봐, 그들은 그를 높이 평가하지.
posted Yesterday
So why leave him out of the 18 then.
그런데 왜 그런 그를 18명 선수중에서 빠트린거야?
posted Yesterday
I have no idea, maybe because he thought Chelsea were too physical?
He was our best player in the CL up until the final.
Fergy said it was one of the toughest decision he had to make in his career at Utd.
Every Man Utd fan I knew was shocked and gutted for Park at that time.
난 이해할수 없어, 아마도 그가 첼시가 몸싸움을 많이한다고 생각해서 그럴수도 있지 않을까?
그는 CL에서 (챔피언스 리그) 결승전 전까지는 최고의 선수였어.
퍼기가 그가 맨유에 있던중 가장 어려운 결정이라고 했지.
내가 아는 모든 맨유 팬들이 그때 그 소식을 듣고 박 때문에 되게 놀랐고 아무말도 할수 없었지.
posted Yesterday
I agree and any true United fans know the real value that Park brings to the team and I am pretty sure most O.T regulars will agree with me on this. Park gives us so much energy and he was one of our best performers on Wednesday and that after hardly playing recently, also his defensive work often goes unoticed and overall he works so hard for the team.
My first choice wide players would be Ronaldo and Park as they are both comfortable on either wing and can interchange regularly or even 'tuck in' if needed.
나도 동감해 그리고 어느 진정한 맨유 팬이라도 박이 팀에게 가져오는 진정한 가치를 알수 있을꺼야
또한 OT (맨유의 경기장인 올드 트램포드)를 꾸준히 오는 사람이라면 이 부분에서는 전부다 공감할꺼라고 믿어 의심치 않아.
팍은 우리에게 엄청난 에너지를 주고 그는 수요일날 가장 잘 뛴 선수중에 한명이였어,
최근에 많이 뛰지 못했음에도 불구하고, 또한 그의 수비력은 눈에 띄지 않지
그리고 전체적으로 그는 팀을 위해 정말 열심히 뛰어.
나의 첫번째 와이드 (양쪽 옆; 사이드 혹은 윙어쪽) 선수를 뽑으라면 로날도와 박일꺼야 왜냐면
그들은 어떠한 윙 (오른쪽이든 왼쪽이든) 잘 뛰어줄수 있어 교체가 가능하고
" tuck in" (흠..이건 어떠한 뜻인지 잘 이해가 안되는군요 ) 도 필요하면 가능하지.
- 언제든 교체투입이 가능하다? 그런 뜻인거 같은데..
이게 100% 맞다고는 할수 없서요^^;; 죄송
posted Yesterday
Scuse my asking but why are you on these boards with a username like that mate?
-이건 필요없어서 해석 안하구요.
posted Yesterday
i like park not just because he is a tryer has moments when he looks realy good but his finishing and shooting is not the best and if anyone cant see that they know sh i te about football
나는 박을 좋아해 왜냐면 그는 열심히 뛰니까
그가 잘뛸때도 있지만 그의 결정력과 슈팅 능력은 최고라고 뽑을순 없지 그리고
어떤 사람이던 그걸 볼수없다면 그들은 축구에 관해서 아무것도 모르는거지
posted Yesterday
united have never lost when park has played have they?
He is a solid but unspectacular player. Tries his ars off. Very committed young man. Reasonable pace excellent stamina and wins back balls quite well.
A useful workhorse.
박지성이 뛰어줄때마다 맨유는 진적이 없지, 안그래?
그는 흔들림 없는 허나 스페타클한 선수는 아니야.
최선을 다하지.
자기일을 충실이 잘하는 어린 남자야.
다들 인정할수 있을만한 페이스야 아주 좋은 스테미나 그리고 공을 꽤나 잘 뺐지.
아주 쓸모있는 말같은 선수야.
posted Yesterday
comment by waynerooooooooooney (U13299588)
posted 16 Minutes Ago
any Man Utd fan who can't see what Park brings to the team isnt a Man Utd fan.
(어떤 맨유 팬이든 그가 팀에게 어떠한 영향을 가져다 주는지 볼수 없다면 그는 맨유 팬이 아닐거야.)
<- 라는 말에
why go that way? so if someone says hes no good you attack?
park is an awesome player, somoeone who whenever called upon fits into wherever he is called. he is versatile, can play from both flanks and through the middle (like in psv) hardworking and has a knack of popping into scoring positions. now if he got more games he could be a better player. i guess he is one of those players who if they left united could start for a multitude of good teams. hope he retires with us
왜 그런식으로 말해야돼? 만약 어떤 사람이 그가 별로라고 하면 그 사람한테 뭐라고 할꺼야?
박은 휼륭한 선수야, 언제든지 어디에 뛰라고 하면 뛰어주는 선수이지.
그는 활용도가 높고, 양쪽에 뛸수있고 PSV때와 같이 중앙에서도 뛸수 있으며
열심히 하고 골을 넣을수 있는 곳에서 뛰쳐나와 거기에 포진되어 있지.
만약 그가 더 많은 경기를 뛰면 그는 더 좋은 선수가 될수 있을꺼야.
내 추측으로는 그는 만약 맨유를 떠나 다른 팀으로 간다면
아주 많은 좋은 팀에서 선발로 뛸수 있는 선수중에 한명일꺼야.
그가 우리팀에서 은퇴하기를 바래.
posted Yesterday
Park is one who gives 100% everytime. He has pace and gets into the "problem" areas all the time. Hes direct and as seen against Villareal he gets into the box.
At PSV he was a good finisher but at United he seems to have lost confidence. This is mainly due to his injuries im assuming but i hope that he remains injury free as he does change the game and give a new dimension to Uniteds play.
박은 언제나 100%를 보여주지.
그는 페이스가 있고 항상 "문제있는" 공간에 있어.
그는 정확하고 비야레알전때와 같이 그는 박스에 (골 area) 들어가곤 하지.
PSV에 있을때는 그는 결정력있는 선수였지만 맨유에서는 자신감을 잃은거 같에.
내가 짐작하는 결정적인 이유는 그의 부상때문인거 같아
난 그가 이젠 부상을 당하지 않았으면하는 바램이 있어
그는 경기의 흐름을 바꾸고 유나이티드에게 새로운 차원의 경기를 보여주지.
posted Yesterday
he tries hard but to be honest if you look at him he falls over...
그는 열심히 하지만 솔직히 말해서 그가 넘어질때면...
posted Yesterday
Thanks for your replies everyone. All interesting points, especially the ones about his workrate, injury problems and the commercial reasons for his signing. I hadn't realised he wasn't in the CL final 18. Being a Chels fan I was too busy noticing that SWP wasn't in our 18!
너희들의 대답들 고마워. 아주 흥미로운 점들이 많았어 특히 그가 얼마나 열심히 하는지와 부상 문제점들 그리고
흔히 말하는 그를 계약한 이유도. 난 그가 CL 결승전 18에 못들어간지 몰랐어.
첼시 팬으로써 난 SWP가 우리의 18에 못들어간것만 생각하고 있었지!
posted 23 Hours Ago
I agree with the positive comments on Park's work rate and I think he is fantastic down the flanks and cutting inside with his pace. One thing I want to see more of though is Park's free kick taking; apparently he had a good record at PSV and i'm sure he would shine if given the chance. However Ronaldo was brilliant from set pieces last season, and with proven specialists like Hardgreves, Giggs and Rooney lining up behind him not to mention the talents of Anderson and Nani, we may have to wait a long time to see another Park thunderbolt.
박에 관한 그의 긍정적인 활동력에 관한 코멘트들에게 동감해
그는 양쪽에서 뛸때와 그의 페이스로 중간에 날까롭게 들어올때는 환상적이지.
한가지 그에게 더 보고 싶은 점이 있다면 그가 프리킥을 차는거야;
그가 PSV에 있을때는 좋은 레코드를 가지고 있었데, 만약 그에게 기회를 준다면 그는 빛이 날꺼야.
물론 저번 시즌 로날도가 아주 좋은 셋 피스들을 선보였고 하그리는 증명된 스페셜리스트이고
긱스와 루니도 그와 비슷한 레벨에 있으며 엔덜슨과 나니의 탈런트도 무시할수 없지,
우리가 박의 불꽃튀는 모습을 볼려면 오랫동안 기다려야 될꺼야.
posted 5 Hours Ago
totally agree, park is a great player to have in the squad, final ball and finishing let him down sometimes, but i think you would struggle to find a fitter player in the premier league
완전히 동감해, 그는 아주 훌륭한 팀 선수야, 가끔가다 골 결정력이 그를 무너지게 하지만 내 생각엔
그만큼 팀에 맞는 (혹은 활동력있는) 선수를 프리미어에서 찾기란 어려울꺼야.
(fitter라는게 팀에 맞는~ 이라는 해석일수도 있고
몸이 좋다는 말일수도 있습니다.)
posted 2 Hours Ago
How do u like Park now blue cheese, GOOOOOOOAAAAL!!!!!!!
지금은 박에 대해 어떠한 생각을 하니 이 파랑 치즈야, 고오오오오오오올!!!!!!!!
posted 53 Minutes Ago
Where was berbatov? J S Park saved our ars
The real questions are why is fletcher, and O'Shea in the squad. J S Park is quality for the money we paid.'
베르바는 어디에 있는거야? 박지성이 우리를 살렸다고
더 깊이 파고들어야 하는 질문은 왜 플레쳐와 오셔가 스쿼드에 있냐는거지
박지성은 우리가 준 돈에 비해 아주 훌륭한 선수야.
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--------------- 펑키구리구리
Cristiano Ronaldo
Now I like a lot of United fans think he is one hell of a player, however can someone please explain to me why Sir Alex brought him on for Park when it was because of Park & Hargreaves that we had managed to contain Chelsea. Not only that but Park was the man who put us into the lead. With 30 minutes or so to go why oh why would you take off a player who has been fantastic all game & more to the point is able to track back & defend & replace him with a player who probably cant even spell defend!
그래, 나도 많은 유나이티드 팬들처럼 그가 아주좋은 선수라고 생각해
하지만 아무나 나한테 왜 퍼기경이 그를 박 하고 교체되어서 나오게 했는지 말해줄수 있니?
왜냐면 박하고 하그리 덕에 우리는 첼시를 막을수 있었던거니까.
뿐만 아니라 박이 우리가 먼져 리드할수 있게 만든 사람이라고.
근데 왜, 왜 30분 남았을때 게임 내내 너무 잘뛰어준 선수 & 그리고 다시 뒤돌아 와서 수비해주는 & 선수수비능력이 좋은
선수를 수비에 수 짜도 모르는 선수하고 바꾼거냐구!
Yes that a little harsh, I know he probably can spell defend but surly im making sense? If Sir Alex is so desperate to bring on Ronaldo then take Dimi off, I mean the guy did nothing all afternoon.
맞아, 저건 약간 심하게 말했허, 그는 분명히 수비라는 단어를 알겠지만 내가 한 말이 안되진 않잖아?
만약 퍼기경이 로날도를 필드에 데리고 오고싶었다면 왜 디미하고 교체하지, 그는 경기내내 아무것도 안했다구!
Now my second annoyance of the game was Rooney, I really don? get why so many people are saying he should be dropped & sold as he is a great player. However today he was very very poor to say the least. Yes he had a hand in the goal but the number of times he gave the ball away was horrible.
Basically I apologise for the rant as it is not really my style but we were in a situation where the game was ours & in my opinion Sir Alex really messed up with his tactical changes. With two subs left & 30 odd minutes to go if he was going to make changes I think it should have been Tevez for Dimi & O?hea for Scholes
-이하 생략
posted 1 Hour Ago
I don't like Sir Alex's team selections. If players are not in good form and do not try hard, drop them. Our midfield is very weak -생략
posted 1 Hour Ago
as a neutral watching the game i have to say i was more surprised when you took off park- so instrumental in stopping chelsea getting any joy at his side- for ronaldo who is a great player going forward but never gonna track back as much. I could understand if man utd were trailing but for goodness sake you were winning. Besides if you realy had to bring on ronaldo why not take off berbatov? Mayb he had an off day but was truly shocking imo. Not only had your team to work so much harder because of his work rate or rather lack of it but everything he done was poor, poor first touches, 2many easy passes misplaced and generally non existent for most part. Having said all those things i still think a draw at the bridge is a good result and man utd will be the team to beat for the title
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제 3자 입장으로 경기를 본 나로써는 박이 나갔을 때 정말 놀랐다구
- 훌륭히 박은 첼시를 자기 사이드에서 막아줬고 -
로날도는 아주 훌륭한 포워드 선수지만 절대 뒤에 돌아가 수비를 할때가 거의 없지.
만약 맨유가 지고 있었다면 이해가 되지만 맨유는 이기고 있었다구!
만약 정말로 로날도가 뛰어줬길 바랬다면 왜 베르바를 나오게 하지 않았지?
오늘은 그의 날이 아니였을 수 있었지만 정말 쇼킹했어, 하하.
Surly now Park has to be in the first team along with fltech, hes much better than Nani and Giggs and was so much better for the team than Ronaldo.
fletch also has to be first team, the guy is sheer class and loves the club which is a lot more than can be said about a certain number 7 who just ran to the front of the pitch as soon as he came on.
당연히 이제는 박이 플레쳐와 함께 선발진 대열에 올라가야 되지 않아?
그는 나니와 긱스보다 낫고 로날도보다는 팀에게 더 도움이 된다고.
플레쳐도 선발진에 들어가야 된다고, 그는 클래스고 이 클럽을 사랑하고 있어
어떤 7번을 단 선수보단 (중략) 낫지
my team
나의 팀은 -
Brown -- Rio -- Vida -- Evra
Ronaldo -- OH -- Fletch/Andy -- Park
Tevez --- Berba
that should be good enough for Bolton also we need to look at including Nani and Anderson in big games more often especially Anderson.
내가 생각하기에는 볼튼은 저정도의 팀으로면 충분할꺼 같에
또한 나니와 안델슨을 더 큰 게임에 포함되어 있어야 한다고 생각해,특히나 안데르손
posted 49 Minutes Ago
agree with that team, if only foster wasnt injured sigh, i dont trust van der sar or kuschak after today, we NEED foster.
It should be either anderson or fletcher joining hargreaves in the middle, or if hargo is injured then fletcher and anderson. totaly loving fletchers performances at the moment.
despite that i prefer hargo and anderson, we were dominating with them two in the middle last season until scholes returned.
- 생략
posted 49 Minutes Ago
I've always liked Park and felt he has not been used enough - accepting he's also had injuries. He's not as flash as some but is consistent and applies himself for the team.
Fletcher has had his critics over the years but last season he showed his value and has developed into a dependable battler who has also started to pop in a few goals. Fergies faith in him has been justified and I hope he gets to prove himself even more this year. Scholesey and Giggs have lost that little bit of pace that is now starting to show.
Nice to see another youngster coming thru in Jonny Evans.
나도 항상 박을 좋아했었지, 그를 많이 사용하지 못했던거 같에 - 물론 그의 부상은 인정하는 바야.
그는 다른 선수들처럼 화려하진 않지만 꾸준하고 팀을 위해 열심히 뛰지.
posted 32 Minutes Ago
while kuszczak is proberly the better keeper on form right now, his indecision to come for the cross in the lead up to the goal just makes me wish foster didnt have that injury!
VDS this season (and even last few games of last) has been poor, kusz made some good saves today but he always seems to be planted on his line which he really has to work on...
i agree with park and fletcher, both work hard for the team and get into dangerous positions. my only concern with them is in the final third they do sometimes look a little lost but cant fault their effort today.
나도 박과 플레쳐에 대해서 동감해, 둘다 팀을 위해 열심히 뛰어주고 위험한 모습을 보여줄때도 있어.
허나 내가 걱정하는건 가끔가다 그들은 자기가 무얼하는지 모르는거 같아 보일때도 있지만 오늘 보여준 모습은 훌륭했어.
posted 13 Minutes Ago
Fletcher had a decent game but Park apart from that goal did not do anything much. He just runs and runs. He cannot tackle, final pass is terrible and gets shoved off the ball to easily.
플레쳐는 괜찮은 경기를 선보였지만 박은 골 넣은거 빼고는 별로 한게 없었어.
그냥 뛰고 또 뛰었지. 그는 태클을 할수 없었고 패스는 최악이였으며 (gets shoved off= 무슨뜻인지 잘 모르겠어요)
볼을 쳐박을때가 많았어 (shove off가 쳐박은다라는 표현이긴 한데..a 격한가..)
The main problem was that Anderson was not a sub and of course with VDS coming off that limited more changes. I cannot understand why O' Shea came on in midfield. I think if Chelsea was leading, Tevez would have come on but SAF tried to hold on and this is the penalty we paid. Rooney had a poor game.
posted 1 Hour Ago
park should of stayed on , should of been ronnie for berba
박은 계속 뛰어줬었어야만 했고, 베르바 대신 로날도가 들어갔었어야 됐어.
posted 1 Hour Ago
Park played his best today and i was shocked to see tevez left on the bench im suprised united dint get a penalty for chelses hand balls both were vry similer to the one they got last season against us
오늘 박은 최선을 다해 뛰어줬었고 테베즈가 벤치에 있는 모습을 보고 놀랐지 - 생략
posted 1 Hour Ago
yeah park did play awesome. there was a stat the other day that whenever park has started man.utd have NEVER lost! hes one of the most underated players in the premier league. great player and deserved his goal today.
그래! 박은 아주 좋은 플레이를 보여줬어. 오늘 스텟을 봤는데 박이 맨유에서 뛰어줄때 맨유는 진적이 "한번도" 없어!
그는 프리미어 리그에서 가장 실력에 비해 낮게 평가하는 선수지! 훌륭한 선수야, 그의 골은 넣을만 했어.
posted 1 Hour Ago
I think Park might have been worn out at that point, but I agree that Tevez should have been brought on for Berbatov.
내가 생각하기에는 박은 지쳤을꺼라고 생각해 - 생략
VDS - 3 chickened out of the game
Neville - 7, good performance but lucky not to be sent off
Rio - 7, great defending
Evans - 7, same as rio
Evra - 7, did well for the goal
Hargreaves - 5, no passing ability
Fletcher - 6, no passing ability but did his best, shows why we cant play him and hargreaves in the same midfield
Scholes - 2, dreadful
Park - 7, best player, scored our goal (경기에서 최고의 선수, 골을 넣어줬어)
Rooney - 5, a few nice passes but no goals and his role is to score goals, missed a sitter.
Berbatov - 2, rubbish performance, doesnt even chase the ball
Ronaldo - 6, did ok, got involved and had shots on goal.
kuzcach - 3, spilled a shot, and poor keeping for the goal
oshea - 5, did nothing of note.
Ferguson - 3, we score a goal and sit back, today we score a goal and sat back, lucky not to have lost with anelka missing the open goal.
(골을 넣고 가만히 앉아있었어, 오늘 골을 넣고 가만히 앉아있었어, 아넬칵 골을 못넣었다는 점에 행복해 해야되)
posted 1 Hour Ago
i think fergie got the second half tactics all wrong... we sat back too much, and seeing as our midfield was non existant, our defence were left to fend for themselves on too many occasions... berbatov was completely useless, he should have come off for ronaldo instead of work horse ji sung park..
후반전에 퍼기의 전략은 모두다 옳지 않았어..우린 가만히 앉아만 있었지, 우리의 미드필더들은 보이지도 않았어-중략-
베르바는 아무짝에도 쓸모 없어, 로날도와 교체됐어야 됐어 열심히 말같이 뛰어준 지성박 대신에 말야.
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posted 1 Hour Ago
Can't see how Neville gets a 7 when other players are getting 2s. He was an accident waiting to happen in the second half
VDS 5 (Brave when called upon, but erratic to the point where I actually don't think he's any better under the high ball than Kuszczak any more)
Neville 4 (comfortable enough in the first half, but Bambi on ice when exposed to pace. Needs to get his fitness back or retire)
Ferdinand 8 (fine defensive performance and even forced the save of the match from Cech)
Evans 7 (remarkably assured but maybe could have done more for the goal)
Evra 7 (superb going forward in first half, and defending was adequate)
Park 8 (tireless workrate and goal more than make up for giving the ball away too much)
- 쉴새없이 뛰어줬고 공을 많이 빼았겼지만 골로 인해서 괜찮았다.
Scholes 6 (contributed more than he's given credit for, but couldn't tackle a plate of chips)
Fletcher 8 (quietly excellent, needed a real holding midfielder alongside him though)
Hargreaves 8 (immense work rate, although was beginning to wane at the end)
Rooney 6 (tireless but erratic)
Berbatov 5 (good touches in the first half, a passenger in the second)
Kuszczak 6 (harshly criticised for the goal, other than that not as busy as Chelsea fans would have wanted)
Ronaldo 6 (made the right runs but no end product)
O'Shea 5 (did his job as inelegantly as usual)
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