배나무 첫 가지가 연애소설 읽는 밤
겨우내 머금은 패기를 밀어 올린다
부르르 몸 떠는 꽃가지 내 형용사도 까딱까딱
Springtime Fantasy
At night time we read love stories,
the first branches of the pear tree
are pushing up some mettle
that was cherished through the winter.
Fluttering, the blossom branches wave;
adjectives pop up in my mind.
뜨거운 술
무덤가에 앉은 새가 엉엉 우는데 말입니다
봉분에 핀 할미꽃 주름 펴며 웃지 않겠습니까
이 봄날 새와 꽃이 나눈, 술이 참 뜨겁습니다
Hot Alcoholic Drink
A bird sits down, crying out loud,
beside a grave, or burial mound.
A pasqueflower on the mound
has a big smile with no wrinkles.
One spring day, the bird and flowers
shared the drink that's strong and hot.
구체적 슬픔
나약한 그 남자의 속눈썹 처마 밑에는
칠월 장마 같은 슬픔이 살고 있었네
매미가 제 목소릴 묻은 건 천둥 키운 우기雨氣 때문
Definite Sorrow
The weak man had the eyelashes
that were like eaves on a house.
Under them, there was sorrow
that's like monsoon in July.
Cicadas had to stop chirping,
as the monsoon brought loud thunders.
ㅡ 시조집 [성구成九의 시절인연時節因緣] 2024. 작가
ㅡ Sijo Poems [Seong-gu's Relationships in his Precious Days] 2024
ㅡ 번역 ㆍ 우형숙