How To Remember the Book of Acts
사도행전 장별 암송
one son heaven
two do h.s. descend
three knee lame man heal
four door prison p&j
five die anania
six stick choose deacon
seven heaven stephen
eight gate chariot
nine shine Paul conversion
ten hen wrap
eleven leaven Gentile
twelve shelve I Herod Agrippa
thirteen Paul goes court(1st trip
fourteen “
fifteen meeting Jerusalem
sixteen Paul goes baking(2nd trip
seventeen -
eighteen -
nineteen not so funny(3rd trip
twenty -
twenty-one not much fun-prison
twenty-two two by two testimony
twenty-three not so free
twenty-four here there law
twenty-five eaten a lie
twenty-six realy stick griper
twenty-seven ship wreck to Rome
twenty-eight -
Acts: Holy Spirit working in the church
매 장의 첫 단어 첫 알파벳을 모으면 사도행전의 내용요약이 됩니다.
1. Heavenly ascension of Christ
2. Outpouring of Holy Spirit
3. Lame man is healed
4. Yield from public preaching
5. Sapphira and Ananias judged
6. Providing deacons ends injustice
7. Intensive defense by Stephen
8. Rising persecution scatters church
9. Introducing Saul to gospel
10. Taking gospel to Cornelius
11. Worship with Gentiles defended
12. Outbreak from the prison
13. Relaying gospel to Antioch
14. Kindness mixed with confusion
15. Investigation by Jerusalem Council
16. Need for Timothy's circumcision
17. Gospel presentation in Athens
18. Interview with Aquila, Priscilla
19. New believers in Ephesus
20. Touching farewell from Ephesians
21. Holy Spirit warns Paul
22. Effect of Paul's testimony
23. Council of the Sanhedrin
24. Hearing held by Felix
25. Urgent appeal to Caesar
26. Reasoning with King Agrippa
27. Caesarea to Malta Island
28. Heralding gospel in chains